1. Excellent overview. Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history ANALYSIS / OPINION: The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped.  And in time, this...

  2. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/what-covid-revealed-about-internet/610549/ The USA is 1984. Your govt, media, corporation control you totally. By focussing your attentions upon the enemy-du-jour, you are diverted from the enemy within. By...

  3. I do not think China would do this, but I cannot imagine the better swift, tactical move. The maximum cost of this magnanimous decision would be...

  4. McMaster is showing how the CCP has been viewing the world and its clear knowledge that the Chinese economy will turn sour and old...

  5. Joe Biden is allegedly confined to his Delaware House arrest. The only times Biden is in the media he is defending against sex offence accusations or...

  6. Cognitive Dissonance (CD): “Fact”: China “Wuhan Virus” Victims Statistic NOT Credible according to CD (reported about 83000 cases with about 4700 dead by worldmeter, updated...

  7. Biden has taken some campaign money from certain oil industry groups.   

  8. This is an excerpt from his report for Czech government from 21th April: "... specifically, we don't know: how large virus load is out there the precise...

  9. Why doesn't the USA just pull all of its troops out of the middle east?

  10. Vaccine testing.  

  11. Seems the China Flu panic dovetails nicely with the ongoing plan of the EU to issue vaccination card / passports to EU citizens. Totally not scary...

  12. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/04/28/troops-to-receive-purple-hearts-for-injuries-during-iranian-missile-barrage-on-al-asad-airbase-in-iraq/ Days after the retaliation, Trump stood at his podium to state no troops had been injured. Now, we see troops were injured, and much...

  13.   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/03/opinion/joe-biden-tara-reade.html

  14. There has been a fair amount of discussion on the forums about this.  And also about government's and trader's motives.  What do you all...

  15. Trump has been overly generous in his treatment of Saudi Arabia.  Everything from being dismissive of the Kashoggi murder to the present Saudi  attempt...

  16. LDS - Lockdown Derangement Syndrome An irrational insistence to lock down the world in order to kill 90% of economies and totally destroy independent countries,...

  17. **  Covid-19 is not the only large scale disease the Chinese government has had to deal with in recent times.  Excerpts from a November 5,...

  18. New York City hospitals have started a double blinded clinical trial using over-the-counter antacid Pepcid for therapy to treat Coronavirus Active Ingredient is Famotidine.  It...

  19. An interesting read: https://coronavirustruths.godaddysites.com/

  20. This video is going viral for a reason. 1.5 million views in the last 10 hours    

  21. Recently I noticed that while writing at this forum I often digress to critisize Donald Trump. It is often not justified by the subject of the...

  22. The Obama / Biden 2009 $800 Billion "Shovel Ready" Construction Fund was a disaster.  The states like New York, Illinois and California took their...

  23. All for what ? Saudi Arabia ?  The Saudis are trying to destroy U.S. independent oil industry and Trump sends more U.S. military  equipment,...

  24. Consider the example:   I am the owner of the Dutch company that manufactures and sells globally product X. My clients are both end consumers and...

  25. https://www.aier.org/article/how-fanatics-hack-our-minds-and-why-we-let-them/ Wanting to be accepted by your peer group? Too lazy to think for yourself? No adequate information base or the ability to gather the information and...

  26. Okay, here’s a theory.... The rest of the world will be watching events closely in the US in the near future. The States which are ‘going...

  27. https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/494034-the-data-are-in-stop-the-panic-and-end-the-total-isolation The numbers back it up. He is also correct about the best strategy for long-term protection of the elderly. Pass this around!

  28. Look it up, it's all over the news, I won't even bother with links this time (T-cult does not deal with facts anyway).  Yes, it...