1. Our fears of a new Chinese famine appear to be closer than we thought.  The latest sustained and overwhelming flooding, coupled with a trade...

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3s5EPEMBmk CNN's Fareed Zakaria explains why some of America's closest allies are looking to undermine the country's economic strength.

  3. In a world without constant manipulation and disinformation most economic and geopolitical events would happen spontaneously and randomly. Things would be more unexpected, but at...

  4. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, that used to enjoy relative stability with a fragile democracy, started grabbing headlines again for all the wrong reasons. After...

  5. https://www.statnews.com/2020/06/30/u-s-could-see-100000-new-covid-19-cases-per-day-fauci-says/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-holds-press-briefing-on-heels-of-jobs-report Trump: "Our economy is roaring back!". Probably the way a mortally wounded tiger roars in frustration.  Still so dumb to follow Trump?

  6. Well, it looks like the FBI might actually be doing their jobs, at least sometimes.  It's quite simple to set the FBI straight: Civilian...

  7. FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that Russia continues to use fake news, propaganda and covert operations to “spin up” Americans on both sides...

  8. Remember? 12 days ago I wrote about, what happend today: the worst case. - Meanwhile, I have sold all papers containing oil. So, start...

  9. https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-nyt-coronavirus-hydroxychloroquine-trump-nih-20200620-2jd6ehftkrhgnjbbddxlkwdwmu-story.html#rt=chartbeat-flt Another Trump's irresponsible charade flops, but I am sure his friends over at Bauer have already made a pretty penny. 

  10. It's still the 99% pretty much dependent for their livelihood on the 1%. So, call it however you like but I think we're still...

  11. "Historic" summit in Singapore on June 12. will mark the first time that a North Korean leader has met with a sitting U.S. president;...

  12. Lately I was approached with this opinion: US is a Republic, it is not a Democracy And the article was linked: The United States is not a...

  13. A sobering look at what China is up to globally. Good win to get the Singapore candidate appointed instead of China. Fighting China’s ploys to...

  14. Soo, the "Davos of the Desert" began today and I've been hanging around in Twitter only to read that while it started with a...

  15. To get a micro-glimpse of just how staggeringly bad things have gotten in Venezuela, I invite readers here to view a film documentary spliced...

  16. The USATODAY article in the Farmington Daily Times is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/05/27/if-free-traders-saddle-up-higher-oil-prices-and-opec-run-cover/615999002/ Among some speakers at the 2018 Four Corners Oil and Gas Conference last month in Farmington...

  17. The article is here by Dr. Daniel Fine-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/business/2018/04/29/fine-oil-speculation-and-natural-gas-lng-new-england-and-russia/525510002/ American oil production is poised to reach upward to 11 million barrels of oil per day if...

  18. The US is about to reimpose tarrif on steel that comes from the UAE, according to the Washington Post. This comes hot on the...

  19. https://www.theepochtimes.com/as-flooding-reaches-new-record-in-china-officials-warn-that-worse-is-yet-to-come_3469653.html How much have you heard about China in our media?   Chinese Officials Warn That Worst Yet to Come as Flooding Reaches New Record BY EVA FU   August 20,...

  20. The judge in the Flynn Traitor to God and Country trial petitioned the full 11 judge DC circuit to rehear the previous decision made...

  21. "Britain will see "food rotting at ports," unable to be transported to shops and the consumers who need it if the UK fails to...

  22. Iran is threatening retaliation for an apparent Israeli air strike in Syria, and Trump's got his finger on the button (at least the Twitter...

  23. A company run by former Israeli spies reportedly tried to influence a local US election — and courted Trump's campaign For the life of me...

  24. https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/31472-un-ipcc-scientist-blows-whistle-on-un-climate-lies   Interesting read,  and good video in which he explains his points.

  25. Europe should scale up military spending in order to act as a counterpoint to an unpredictable and unreliable United States, the German foreign minister...

  26. Crazy scenes in France at the moment, unsurprisingly there is very little media attention   https://www.rt.com/news/491828-dijon-france-chechen-french-gangs/  

  27. At least one person was killed when a man took hostages. Another person was hurt but their condition was not known, Mayor Eric Menassi...

  28. France vows to lead Europe in defying US on Iran sanctions Cute. You had to wait for Iran to suggest a more international use of...

  29. Since the rhetoric here at Oil Price has reached hysterical levels of racism, hatred, nationalism, and including threats of vigilantism, may we please collectively take...

  30. Recently there have been several responses to a certain thread by some who appear to have a misunderstanding concerning the Freedom of Speech, and...