1. There appears to be a curious symmetry connecting both the blocking of Brexit, and the continued attempts to bring down a free and fair...

  2. The German government is warning that a number of indicators suggest Europe could be on the brink of witnessing a new refugee crisis explode...

  3. “You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution....

  4. DT Note - It has always amazed me how Orwell was not very far off with many aspects of his classic 1984, one of...

  5. The Federal Reserve just lowered interest rates for the second time this year and announced more quantitative easing by injecting even more US dollars into the market. The...

  6. A CIA employee who lodged a whistleblower complaint over President Trump's request that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has a "professional relationship with...

  7. WASHINGTON (WSJ) -  House committees will subpoena Gordon Sondland after the State Department directed the U.S. ambassador to the European Union to skip a...

  8. I don't think there's any dead bodies or anything gruesome but just be aware that war footage can be. I was (and am always interested)...

  9. Don't expect any good news next week when the IMF holds its annual meeting and releases its latest World Economic Outlook report due on...

  10. A new peer reviewed study by Danish academics has found that ethnic diversity has a negative impact on communities because it erodes trust.  It turns...

  11. For a while it appeared the EU was ready to negotiate with Johnson. Perhaps appearances were deceiving...   Last Friday, Eurointelligence commented:  We would agree that the risk...

  12. https://www.voanews.com/middle-east/bitterness-fear-syria-us-withdraws-troops It would be interesting to know the forums view on the USA leaving the Kurds to the will and the strength of the Russian...

  13. There have been signs of change coming since Trump rightly refused to go to war with Iran over their shooting down an unmanned U.S....

  14. I have the same questions for these climate protesters that I had for the crew that wanted to shut down Wall Street awhile back: Don’t you...

  15. Presumably bolstered by the fiery claims of Greta Thunberg and the general theme of Climate Week, people on Twitter have been declaring that capitalism threatens...

  16. DT Note - then they get in their cars, live on their phones and laptops.....  LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of climate-change protesters took to the...

  17. NEW YORK (Reuters)  -  A federal judge on Monday said eight years of U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax returns must be provided to Manhattan...

  18. (Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com), A lot of readers (some of them former readers now) have been angrily twanging me by email for writing about...

  19. Trump On Syria Pullout: "Enough Of Endless War", If ISIS Returns "We Can Go Back & BLAST!''   Update 3:    A US State Department official told...

  20. Wow, news of Trump withdrawal from Syria is good news for peace, but it sounds more like a desperate call that a coup is underway...

  21. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/06/china-is-reportedly-reluctant-to-agree-to-a-broad-us-trade-deal-with-talks-set-to-restart.html They didn't quite phrase it like that, so it didn't hit me until now.  But knowing Trump this ain't good for the markets.  Should...

  22. The Crimean issue was one of a kind in contemporary geopolitics. Not only another colour revolution planned, funded and coordinated by Washington but the...

  23. Just an article. Chill out everyone.    La la la la la .... ''have the courage to be open to change.'' VATICAN CITY (Reuters)  -  Pope...

  24. LOL        PayPal becomes first member to exit Facebook's Libra Association      https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-cryptocurrency-paypal/paypal-becomes-first-member-to-exit-facebooks-libra-association-idUKKBN1WJ2CY WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc said on Friday...

  25. Sometimes, if you open up a big enough gate and stand in the void, the gate will swing back and slap you on the...

  26. Wow this is getting seriously desparate... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez escalated her ongoing Twitter feud with President Trump on Saturday when she accused him of harboring anti-Semitic...

  27. Please find link below to very good report prepared by Task Force on American Innovation. It broadly covers issues of changing image of global R&D,...

  28. (Reuters) -  U.S. President Donald Trump has asked for a substantial cut in the National Security Council staff, Bloomberg reported late on Friday, citing...

  29. North Korea and the US began preliminary talks on Friday, with working-level negotiations on Saturday in Sweden.... which then ended just as abruptly as...

  30. https://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/glory-to-hong-kong/   Glory to Hong Kong: We of the Free World Must Stand with These Courageous Protesters   BY CLAUDIA ROSETT SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 CHAT 113 COMMENTS