1. COME ON MAN" A Biden Presidency would be compromised from the start.  Joe, the working class Irish Catholic boy from Scranton PA. sold his soul to the...

  2. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over the years the Rosemont Capital has signed up lucrative...

  3. The US-Taliban peace deal in Afghanistan is a hopeful opportunity to end the US occupation of Afghanistan after 19 years. Persistent concerns, however, are...

  4. https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3048762/chinas-dreams-world-leadership-are-fading-its-belt-and-road China’s dreams of world leadership are fading as its belt and road projects start to sour The Belt and Road Initiative, hailed for promoting development,...

  5.   For anyone interested or following the situation in Venezuela, here's whats been unfolding in the last recent days: 1.) Allegedly the opposition and members...

  6. As the Corona Virus continues to impinge on world trade, in a variety of ways, I would like to ask for opinions regarding the...

  7. The US has approximately 500 heavily-armed troops in the Idlib region of Syria. Additionally, the remnants of AlQaida and the ISIS are in the...

  8. Some amusement on a snowy winter day.  Got around 6 inches of snow last night.  The residual effects of Canada's Carbon (Dioxide) Tax must...

  9. Lately I was approached with this opinion: US is a Republic, it is not a Democracy And the article was linked: The United States is not a...

  10. The special relationship has ended in tears for Britain and other allies have no reason to trust America (from guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/22/the-west-is-not-winning-and-donald-trump-america-first-is-to-blame) I think this article...

  11. Are we moving from smart to vulnerable? Just now: YES. Since january 23th, 2020, the lockdown city scenario is a hardly known, but now realistic...

  12. For want of an aardvark.... (The butterfly of doom effect). https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButterflyOfDoom https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForWantOfANail

  13. As the newspaper headline stated , "Bloomberg spends $500 Million to get his ass kicked" He's done. Democrats now know none of the candidates on that...

  14. Additional purchases of 200 billion of US merchandice and services by China, amended the relations, but they are still tense. We would see how the...

  15. Trump plans to press our Allies that host US bases to pay for the cost of running the bases plus 50%. It’s called cost...

  16. The hysteria surrounding the CoV-19 virus is mounting, certainly in this forum. But what are the facts versus myths? For WHO updates: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports/ summary from Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misinformation_related_to_the_2019–20_Wuhan_coronavirus_outbreak typical article...

  17. https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/01/28/617338/Trump-talks-of-his-‘most-important’-pro-Israel-move-quitting-Iran-nuclear-deal Factors:  1/ USA embassy relocated to Jerusalem.  2/ Golan Heights recognised as Israel; essentially giving territory over which the USA has no sovereignty.  3/...

  18. EU leadership in a panic now that the UK has exited and EU cannot continue taxing the UK to subsidize the EU Socialist compulsions. EU budget is now €75...

  19. Of course they did.... Crude inventory build means SA needs a crisis to keep prices up.  Like clockwork in 2019... so too in 2020 it seems.  I...

  20. The Chinese dealings of the Bidens and Bloomberg should disqualify them as Presidential candidates. The NBA while disappointing could be tolerated as their dealings do...

  21. You're either an "insider"  or an "outsider".  The DC bureaucracies have built up over last 30 years.  They (Justice, State, FBI, Intelligence) have all been working together forever.  They...

  22. https://goodyfeed.com/novel-predict-covid-19/

  23. Interesting question: let's say a Dem wins the presidency and starts firing Republicans because they oppose his agenda.  His rationale? "Because it's in the...

  24. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/02/16/pinkerton-the-new-class-war-exposes-the-oligarchs-and-their-enablers/  How the middle class , worldwide, can fight for survival. Do you see yourself or your children in this fight?

  25. " .  .  .  Biden (Joe) raised eyebrows when he shrugged off concerns over the China threat. “Come on, man,” Biden said. “I mean, you know, they’re...

  26. Avenatti found guilty of extorting Nike. Damn , such a promising candidate. He was the early runaway favorite in 2018. We could have won back the...

  27. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/smoking-gun-chinese-scientist-finds-killer-coronavirus-probably-originated-laboratory-wuhan The paper was supported by China's National Natural Science Foundation, which means that the paper would likely never see the light of day if...

  28. Following Trump's positive speech extolling America and what has been achieved, will Pelosi's act of ripping up the speech send a negative message to...