1. Whether an autocracy, plutocracy, or whatever -cracy you choose, the USA is definitely not a democracy. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1  

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI5IaILWaXs&t=790s Dr. Martin confirms the covid was 1st developed/engineered in the USA. (I posted the patent # previously).  Did the CDC comply with the transfer...

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  5. Re Biden's proclamation to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by September. The proclamation is a clear violation of the agreement reached with the Taliban in Doha...


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  8. Japan intends this week to dump into the Pacific many millions of gallons of waste water from the Fukushima disaster. The water contains a...

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  10. The Plandemic worked so well, it's time for the cyber version Long read but worth it. Everything is marching according to plan. Goose stepping to...

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  13. Zeihan at Land Expo March 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kch4Z1GpNOQ  

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  15. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/29/politics/coronavirus-deborah-birx-donald-trump-joe-biden/index.html Excerpt: (CNN)The hundreds of thousands of citizens whose deaths from Covid-19 could have been avoided are owed national and political accountability, but the polarization of...

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  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ceo-moderna-moment-first-realized-130100215.html Politics aside, this has been a fascinating read.  ******************** Bancel: Yes. So, I've been working in infectious disease all my career, and I've developed an eye for outbreaks....

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  20. Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked Saudi oil facillities using drones, causing fire. Although it was brought under control, the risk remains high for further...

  21. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-03-16/what-countries-will-fight-over-when-green-energy-dominates?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY "Global inequalities and rivalries will instead likely center on access to technology and finance, standard setting and control of key raw materials." 'Green' energy is...

  22. https://www.theepochtimes.com/we-have-more-leverage-in-the-free-world-than-we-think-against-chinese-regime-duncan-smith_3720749.html UK   We must eliminate any important dependencies on Chinese dominated industries, whether through American sources or dependable allies and neutral countries. RCW ‘We Have More Leverage in...

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  25. There have been a number of "odd" events occuring in India in recent times (blackout, border skirmishes with Chinese troops, a glacier chunk "breaking...

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  27. Water, food, power, natural gas, gasoline, semiconductor chips, credibility. Did I miss anything?

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