1. THE FULL ARTICLE IS HERE--> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/07/20/oil-and-gas-prices-after-putin-trump-summit-analysis/808906002/   Quote "The opposition in Congress wants to see a transcript of what President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin...

  2. We're about to see a new nuclear arms race like we've never seen before. This is the fallout from withdrawing from the Iran nuclear...

  3. Latvia is now preparing to unplug from the Russian grid and everyone in the Baltic States (probably most clearly in Latvia) is on full...

  4. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday she was right to say a year ago that Europe could no longer rely on the United States...

  5. By effectively making it illegal not to defy US sanctions on Iraq (though more accurately making it not illegal to ignore sanctions), the EU...

  6. It's been a while since I've been on the forum, but nice to be back and see so many new .... faces. So here...

  7. FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that Russia continues to use fake news, propaganda and covert operations to “spin up” Americans on both sides...

  8. British police have identified several Russians who they believe were behind the nerve agent attack on former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, the...

  9. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shuffled his cabinet on Wednesday ahead of a challenging 2019 election, stressing the need to diversify trade away from...

  10. So, now Putin has offered to help America with regard to oil prices ... Does anyone see a problem with that?

  11. Wolf Blitzer angry with Senator. Wolf acting out of his form. https://www.infowars.com/rabid-wolf-blitzer-flips-out-on-rand-paul-for-standing-with-trump-questioning-u-s-intel/ Swap creatures in their habitat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiUWtQCndNQ

  12. Germany’s foreign minister said on Monday Europe could not rely on Donald Trump and needed to close ranks after the U.S. president called the...

  13. IMO, Trump has to much riding on this "summit" to come out looking bad. And quite frankly so does Putin. The Russians have never...

  14. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/12/kuwait-has-more-on-line-with-rising-oil-prices-than-saudi-arabia.html

  15. A top aide to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday that Iran would immediately withdraw its “military advisers” from Syria and...

  16. The Middle East and north Africa must accelerate economic reforms and tackle an unemployment crisis among women and young people that risks fuelling wider...

  17. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that the United States’ commitment to NATO “remains very strong” after a summit in Brussels at which...

  18. "Trump slapped $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods last week with another $16 billion coming later this month. China retaliated with equal tariffs....

  19. An interesting take on the tariff war via a breakdown of iPhone costs and their distribution.

  20. The rest of the world has been wondering whether President Donald Trump is truly intent on continuing to rattle relationships with long-standing allies while...

  21. "We're protecting Germany, we're protecting France, we're protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline...

  22. Brazil will face an important and determinant presidential elections in October 2018, after a wave of shocking political dynamics where corruption has been at...

  23. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-arabstates/chinas-xi-pledges-20-billion-in-loans-to-revive-middle-east-idUSKBN1K0072. And the contest for the conquering of Middle East just got much more interesting. Enter China.. 

  24. An Iranian woman who removed her obligatory Islamic headscarf out of protest in December says she has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.Shapark...

  25.  European Council President Donald Tusk told U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday to stop berating NATO allies over military investment levels ahead of what...

  26. Boris Johnson resigned from the U.K. government, tipping Prime Minister Theresa May deeper into crisis and increasing the chances she’ll face a leadership challenge...

  27. Planned government funding for Germany’s military, which faces worsening equipment and personnel shortages, will not meet its needs after next year and should be...

  28. erw

    Since oil and gas are global commodities and are extracted from the ground in any number of post-conflict countries , which is where landmines...

  29. Now that Doug Ford and the Conservatives demolished the Ontario Liberal Party, grinding it into the dust, from 57 seats down to 7, the...

  30. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on Friday, saying he expects North Korea to be ready to “fill in some details” of...