US 4th of July; a time of reflection
This year, America reaches its 4th of July day in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic. The 4th is America's big day, the date...- Jan van Eck Replied
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"We are witnessing right now the Chinafication of Europe…the social credit score" state these Courageous European Union Parliment Members
These outspoken Members of the European Parliment are heroes in my book… Here is a 2 1/2 minute video snippet.We are witnessing right now the...- Tom Nolan Replied
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North Korea's Kim Sets Denuclearization Schedule Line For The First Time
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has given his first time line for denuclearization, aiming for the end of U.S. President Donald Trump’s first term,...- north korea
- south korea
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- ThunderBlade Replied
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Planning for a Panic-demic : Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
2010 document. Seems relevant to the current Covid-19 Panicdemic. 5 MB PDF link is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20100701154450/http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/uploads/files/bba493f7-cc97-4da3-add6-3deb007cc719.pdf A 1 MB compressed version of the PDF is also attached at the...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Syria conflict
The US has approximately 500 heavily-armed troops in the Idlib region of Syria. Additionally, the remnants of AlQaida and the ISIS are in the...- frankfurter Replied
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'Vaccine Nationalism': Is It Every Country For Itself?
It’s dog eat dog in the world of COVID-19 vaccines. That’s the fear of global health agencies planning a scheme to bulk-buy and equitably...- Adam Varga Replied
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Tehran, Almost All Dictators In One Place: Trilateral Summit Between Iran, Russia and Turkey
The presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey have begun a summit on Syria as a bloody offensive on Idlib province looms, despite warnings from...- 50 shades of black Replied
- 12 replies
Torture and violence in Saudi Mode : British MPs Say Highest Saudi Authorities May Be Responsible For Activists' Torture
Three British lawmakers on Monday endorsed reports that women activists detained in Saudi Arabia have been tortured, and said responsibility for what is likely...- saudi arabia
- uk
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- Pavel Replied
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EU Fights Dollar Dominance
The European Union has convened a wide-ranging industrial group to work on promoting the euro and fighting the monopoly of the U.S. dollar in...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Interior to replace Obama rule on methane emissions
The Interior Department is replacing an Obama-era regulation aimed at restricting harmful methane emissions from oil and gas production on federal lands. A rule being...- Stephen Replied
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Germany: Russia Can Save INF If It Stops Violating The Treaty
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Friday that Russia could save the missile accord known as the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) if...- Pavel Replied
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Climate Protesters Blocking Roads etc...
I have the same questions for these climate protesters that I had for the crew that wanted to shut down Wall Street awhile back: Don’t you...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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Trump Warns Iran Against Restarting Nuclear Program
U.S. President Donald Trump warned Iran on Tuesday not to follow through with threats to restart its nuclear program, as he and French President...- jpZelabal Replied
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Several US News Sites Block EU Readers After Missing GDPR Deadline
The websites of the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun and New York Daily News became unavailable to readers in most European countries...- rainman Replied
- 10 replies
february 26 I wrote: "Scenario oil <25$/b: think hard to get prepared"
Remember? 12 days ago I wrote about, what happend today: the worst case. - Meanwhile, I have sold all papers containing oil. So, start...- Wolfgang Horn Replied
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MBS trying to pretend it's all business as usual post purge
Now that he's 'freed' some business elite who cut 'settlement' deals for more money to fill royal coffers, MBS is trying to let the...- mbs
- saudi arabia
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- Kate Turlington Replied
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Is anything ever sold at break-even ? There is a 100% markup on lipstick but Kuwait can't break-even.
Kuwait an important oil producer with 90% of the economy dependent oil products has recently seen a downgraded rating to A+. According to recent 'big...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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The Number Increases: Swiss To Support Belt And Road Push During President's China Trip
Switzerland will sign an accord backing China’s Belt and Road Initiative when President Ueli Maurer visits China this month, cementing ties with a major...- Pavel Replied
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Zeihan World growth distribution looks like in 2030
Zeihan points to the ongoing transition in supply chains moving out of China, the boomer retirement date of 2022 where more boomers are retired...- peter zeihan
- economic shift
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- 0R0 Replied
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Official implicated in scandal named Park Service’s acting director
The new acting director of the National Park Service is a former parks official who was reprimanded 12 years ago for pressuring employees to...- national park service (nps)
- dan smith
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- Meanwhile Replied
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- BLA Replied
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Changing Iran's Tune
Look What I found Conservatives on an "NBC" affiliated Website. Think! https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-withdrawal-iran-nuclear-deal-has-been-vindicated-ncna1003091- tldpdb1 Replied
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Pompeo Confirms US-Taliban Deal Has Secret Elements
The US-Taliban peace deal in Afghanistan is a hopeful opportunity to end the US occupation of Afghanistan after 19 years. Persistent concerns, however, are...- frankfurter Replied
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GOP gets Snookered by DEMs again. NOW let's see if the Senate GOP has any balls
Do you have faith in your U.S. institutions ? Justice Department ? FBI ? Congress ? If Pelosi does not forward Impeachment to the Senate...- Jabbar Replied
- 19 replies
Analysis: What's next for oil and gas prices after Putin-Trump summit? by Dr. DANIEL FINE USA-TODAY ENERGY MAGAZINE (FARMINGTON DAILY TIMES)
THE FULL ARTICLE IS HERE--> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/07/20/oil-and-gas-prices-after-putin-trump-summit-analysis/808906002/ Quote "The opposition in Congress wants to see a transcript of what President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin...- bluewill Replied
- 0 replies
COVID restrictions and number of COVID deaths
Quote This is Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s assessment of global excess mortality from COVID-19 from the beginning until May 3, 2021. (h/t Ron Unz) You can...- Tomasz Replied
- 6 replies
Show Must Go On: How to verify NK Nuclear Weapons Are At Heart Of Trump-Kim Summit
The success of this week's second summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hinges largely on whether Kim proves...- u.s.
- north korea
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- rainman Replied
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Iranian Regime Refuses Cooperation For Peace In The Region!
Just three day after official visiting of French foreign minister to Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said how Tehran refused any dialog with...- damirUSBiH Replied
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How the Marxist Frankfurt School Changed America
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-12/birth-cultural-marxism-how-frankfurt-school-changed-america The gradual undermining of Western Culture has succeeded whereas outright attacks have failed. The need for a clear war of ideas has only recently...- marxist
- frankfurt school
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- ronwagn Replied
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President vs. Dictator: Trump Agrees To Meet With North Korea's Kim Jong UN
The news of this decade: President Trump agrees to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong UN! Optimistic? Of course!- u.s.
- north korea
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- damirUSBiH Replied
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