1. Americans in their 20s and 30s—no matter how healthy and invincible they feel—need to understand how dangerous this virus can be. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/young-people-are-not-immune-coronavirus/608794/ ..... Late in the night,...

  2. President Trump rolled out a White House budget that includes deep cuts to some federal agencies. It includes proposals to cut deficits by more than $3 trillion over...

  3. Authored by Charles Hughes Smith, a humorously cantankerous old fart, whose musings I tend to enjoy reading. Taxing the air is apparently the last refuge...

  4. https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/27/coronavirus-in-france-healthy-16-year-old-dies-of-covid-19 On Wednesday night a teenager died of COVID-19 at a Paris children's hospital. She was 16 and her name was Julie. This makes her France's youngest...

  5. No one's been paying too much attention to Syria since the media has decided it's no longer interesting, but we may have missed that...

  6. The ruling mullahs are claiming that Iran's recent moves and violations of the nuclear deal are the fault of the US government, because the Trump administration...

  7. The U.S. Treasury slapped sanctions on one of Venezuela’s most powerful men Friday — Diosdado Cabello, along with his family and economic adviser —...

  8. It really is essential that critical thinking be used to counter the mindless media panic being forcibly foisted daily onto pretty much the entire world. We...

  9. Whether an autocracy, plutocracy, or whatever -cracy you choose, the USA is definitely not a democracy. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1  

  10. What does it mean for Rosneft that it's had to borrow record amounts on its domestic bond market this year to fund oil?   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Rosneft-Takes-On-Record-Debt-As-US-Sanctions-Weigh.html    

  11. The Kremlin said on Friday that it was Turkey’s responsibility to stop militants in Syria’s Idlib province from firing on civilian and Russian targets....

  12. 2010 document.  Seems relevant to the current Covid-19 Panicdemic. 5 MB PDF link is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20100701154450/http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/uploads/files/bba493f7-cc97-4da3-add6-3deb007cc719.pdf A 1 MB compressed version of the PDF is also attached at the...

  13. The idea of forcing China to change its' laws to stop forced technology transfer is foolish. You cannot change their behavior. However, we CAN...

  14.               .  

  15. Towards the end of May, one of India’s most popular summer retreats nearly ran out of water.Shimla, a historic hill town in the northern...

  16. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3113444/coronavirus-italian-scientists-find-perfect-match-wuhan-strain Coronavirus: Italian scientists find perfect match of Wuhan strain in sample taken from boy.  Discovery made after researchers in Milan review blood tests taken...

  17. Oil price must rebound to this because UAE strate homuz in a tense when USA ships present in preasian gulf 

  18. oh come ooooon. Classic geopolitics lesson for dummies http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Stocks-fall-shekel-weakens-amid-Trumps-Jerusalem-announcement-517243

  19. I understand that most people believe that money does not grow on trees.  That it has to come from somewhere, etc. etc. If money...

  20. Iranian media say that the country's crude exports have managed to hit a new record even as Washington withdrew from nuke deal and promised...

  21. With respect to Venezuela, my country, like José, I have to say about it. As a Philosopher, the center of all human activity, it is...

  22. The devaluation move on the Yuan is not primarily about "countering tariffs."  As far as it's concerned, the Chinese government is already preparing itself...

  23. Particularly in the 'Evil Empires'.

  24.                                        .  

  25. .

  26. This year, America reaches its 4th of July day in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic.  The 4th is America's big day, the date...

  27. Both Sweden and Brazil kept their economy open and let it take its course. They didn't see unusually high infections or deaths as compared...

  28. Did an oopsie.  Test fired an anti-shipping missile which locked on to another ship instead of the target   IMG_3083.mp4

  29. I’m watching the local Chinese news feed with my wife acting as translator. It seems like the free world has ‘lost’ Hong Kong and...