1. Lebanon’s Hezbollah pledged to confront any threats to the country’s “oil and gas rights” after Israeli comments urging firms not to bid on a...

  2. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pakistan on Wednesday at a time when relations between the two countries have sunk to a...

  3.   Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he hoped Norway-brokered talks between Venezuela’s government and the opposition would normalize the situation in country and...

  4. LDS - Lockdown Derangement Syndrome An irrational insistence to lock down the world in order to kill 90% of economies and totally destroy independent countries,...

  5. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-denmark-election-welfare-insight/danes-make-welfare-a-hot-election-issue-as-cracks-show-in-nordic-model-idUSKCN1SZ0IC It should be clear that no economic system could go on forever without changes but that's theoretical. @Rasmus Jorgensen, what is your take on...

  6. President Donald Trump will meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday as U.S. officials try to assess North Korea’s intentions after Pyongyang threatened...

  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ceo-moderna-moment-first-realized-130100215.html Politics aside, this has been a fascinating read.  ******************** Bancel: Yes. So, I've been working in infectious disease all my career, and I've developed an eye for outbreaks....

  8.   .

  9. .                                     .

  10. Without any doubt, 2019 will be a crossroad for many Latin American countries. Let’s paraphrase Shakespeare and Hamlet: To be, or not to be?...

  11. My first interview in russian on Iran nuclear deal. I dont know if we have russian speakers or russian native in the forum and...

  12. China's predatory lending to corrupt African countries may bear dividends soon. With all of the predatory loans that China has made to Venezuela's government, it...

  13. .

  14. Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard said Monday that it launched ballistic missiles into eastern Syria, targeting militants the force blames for a recent attack on...

  15. FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that Russia continues to use fake news, propaganda and covert operations to “spin up” Americans on both sides...

  16. European Parliament overwhelmingly passes new resolution on Saudi Arabia. Demands targeted UN special report on human rights for Saudi. 525 votes in favor, 29 opposed,...

  17. This may be a heated question.  Which name do you prefer? Arabian Gulf or  Persian Gulf

  18. Some TOPICS in article:  Carbon taxes. The Great Global Warming Swindle itself.  the stupid, artificial left/right split and other wedges   the climate change scam...

  19. Turkey's warships blocked Italian Eni's drilling ship on its way to explore for gas in Cypriot waters ... Erdogan on the loose again. So far,...

  20. As Trump slumps down Forbes annual list of billionaires, Bezos rises to the top. Trump’s net worth fell by $400 million last year, causing...

  21. The US Senate has approved the most sweeping overhaul of the US tax system in more than three decades. Republicans say the tax cuts for...

  22. According to Reuters Agency, Russia told Japan on Monday that Moscow’s sovereignty over several disputed islands was not up for discussion and that disagreements between...

  23. So, now Putin has offered to help America with regard to oil prices ... Does anyone see a problem with that?

  24. Today on Questions For Corbett, Thomas writes in to ask James about the unfolding events in Ukraine. James gives his answer as things stood...

  25. Brent Crude trades above $30 a barrel for first time in almost a month ...Brent Crude trades above $30 a barrel for the first...

  26. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said he hoped to reach an agreement on Tuesday with Russia and Turkey on the composition of a new...

  27. The Earth is about to get much cooler and so too is the Earth’s economy.  DISCLAIMER - DT IS NOT A JOURNALIST.  HE TRADES AND...

  28. European leaders have hashed out a deal on migration that should satisfy the Italian government's hardline approach and stave off a potential collapse of...

  29. The blasts detonated far from the bustling megacities of Asia, but the attack this week on two tankers in the strategic Strait of Hormuz...