1. So, something new seems to be brewing in Libya with Haftar, targeting questionable oil contracts ... this is going to get messy.  http://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-noc-chairman-urges-un-sanctions-commission-to-punish-haftar-and-47-others-for-blocking-oil-exports/

  2. World powers and Iran appeared to make no concrete breakthrough on Friday in talks to provide Tehran with an economic package to compensate for...

  3. "Britain will see "food rotting at ports," unable to be transported to shops and the consumers who need it if the UK fails to...

  4. NATO allies are pushing back against U.S. criticism that they are not spending enough on defense as President Donald Trump ratchets up pressure ahead...

  5. As a meeting last August in the Oval Office to discuss sanctions on Venezuela was concluding, President Donald Trump turned to his top aides...

  6. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that talks with North Korea were “going well” as U.S. officials seek to reach an agreement with...

  7. With the current interesting issue going on regarding Sarawak region asserting its position in Malaysia and requesting more oil revenues, also considering the past...

  8. Well? There have been threats in the past but they have remained threats. This time things look different for various reasons but it could be...

  9. As an anecdote here, i did my masters research on how gazprom was expanding in eurasia controlled by the kremlin based on a cold...

  10. Since end of last week Libya has been a little bit of a headache for oil markets as 2 of its ports have been...

  11. While I don't agree with some of Pepe Escobar's views, I do enjoy reading his articles on global issues.  Good food for thought.  Without further comment, I...

  12. It wasn't a surprise but what next for Mexico's oil industry? Last I heard Obrador had softened his stance on private investment in oil.

  13. See the greatly ignored story about how Russia has done all it could to keep the West from fracking. It has been aided by...

  14. Ken Isaacs, Trump’s nominee  for running the International Organization for Migration (IOM) , came last in the race for the top U.N. migration job...

  15. European leaders have hashed out a deal on migration that should satisfy the Italian government's hardline approach and stave off a potential collapse of...

  16. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Friday a report by the Axios news website, that cited sources as saying President Donald Trump wanted...

  17. Alexis Tsipras almost pushed his country out of the eurozone, railing against German hegemony in Europe and its neoliberal consensus. Now, Greece’s prime minister...

  18. The Oil Crescent has apparently passed into the hands of the eastern government, which is interesting, given that two years ago the LNA was happy...

  19. Pres. Trump's national security adviser John Bolton meets with Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in Moscow, says he looks forward to discussing "how to improve...

  20. The complete article is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/opinion/columnists/2018/06/24/fine-oil-before-and-after-november-election/699460002/ "The Trump Administration is moving towards less royalty rates on Federal land leases, less Bureau of Land Management discretion...

  21. "Mexico’s leftist presidential front-runner, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, may allow more oil and gas fields to be auctioned off if elected on July 1,...

  22. A senior U.S. defense official says North Korea will soon be presented with a timeline of “specific asks” from the U.S. to implement a...

  23. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan won sweeping new executive powers on Monday after his victory in landmark elections that also saw his Islamist-rooted AK Party...

  24. https://gloria.tv/text/JA2gAn2WQPnf6LpbZiduQ2AjK http://thetradforum.com/index.php?topic=477.msg6423 Pope Francis and climate change Press release June 21, 2018: Catholic Church and enviromental protection Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen, Goldbrink 2a, D - 46282 Dorsten, 49236245083, www.pater-lingen.de "It...

  25. European Union leaders will next week extend until the end of January economic sanctions against Russia over its intervention in Ukraine, diplomats and officials...

  26. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife has been charged with allegedly misusing public funds to order meals from outside the prime minister’s residence. Sara...

  27. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said European countries shared concerns over Iran’s ballistic missile programme and called for solutions to its “aggressive tendencies” in the...

  28. The Hatfields and McCoys of the Middle East are at it again. Saudi Arabia is going ahead with plans to turn Qatar into an island,...

  29. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping came to an understanding on issues discussed at a summit of the two leaders,...

  30. After withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, the Iran deal, and the UNESCO the United States withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/united-states-withdraws-human-rights-council_us_5b292ba6e4b05d6c16c7efe6 Trump is...