1. The Norwegians have been enjoying the increase in oil-price. Much of the activism stems from the Norwegian left forcing the increase in oil price...

  2. The Whispers getting louder and consistent. I previous heard Spring/Summer timeframe.  Now told will commence much sooner.   There is going to be a run on...

  3.       . 

  4. The Philippines is looking to seal a pact with China within a few months to jointly explore for oil and gas in a part...

  5. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-military/2020/06/09/investigators-man-fatally-shot-on-night-of-protests-was-killed-by-kentucky-national-guard-rifle/ "David McAtee was killed May 31 while he was cooking at his eatery miles away from the downtown demonstrations. Louisville Metro Police and National...

  6. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/A-New-Middle-East-Mega-War-Is-Unfolding-Right-Before-Our-Eyes.html    I don't see a mega war happening right now, but if Russia, China, and the United States are all getting embroiled in...

  7. I was recently reading about "orphaned barrels" of light oil coming out of the Permian Basin and that there are no processing plants locally.  Would...

  8. The cold-war between China and the West shows no sign of abating since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. On the contrary, it is escalating...

  9. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/A-New-Middle-East-Mega-War-Is-Unfolding-Right-Before-Our-Eyes.html Kind of surprised no one on this forum has commented on this Oil Price.com article yet. If the author of this article is correct...

  10. Arctic countries and indigenous communities are calling for a ban on ships burning heavy fuel oil (HFO) in the region, extending a measure already imposed in...

  11. The US ambassador to Germany delivered to Germany's economics minister a letter demanding Germany not allow Huawei to provide any infrastructure for its 5G...

  12. Geopolitical Rift Between Australia And China Reaches Boiling Point | OilPrice.com After interfering in Australian affairs, the CCP is angry that the Australian Government will...

  13. Because of tariffs on Chinese goods imported to United States, goods are often transshipped through third countries and labelled as originating from these countries....

  14. Brazil will face an important and determinant presidential elections in October 2018, after a wave of shocking political dynamics where corruption has been at...

  15. Greenland's ice is melting faster now because of some chain reaction below the caps. This means it could become more attractive as a mining...

  16. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday Moscow was alarmed by U.S. talk of some kind of possible U.S. military option for Venezuela...

  17. Need I say more. Biden knows it's a no win situation policy wise nor politically. VP Harris will take the blame for failed policy, again You won't...

  18. What a knowledgeable "influencer".  https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-rush-limbaugh-coronavirus-covid-19-thinks-nineteen-20200313-7rpnlxvaljhyribh6sxgg5f6ja-story.html

  19.                        .

  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-ex-husband-missing-chinese-141415271.html Why the Ex-Husband of a Missing Chinese Billionaire Is Risking All to Tell Their Story

  21. https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/77178 Now is the time to pressure China to change its hegemonic course or lose its trade partners. RCW   Beijing’s Three Options: Unemployment, Debt, or Wealth...

  22. On a rainy night in the basement lounge of a church, five people sat in a circle and nibbled on snacks as they talked...

  23.     This article stating that repealing the "Carried Interest" tax loophole will cost 24 million jobs is such a bunch of bull.   Then it goes...

  24. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ugly-truth-about-how-much-americans-have-been-spied-govt-2001 And to think certain members here have the gall to condemn China for this.  Your USA govt is equally as bad, if not worse. ...

  25. The Kremlin said on Friday that it was Turkey’s responsibility to stop militants in Syria’s Idlib province from firing on civilian and Russian targets....

  26. With the U.S. and China in the midst of a new round of high level trade talks, this Thursday marks 22 months since tariffs were...

  27. Then, unsurprisingly, Biden would win. Recent IPSOS poll: Here is how this compares to the 2016 figures. Eyeballing, it looks like foreign perceptions of Trump have actually improved...

  28. Vaccine testing.  

  29. USS Boxer shoots down Iranian Drone in the Straights of Hormuz. Sorry for starting a new thread the last thread on this topic got well...

  30. Wow this is getting seriously desparate... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez escalated her ongoing Twitter feud with President Trump on Saturday when she accused him of harboring anti-Semitic...