1. I have a question for many of the non-American, non-Chinese members on this forum: Why do you focus so much attention on President Trump and American...

  2. Governor Cuomo NY results are beyond belief.  Beyond even the most optimistic results.  Even Michigan State Rep (Democrat) whom was extremely ill from Covid19 credits...

  3. Seems some people are happy that Covid-19 is culling people and crashing global economies, because "Climate Change" is being reduced, although only fleetingly.  Apparently more people (in industrialized...

  4. Effect of too long quarantine: Conspiracy Theory about origins of COVID-19 1. Strategic goal of China: Become hegemonic country. To do it, China needs to become...

  5. Astonishing.  Coming soon to a totalitarian state near you.  It's all about the State, and obedient citizens can go jump in a lake.*     *Only once Social...

  6. This article neatly summarizes a number of the points that I have recently mentioned or alluded to. By Tom Luongo of Gold Goats 'N Guns Beginning...

  7. U.S. Authorities in 2018 memos cited the lack of safety measures at the lab and warned it could lead to a major pandemic.  How...

  8. We obviously want to prevent as many deaths as possible. That's a given.  This virus is extremely contagious. We know the virus has survived up...

  9. First link here. In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task...

  10. I'm told a former assistant accused Biden of rape. I think a large number of Dems would want this to be true.  Many Dems want...

  11. In this time of national trauma and self-doubt, and noting the comments of @Ward Smith  in another thread of mine on fuel demand destruction,...

  12. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-president-coronavirus-plague-982150/ How Donald Trump failed at the single most important task of the Oval Office: keeping the American people safe from harm A very informative article...

  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8211291/U-S-government-gave-3-7million-grant-Wuhan-lab-experimented-coronavirus-source-bats.html   REVEALED: U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves...


  15. 2010 document.  Seems relevant to the current Covid-19 Panicdemic. 5 MB PDF link is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20100701154450/http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/uploads/files/bba493f7-cc97-4da3-add6-3deb007cc719.pdf A 1 MB compressed version of the PDF is also attached at the...

  16. When Trump started to right the wrongs U.S. suffered from China New York Senator Schumer was very supportive.  He even wanted Trump to be...

  17. too bad https://uk.mobile.reuters.com/video/watch/china-opposes-us-action-against-china-te-id711706964?chan=8gy4f0zc FCC will vote this week  Joe Biden sides with China.  Joe says Trump is xenophobic and China is a friend of the U.S.    https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/10/trump-administration-asks-fcc-to-ban-china-telecom-in-us.html     

  18. Perhaps Trump and Fox is correct after all, and just let herd Immunity take is course.  It would be interesting to see what happens...

  19. Sounds like a two year duration.      

  20. The WHO is in China’s pocket. Their words are China’s words. Perhaps the USA can give the WHO a 2 trillion dollar invoice for...

  21. The European nations have signed on to a program wherein they "decarbonize," so the Bulgarians are planning yet another huge nuke plant, to come...

  22. https://www.dw.com/en/covid-19-recovered-patients-have-partially-reduced-lung-function/a-52859671 "In some patients, lung function could decline by about 20 to 30% after recovery," says Dr. Owen Tsang Tak-yin, medical director of the Infectious Diseases Centre at...

  23. https://theconversation.com/a-small-trial-finds-that-hydroxychloroquine-is-not-effective-for-treating-coronavirus-135484 "...There are already other clinical studies that showed it is not effective against COVID-19 as well as several other viruses. And, more importantly, it can have dangerous side effects, as...

  24. Must watch video from kirkman post. Side Note: U.S. FCC to vote on banning China Telecom from U.S. next week. just the start 再见,  "zài jiàn."   

  25. It appears that Huang Yanling is patient zero. Public information on the Chinese internet, published by researchers, scientists and doctors. Researchers splashed by bat urine and blood....

  26. Two senators from U.S. oil states will hold talks with Saudi officials this Saturday to discuss the oil price situation, Reuters reports, citing unnamed sources. The...

  27. Several Chinese companies are trying to do damage control.   Alibaba has sent plane loads of PPE to the U.S. Apple mfg partner Foxconn said they will...

  28. It really is essential that critical thinking be used to counter the mindless media panic being forcibly foisted daily onto pretty much the entire world. We...