1. A crackdown on corruption in Saudi Arabia has severely dented the kingdom’s private jet industry in a sign of the impact the campaign has...

  2. Hundreds of U.S. newspapers on Thursday launched a coordinated defense of press freedom and a rebuke of President Donald Trump for denouncing some media...

  3. Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit North Korea for two days from Thursday, state media in both countries reported on Monday, making him the...

  4. A month into Venezuela’s high-stakes political crisis, President Nicolas Maduro revealed in an Associated Press interview that his government has held secret talks with...

  5. South Korean President Moon Jae-in is preparing for a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un amid growing public skepticism about his...

  6. IMO, Trump has to much riding on this "summit" to come out looking bad. And quite frankly so does Putin. The Russians have never...

  7. There is a lot to think about, presented in this video.  Can the world pull together in the ways outlined?  Of course they can,...

  8. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday hailed “significant progress” in talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the weekend and...

  9. Starting next week the Muslim sultanate of Brunei will make gay sex and adultery punishable by death. Theft will be punished by amputation of the...

  10. "Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido will seek to annul an $8.7 billion arbitration award to U.S. oil producer ConocoPhillips as he moves to preserve...

  11. The US Senate has approved the most sweeping overhaul of the US tax system in more than three decades. Republicans say the tax cuts for...

  12. An Iranian who chairs a Maltese bank has been arrested on U.S. charges that he participated in a scheme to evade U.S. sanctions and...

  13. The proposed U.S. Space Force, a new military service backed by President Donald Trump, could have an initial budget of less than $5 billion,...

  14.   Quote: Sky News host Chris Smith says the Chinese communist regime has “disgraced themselves in front of the world” after posting a doctored picture of...

  15. Hi all, new to the forum, but enjoy all the political insight as we navigate the world of Trump negotiations and try to figure...

  16. U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Wednesday that naval mines “almost certainly from Iran” were used to attack oil tankers off the...

  17. For a while it appeared the EU was ready to negotiate with Johnson. Perhaps appearances were deceiving...   Last Friday, Eurointelligence commented:  We would agree that the risk...

  18. The U.S. is already on course to lose its position as the top global corn exporter. Mexico has long been the top importer of...

  19. Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido on Tuesday called for a military uprising to oust President Nicolas Maduro and armed factions clashed at a protest...

  20. South Korea has sent 1 billion won ($893,239.96) worth of sanctioned material to North Korea, customs data showed on Friday, raising concern ties with...

  21.  The standard Trump argument has been that shutting down the economy to prevent the spread of the corona virus is a bad idea.  The...

  22.   On the Internet you can find a lot of materials that the extreme left of the Democratic Party has come to power in the...

  23. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13521/denmark-immigration-transformation   Interesting read. Another EU country in trouble. Denmark now filled with NO-GO-ZONES and hundreds of new Mosques.

  24.  European Council President Donald Tusk told U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday to stop berating NATO allies over military investment levels ahead of what...

  25. Reuters' journalists are making a big and investigative report about China as a military superpower .... among other things ...  "Chinese leader Xi Jinping has...

  26. Puerto Rico's Department of Education announced Thursday that it will close 283 schools this summer following a sharp drop in enrollment amid the island's...

  27. This is going to be tricky. There is a difference between providing liquidity to an industry and .  .  .   providing solvency to some zombie...

  28. North Korea’s second missile test on Thursday signals it is serious about developing new, short-range weapons that could be used early and effectively in...

  29. Teresa Drzewiecka grew up during World War Two, when German and Soviet troops battled for control of her town of Swidnik in eastern Poland....

  30. Iran’s influential Revolutionary Guard said Tuesday it doesn’t fear a possible war with the United States and claimed that America hasn’t grown in power...