Putin Paid Militants to Kill US Troops
"American intelligence officials say that a Russian assassination unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanistan. The Trump Administration...- BradleyPNW Replied
- 45 replies
Putin Says 'Fierce' U.S. Politics Hindering Summit With Trump
Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed political ructions in the United States for difficulties in arranging a summit with President Donald Trump, in remarks broadcast...- damirUSBiH Replied
- 4 replies
Putin Wants Farmland in the East, Let Ports and sole control of Azov Sea. . . . . Biden "minor incursion alright"
UPDATE FEB 14TH - Putin Game Plan ? Simple: Putin just takes oblast directly on the border from Luhansk to Kherson . . . . 1. They...- bobo88 Replied
- 27 replies
Putin war against shale is risky
I'm going to take a leap of faith here and say Putin will never beat shale and once his economy takes a major tumble...- Sean Pruitt Replied
- 3 replies
Putin Warns Europe of "Counterstrike" Risk If U.S. Deploys Missiles
President Vladimir V. Putin warned that if the United States deploys new intermediate-range missiles in Europe after withdrawing from a nuclear treaty prohibiting these...- Pavel Replied
- 16 replies
Putin: U.S. Military Intervention In Venezuela Would Be A Disaster
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that U.S. military intervention in Venezuela would be a disaster and said even Washington’s allies did not...- rainman Replied
- 8 replies
Putin's Albert Speer (Putin's Cabinet Shakeup Reflects Shift in Strategy...)
Quote ...and replaced him with acting First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, a 65-year-old economist who formerly served as economic development minster and who aligns...- Meredith Poor Replied
- 1 reply
Putin's Yellow Coronavirus Suit Launched Memes
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/03/25/putins-yellow-coronavirus-suit-the-suit-that-launched-1000-memes-a69742 Putin’s Yellow Coronavirus Suit: The Suit That Launched 1,000 Memes- ronwagn Replied
- 1 reply
QAnon: What is it and where did it come from?
Since (to my surprise), there are people here gullible enough to parrot the insane conspiracies spreaded by the likes of QAnon (yes, John Cleese was...- Yoshiro Kamamura Replied
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Qatar Leaving what is the effect on prices
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/03/world/middleeast/qatar-withdraw-opec.html will this affect oil pries to go down ?- Udara Hemachandra Replied
- 16 replies
Qatar/Germany: 10 billion Euro Investment In Germany's Energy Sector
The Gulf state of Qatar on Friday said it would invest 10 billion euros ($11.6 billion) in Germany over the next five years, including...- Pavel Replied
- 8 replies
Rage Without Proof: Maduro Accuses U.S. Official Of Plotting Venezuela Invasion
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday, without providing evidence, that U.S. national security adviser John Bolton was leading a plan to invade the...- PavelP Replied
- 40 replies
Rare Earths and the Trade War
https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-china-rareearth-ahome/column-rare-earths-trade-gun-is-loaded-will-china-pull-the-trigger-idUKKCN1ST1M2 The importance of raw materials.- Marina Schwarz Replied
- 0 replies
Rational analysis of CV19 from Harvard Medical School
https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/04/29/delaying-herd-immunity-is-costing-lives/#.Xx8igwNtKGI.twitter Herd immunity arrives after a certain still unknown percentage of the population has acquired immunity. Through long-term sustainable social distancing and better hygiene, like...- 0R0 Replied
- 102 replies
Rattling With Weapons: Iran Must Develop Military To Guard Against Other Powers
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday the country had to develop its military forces to prevent other states taking over its territory and...- 50 shades of black Replied
- 10 replies
RE: Ukraine and Russia - "Wait A Second! Merkel Did What?" by Natasha Wright
Wait A Second! Merkel Did What? by Tyler Durden Monday, Jan 02, 2023 - 08:20 AM Authored by Natasha Wright, Even if Merkel had not been accomplice to...- Tom Nolan Replied
- 3 replies
Reactions to Delaware Basin news shows misunderstanding of petroleum economics (or the end of OPEC) by Dr. Daniel Fine
