1. $4 trillion climate plan that aims to tax carbon, return funds to American people   Democratic presidential candidate John Delaney became the latest 2020 candidate to...

  2. This is the great apokalyptein that we are living through: the uncovering of our true selves. What we are being offered is a chance...

  3. North Korea on Wednesday threw into question an unprecedented summit between its leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump scheduled for next...

  4. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/04/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-considering-run-against-chuck-schumer/ 

  5. https://nytimes.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/INYT/job/Moscow-Russia/Russia-Correspondent_REQ-008536 Quote   Job Description Vladimir Putin’s Russia remains one of the biggest stories in the world.   It sends out hit squads armed with nerve agents against its enemies,...

  6. Utica and Marcellus shale has been the "nOPEC" destroyer going on a decade now. Also to understand oil pricing one must understand how the...

  7. Geopolitics aside, this will be explained to you by 2 charts from the latest Shell report on the global LNG market

  8. Sergey Karaganov is dean of the School of World Economics and International Relations at the HSE.  (Higher School of Economy in Moscow) He is also...

  9. This is a ‘must read’ for all Oil Price posters (that is, those people who contribute to the Oil Price dialogues and rants, not things that...

  10. Here’s one big reason that America is driving itself batshit crazy: the explosion of computerized records, emails, inter-office memos, Twitter trails, Facebook memorabilia, iPhone...

  11. An interesting take on the tariff war via a breakdown of iPhone costs and their distribution.

  12. So, something new seems to be brewing in Libya with Haftar, targeting questionable oil contracts ... this is going to get messy.  http://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-noc-chairman-urges-un-sanctions-commission-to-punish-haftar-and-47-others-for-blocking-oil-exports/

  13. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over the years the Rosemont Capital has signed up lucrative...

  14. China GDP 2017  about 12000 billion USD Manufacturing as % of Chinese GDP in 2017 was 29%, make it 30% so 12000 * 0.3 =...

  15. Literally, no less. I'm having a field day with European political news today.

  16. The Biden government, a first time government, relies on non-traditional allies while going against long standing traditional allies. The administration ignores the fact that...

  17. Just released, Israel will call for elections and dissolution of the Knesset, and Prime Minister Netanyahu under investigations under charges of corruption, which surely...

  18. The ruling mullahs are claiming that Iran's recent moves and violations of the nuclear deal are the fault of the US government, because the Trump administration...

  19. LOL        PayPal becomes first member to exit Facebook's Libra Association      https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-cryptocurrency-paypal/paypal-becomes-first-member-to-exit-facebooks-libra-association-idUKKBN1WJ2CY WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc said on Friday...

  20. https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/04/state-department-official-belarus-president-vulnerable-due-putins-war/363956/ State Department Official: Belarus President Vulnerable Due to Putin’s War Russia’s close ally in his war against Ukraine is on wobbly footing. Analysts put low odds on a...

  21. Looks like Biden will only answer: * Pre-scripted questions * Preselected journalist or Union members  * Reads preprogrammed answers fro a teleprompter You think Biden will expose his...

  22. Looks like : * 2/3 of U.S. agrees with Trump and Pompeo * 1/4 of U.S. agrees with  CCP, Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping  ,  Pelosi...

  23. Trump, Kushner, Bibi just don’t seem to get it, what difference will 50bln USD ( if they ever saw it, I call liar liar...

  24. Going into 2019, Trinidad and Tobago is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the Caribbean. In the early 1990s, the country’s...

  25. Of course, this is not my work below, but I found this post interesting enough that I am posting it on the oilprice forum.  Because...

  26. Tom , looks like you were correct.  You can't make this stuff up.  Looks like your Dem impeachment might backfire on them. Excerpt from Article A...

  27. Iran will announce Monday that it will force the hand of allies of the USA to reduce sanctions by upscaling its nuclear right to produce...

  28. Russia to ‘disconnect’ from internet as part of cyber-war planning At first I thought they'll turn it off and got excited that somebody is fulfilling...