1. BRUSSELS (Reuters) Summits are usually a chance for European Union leaders to discuss problems and try to strengthen their union. But after two days...

  2. THAT'S  2  PARTIES   vs.   120 NATIONS The solidarity of 120 nations demanding thorough and transparent Investigation speaks volumes.  It's not just the U.S. it's not...

  3. https://www.wsj.com/articles/congress-sells-and-the-market-falls-11584918934 Behind a paywall, but the first paragraph and title says it all.   Also, this is the Wall Street Journal.  

  4. The patients given hydroxychloroquine were to far along in the virus and were given very low dosage..    The control group was given arythmaizin . ...

  5. Like King Solomen Angela Merkle tries to "cut the baby in half" The pressure is on. The U.S. and China are Germany's two largest markets.  They...

  6. Here is to share my recent post for my blog on Venezuela:  https://josechalhoub.blogspot.com/2019/06/has-venezuelas-crisis-reached.html. Hope it serves for discussion here in the forum. 

  7. For want of an aardvark.... (The butterfly of doom effect). https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButterflyOfDoom https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForWantOfANail

  8. Long title is long.  But self-explanatory.  Seems to be a mix of background information provided by an assortment of mostly unnamed people, unverified analysis, and opinion. ...

  9. (Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com), A lot of readers (some of them former readers now) have been angrily twanging me by email for writing about...

  10. Dunno if he can win, but I don't like the other options.  

  11. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/OPEC-Oil-Demand-Will-Grow-Until-Late-2030s.html Pasted the article I am referencing. Opinion: OPEC thinks oil demand will grow until 2040. I would agree with them except for this thing called coronavirus. Oil...

  12. Wowzers. Just look at the S&P go.  If you owned stocks under Trump or Obama you'd have done GREAT!  Not going as well for farmers...

  13. And so the slippery slope of enforced compliance to arbitrary government mandates accelerates.  Cattle control of a mostly compliant populace. First up, from yesterday: Joe Biden Tells...

  14. This is so good, I thought it deserved it's own post. It's all about time and exposure: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/coronavirus-covid19-exposure-risk-catching-virus-germs/   Dosage: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/4/24/21233226/coronavirus-runners-cyclists-airborne-infectious-dose Superspreader lessons: https://quillette.com/2020/04/23/covid-19-superspreader-events-in-28-countries-critical-patterns-and-lessons/

  15. The question is, how much of this were Obama/Biden/Hillary aware of and who approved it?  Oh, and the silly question of will Snowden finally be...

  16. Sounds like a two year duration.      

  17. Border with Pakistan and Iran and a cold temprature country . 70 percent under Taliban.  Why there is no report about us army ....

  18. Oil Price Fall To Under $20, Stock Market To Loss 75%, Agriculture Export Nation Currency Will Raise Min 50% Value The truth is that the...

  19. An excellent reminder and a pretty good timeline of what China did the last time in Tiananmen Square.  Not only in Beijing, but in...

  20. Now all of that debt is exploding.  Financial crisis here we come. S&P going to 2000.  Perhaps even lower.  

  21. France's Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, has reopened the heated debate on the headscarf. Since 2004, it is unlawful in France to wear "conspicuously" religious signs...

  22. Just thought I'd share this for anyone interested in WW2 history. The newsest ones are spliced longer versions, I'm not sure they are better...

  23. (Reuters) -  U.S. President Donald Trump has asked for a substantial cut in the National Security Council staff, Bloomberg reported late on Friday, citing...

  24. Nowhere is the trend of kicking the can down the road more prevalent than in government. Consider this a tribute to politicians and governments...

  25. Steel production is a relatively good forward indicator of economic activity. Today's data from World Steel Association show continuing downward trend that already started  a...

  26. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The Chinese government’s top diplomat said on Friday that tariffs and trade disputes could plunge the world into recession and...