The Multi-Polar New World Order
EXCERPTS The G-20 members are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United...- Tom Nolan Replied
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The Mysterious Iranian Tanker
Is it just me, or do others find that the ‘attack’ on the Iranian tanker in the Red Sea was an exceedingly short news cycle...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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The Myth of Chinese and Indian Engineers
https://www.machinedesign.com/engineering-education/myth-chinese-and-indian-engineers- Douglas Buckland Replied
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The New Class War Exposes the Oligarchs and Enablers
https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/02/16/pinkerton-the-new-class-war-exposes-the-oligarchs-and-their-enablers/ How the middle class , worldwide, can fight for survival. Do you see yourself or your children in this fight?- class
- revolution
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- ronwagn Replied
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The new sheriff in town the IP man of oil
There's a new oil sheriff in town called the IP man of oil. The IP man of oil customizes your behavioral preferences to oil,...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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The Norwegian Play
The Norwegians have been enjoying the increase in oil-price. Much of the activism stems from the Norwegian left forcing the increase in oil price...- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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The Number Increases: Swiss To Support Belt And Road Push During President's China Trip
Switzerland will sign an accord backing China’s Belt and Road Initiative when President Ueli Maurer visits China this month, cementing ties with a major...- Pavel Replied
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The oil & gas industry is not dying
The oil and gas industry faces a particularly challenging set of obstacles—a volatile oil price, a wide talent gap, and an unrelenting image issue...- James Benjamin Oppenheim Replied
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The Old Allies: North Korea's Kim Jong Un Arrives In Beijing For Talks
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Beijing on Tuesday at the start of a four-day visit, in what's likely an effort to...- north korea
- china
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- ThunderBlade Replied
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The Perfect Solution To Remove Conflict Problems In The South China East Asia Sea
The Perfect Solution To Remove Conflict Problems In The South China East Asia Sea It is too easy to solve the problems, conflict between nations...- Messiah_Buddha Replied
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The pigs at Goldman Sachs pig out again.
Perhaps to no great surprise, Lloyd Blankfein, the exemplar of personal piggery, self-aggrandizes himself and his outfit "Goldman," the whores of Wall Street, with...- Jan van Eck Replied
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The Political Debacle: Brexit delayed
Prime Minister Theresa May requested a three-month delay to Brexit on Wednesday after her failure to get a deal ratified by parliament left the...- Pavel Replied
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The Political Genius of Donald Trump
Finally! An article that gets to the Genius that is Donald J. Trump. I'm sure that first line is going to resonate with some of...- Dan Warnick Replied
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The Pope Urges Conservatives To Be Open To Changes
Just an article. Chill out everyone. La la la la la .... ''have the courage to be open to change.'' VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope... -
The power of propaganda has no boundaries: Which country has larger territory US od China
Test yourself give the answer, even better give arguments for your answer. question is by no matter political. if no right answers will provide the one...- Marcin Replied
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- Yoshiro Kamamura Replied
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The Problem Is The Economy, Not The Climate
The Earth is about to get much cooler and so too is the Earth’s economy. DISCLAIMER - DT IS NOT A JOURNALIST. HE TRADES AND... -
The Problems with Russia's Gasoline Crisis Run Deeper Than It Seems
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YbBiq_2yo The Problems with Russia's Gasoline Crisis Run Deeper Than It Seems- Ron Wagner Replied
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The Quad naval alliance forming.
India is finalizing creation of a Quad of Pacific navies to stand against China. Australia Japan India and US. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-to-take-a-call-on-australias-inclusion-in-malabar-exercises-with-japan-us/article32034664.ece Will apparently have Australia join in...- 0R0 Replied
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The REAL Climate Debate
The real climate debate is not between "believers" and "deniers". And not between Republicans and Democrats. The real debate is certainly not over whether global warming, spurred...- trading is not journalism
- ignore user
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The Realities of the "Trials" Surrounding President Trump
Major headlines and CNN is all a-titter! Trump's ex-attorney brings nothing new, except for testimony that he never saw anything that he could relate...- Dan Warnick Replied
- 8 replies
The Regime Goes On: Maduro Loyalists Strip Venezuela’s Juan Guaido Of Immunity
According to AP agency, Maduro loyalists stripped Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó of immunity Tuesday, paving the way for the opposition leader’s prosecution and potential arrest for...- Pavel Replied
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The Regime Works: Iranian Intelligence Service Suspected Of Attempted Attack In Denmark
Denmark said on Tuesday it suspected an Iranian intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition figure...- ThunderBlade Replied
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The Rush on Toilet Paper
In these perilous times, when toilet paper is becoming a scarce commodity due to hysterical crowds panic buying of it, I would like to...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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The Russian Economy is Stagnating
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/05/27/the-russian-economy-is-stagnating-a65760 The Russian Economy Is Stagnating GDP growth since the start of the year has been well below forecasts. The economy of Russia is now only equal...- ronwagn Replied
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The Saudi Attack on Qatar Just Entangled the Big Banks
The Saudi attack on Qatar is getting more interesting ... Big banks like JPMorgan are pulling out of Qatar's latest bond issuance deal because...- saudi arabia
- qatar
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- Royalblood Replied
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The Spy Money: U.S. Wants To Seize All Money Edward Snowden Makes From New Book
The United States filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked secret documents about U.S. telephone...- francoba Replied
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The storming of the Reichstag
new normal gleichschaltung or the storming of the reichstag building-on-29-august-2020/ Quote On March 21, 1933, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag passed a law making it a crime to speak...- protests
- propaganda
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- Ward Smith Replied
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The Strait of Hormuz and other Global Choke Points of Oceanic Shipping
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOd634GEyp0 The Strait of Hormuz and other Global Choke Points of Oceanic Shipping Blocking any of these choke points would have many impacts but the Strait...- ronwagn Replied
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The Time Is Now For Venezuela
It is time to back the revolution in Venezuela. We cannot allow communism to take over South America. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/Venezuelas-Invigorated-Opposition-Take-Streets-in-Key-Test-504744652.html European Union Comments on Venezuela https://twitter.com/EUCouncilPress?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author' On 23 January,...- venezuela
- revolution
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- ronwagn Replied
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