''We've Had Nothing But Security Issues For Years... Let's Bring Out A Currency?''
LOL PayPal becomes first member to exit Facebook's Libra Association https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-cryptocurrency-paypal/paypal-becomes-first-member-to-exit-facebooks-libra-association-idUKKBN1WJ2CY WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc said on Friday...- zuckerberg
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Justin Trudeau, Leader Who Dodged Steel Tariffs. Now He's Trying To Save Nafta
The Canadian prime minister with his softly diplomacy is "most valuable person" for good deal with U.S. about tariffs for Canada and Mexico. Now,...- justin trudeau
- canada
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- damirUSBiH Replied
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- Yoshiro Kamamura Replied
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CHINA Corruption Crackdown Disaster as Fear Factor is Damaging Chinese Economy as Spending Falls
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nukfon3e_lQ CHINA Corruption Crackdown Disaster as Fear Factor is Damaging Chinese Economy as Spending Falls- Ron Wagner Replied
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Biden sending Kamala Harris to Europe to handle Ukraine Crisis ! !
Need I say more. Biden knows it's a no win situation policy wise nor politically. VP Harris will take the blame for failed policy, again You won't...- bobo88 Replied
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RE: Ukraine and Russia - "Wait A Second! Merkel Did What?" by Natasha Wright
Wait A Second! Merkel Did What? by Tyler Durden Monday, Jan 02, 2023 - 08:20 AM Authored by Natasha Wright, Even if Merkel had not been accomplice to...- Tom Nolan Replied
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Two California doctors analyze data and say it is time to end lockdown
This video is going viral for a reason. 1.5 million views in the last 10 hours- Radha Replied
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DId FDA scew-up ? Manchester VT clinic tested 65 with Quidel Corp (QDEL) ANTIGEN TEST. RESULTS: 61 of 65 FALSE POSITIVES !.
FDA approved Quidel Corp test in May. DId they thoroughly test the product ? The FDA said it is investigating the False positives in Vermont,...- florida virus surge
- texas virus surge
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- BLA Replied
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Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Finally, the truth comes to the light of day. Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad Like I've been saying, the...- Dan Warnick Replied
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Conservatives and Populists Changing Europe
The new European elections are changing the look of the future for Europeans. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/ https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/26/le-pen-triumphs-over-macron-in-eu-election-exit-poll/ ttps://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/26/eu-elections-exit-polls-point-to-le-pen-win-over-macron-populist-surge-in-sweden-poland/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48264638 https://apnews.com/d09a7028c0f04c60bd604b4bd8056a0f https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/24/eurocrat-attacks-stupid-nationalists-love-their-own-countries/- ronwagn Replied
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Whatever happened during GCC forum in Saudi Arabia?
Another summit took place of a bloc that was supposed to be a very strategic one with decisions to be solidly considered and heard...- gcc
- geopolitics
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- jose chalhoub Replied
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EU about to ban U.S. travel to Europe over CV19
Their loss. Instead of going on a trip to Italy, Swiss Alps, Paris France, Spanish beaches, Greek islands or a cruise down the Rhine River...- BLA Replied
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Merkel Calls For solutions To Iran's 'Aggressive Tendencies'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said European countries shared concerns over Iran’s ballistic missile programme and called for solutions to its “aggressive tendencies” in the...- rainman Replied
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Germany - The Economic Powerhouse of Europe
German economy books record budget surplus of $45B in 2017. They are synonymous for export strength and industrial prowess. This result's coming in period...- franco Replied
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"COVID 19: A Second Opinion" panel of experts held by Senator Ron Johnson on Monday January 24th in Washington D.C. -- Evidence of Criminal U.S. Government Activity is Unimpeachable
On Monday, January 24, 2022 in Washington D. C., U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) held a panel discussion entitled COVID 19: A Second Opinion...- Tom Nolan Replied
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The fraying of Russia's power vertical
Despite the American media's presentation of Russia as Putin's playground, the new reality facing the President of the RF is that the power vertical...- Olga Tkachuk Replied
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Fasten Your Seatbelts For The S**tstorm Coming In 2020 (oh and happy new year from DT)
In a world without constant manipulation and disinformation most economic and geopolitical events would happen spontaneously and randomly. Things would be more unexpected, but at... -
American Troops Out of Syria is a Big Surprise?
Recently, in the so called news, Trump is being crucified for pulling the US troops out of Syria. My question is, why? First, let’s get...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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- newsmax
- greg kelly
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- Roch Replied
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The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq. ("FCPA")
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz of Rosemont Seneca LLC *. Ukraine *. China *. Federal TALF $130,000,000 2009 loan with profits diverted to Cayman tax haven. Thats $130...- BLA Replied
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Situation in Congo Deteriorates
The world's biggest cobalt producer is a very unstable place at the moment and the situation will likely continue deteriorating just as demand for...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Saudi Struggles as Foreign Workers Leave
Saudi Arabia encouraged foreign workers to leave – and the resulting exodus has left the country struggling I remember an older report about Saudis having...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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ISOLATION/INTERNMENT Camps in Canada – “Whats Her Face” shows documents & Lawmakers
If you thought this year was bad, buckle up, because it looks like Canada has some BIG PLANS in store for the spring of...- whatsherface
- canada
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- Tom Nolan Replied
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The new sheriff in town the IP man of oil
There's a new oil sheriff in town called the IP man of oil. The IP man of oil customizes your behavioral preferences to oil,...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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The Norwegian Play
The Norwegians have been enjoying the increase in oil-price. Much of the activism stems from the Norwegian left forcing the increase in oil price...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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What are the correct economic tools?
I cannot shake the feeling that the economic fallout from this is going to be much worse for public health than the direct viral...- TooSteep Replied
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$20B in Oil & Gas Investments Up for Grabs in Libya--Any Takers?
So Libya's got $20 billion in oil and gas projects for investment over the next three years, and is hoping to lure in foreign...- Seleskya Replied
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New Challenge: Airbus Wants Brexit Clarity As It Faces Higher Spending
Europe’s largest aerospace company, Airbus, is strongly committed to its British factories as long as they can be run with the same efficiency as...- damirUSBiH Replied
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New Report: Chinese Regime Infiltrating All Levels of Australian Society
Sounds familiar? https://www.visiontimes.com/2020/06/25/new-report-chinese-regime-infiltrating-all-levels-of-australian-society.html A new report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) has concluded that the United Front Work Department (UFWD), an arm of the...- SUZNV Replied
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Caution on Market frenzy! The world economy recovery is SLOWING DOWN, not picking up !
Check out the data of each country's GDP, Q4 gdp had all being in decline, apart from China, but after lately virus ravaging, its...- Erin Bale Replied
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