The full article is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/12/18/delaware-basin-news-reveals-public-misunderstanding-oil-industry-economics/2282224002/ "This writer has warned that world oil demand is sluggish and imprecise with only references to legacy guesswork that the...- delaware basin × petroleum × petroleum economics × american petroleum institute × opec × nopec × russia × china × qater × lng × saudi aramco × saudi arabia × mbs × oil demand × crude oil × oil glut × oil consumption × new mexico × permian × permian basin × wti × brent × oil prices × bakken × williston basin × colorado × san juan basin × albuquerque × santa fe × dr. daniel fine × republican party × democrat party × gop × president trump × white house × energy dominance × foreign policy × energy policy × foreign affairs × european union × united kingdom × british prime minister × nafta × fair trade × geopoltics × oil and gas × shale × u.s. oil producers × oil and gas association × oil producers × free market × world news × business news × oil news × oil traders × oil trading × intelligence community × israel × middle east ×
- oil
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- bluewill Replied
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Real Challenge For Regime: IAEA Calls On North Korea To Re-Admit Nuclear Inspectors
The head of the U.N.’s atomic watchdog has called on North Korea to allow inspectors back in to monitor its nuclear program. Speaking at...- Pavel Replied
- 6 replies
Real effect on sanctions on Russia after 5 years
Sanctions against Russia have been under heavy discussion for many years. Although I would agree that the West and the USA, it would probably have effectively...- Tomasz Replied
- 0 replies
Real Face of the MbS Regime: Saudi Sisters Describe the Oppressive Society They Left Behind
It was the lack of change after a 2016 hashtag campaign against Saudi Arabia’s male guardianship laws that finally pushed Reem to flee what...- saudi arabia
- mbs
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- Pavel Replied
- 11 replies
Real power: Xi Jinping Can Make Or Break Any Deal Between Trump And Kim
Kim Jong Un has met the Chinese leaders twice in recent months. Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will meet(probably) next month to negotiate...- china
- north korea
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- pinto Replied
- 2 replies
Realignment: China, Germany Defend Business With Iran In Face of U.S. Threats
China and Germany defended their business ties with Iran on Wednesday in the face of President Donald Trump’s warning that any companies trading with...- franco Replied
- 7 replies
Realism Replaces Unlikely Bromance: Macron and Trump Aren't As Chummy As They Used To Be
The picture speaks more than a thousand words. When the two president met in New York, they shook hands lightly and got down to...- Pavel Replied
- 13 replies
Reasons why an all-out war against Iran is unlikely
There has been much recent hype around the issue of Iran, but an all-out war remains unlikely. Militarily, Iran would be hard to dominate....- iran
- geopoltics
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- Jorge Trevino Replied
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Refugee Explosion "Even Greater" Than 2015 To Hit Europe, German Minister Warns
The German government is warning that a number of indicators suggest Europe could be on the brink of witnessing a new refugee crisis explode... -
Regime For Regime: China Says Willing To Provide Venezuela With What Help It Can
China is willing to provide Venezuela with what help it can, Premier Li Keqiang told Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro on Friday, but there was...- rainman Replied
- 23 replies
Remarks of Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on Malign Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections Presented at Center for Strategic and International Studies Washington, DC ~ Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Here is an excellent series of thoughts, perceptions, mis-perceptions, actions and reactions, or actions not requiring reactions. In other words, Politics. Good to step...- Dan Warnick Replied
- 13 replies
Remoaners' Campaigns Collapse Into Civil War
The anti-Brexit People's Vote campaign has disintegrated into an open feud among 9 sub-groups. The People's Vote campaign has disintegrated. Eurointelligence calls it a Civil War. People's... -
Reportedly, nurses at NYC hospital will not get vaccine as cases of Bell Palsy documented after Pfizer vaccine administered
Bell's Palsy is a condition whereby those stricken can not control the muscles on one side of their face. It's treatable but may recur. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell's_palsy...- Roch Replied
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Resistance to flow, the alternatives to ICE.
After taking a quick look at the EV and hybrid vehicle numbers available on the internet (you can check for your own edification if...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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