1. A few articles on how to prevent coronavirus - the essence of these articles because they were a bit longer.Mostly they come from the...

  2. Of course, this is not my work below, but I found this post interesting enough that I am posting it on the oilprice forum.  Because...

  3.   On the Internet you can find a lot of materials that the extreme left of the Democratic Party has come to power in the...

  4. It doesn't care if you live in a red state or a blue state. It's a fucking virus.   Geezus. Morons.

  5. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0300891620974755 US Patent No.:  US 7,220,852 B1 Date of Patent:  May 22, 2007 The patent proves the covid originated in USA. The journal proves covid was in...

  6. My insider sources tell me the allegations of Biden's 'efforts' respecting Ukraine and China are true and his efforts did occur.  This means Biden...

  7. .

  8. https://nltimes.nl/2020/11/16/us-spied-allies-including-netherlands-denmark Pompass (we lie, we steal, we cheat, we kill) claims the US strives for a clean internet. uh, clean for whom?  Spying on your...

  9. I hope the members approve of this discussion topic.  It would seem timely, as sad as that may be to say.  But I believe...

  10. Tom Fowdy is a British writer and analyst of politics and international relations with a primary focus on East Asia. Quote   The repercussions of the new RCEP...

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  12. This is the exact text of Jimmy Carter's Policy: "First, we will defer indefinitely the commercial reprocessing and recycling of the plutonium produced in the...

  13. Facebook has already blocked immediate access to the following video, but all you have to do is click on "See video" at the bottom...

  14. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/president-trump-weighed-all-options-to-stop-irans-growing-nuclear-program-but-was-talked-out-of-it Key quote: The IAEA report said Iran has amassed a stockpile of 5,385.7 pounds of low-enriched uranium as of Nov. 2, up from 4,641.6 pounds...

  15. There is a lot to think about, presented in this video.  Can the world pull together in the ways outlined?  Of course they can,...

  16. I wish I could take credit for the title, but I cannot.  That honor goes to The Hill, incredibly.  Incredibly, because The Hill has...

  17. MUST READ Dmitri Trenin absolutely nails Russia foreign policy & results This is best analysis of Russia realities I have read in a long time. "The former...

  18. It looks like Joe Biden is breaking the Logan Act.  Sorry Joe, it's Leavonworth for you!  

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  20. This was all Trump had to do to win reelection easily: [Make this speech in March] "Ladies and gentleman, Democrats and Republicans, our country is facing...

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  24. For those who are interested in the United States' energy policies, I'd recommend going to about the 20 minute mark.  At about 21 minutes...

  25. A very surprising Rasmussen poll showing strong flip of black voters in response to Trump's campaign effort and debate performance. https://onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2020/10/24/rasmussen-poll-blacks-give-trump-46-approval-rating https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1319605958037950470 Cahaly is pointing out a...

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  27. Video and photographic evidence is being released by Chinese dissidents that show the CCP has compromised and controls both Hunter and Joe Biden and...

  28. Oil, petroleum, Covid politics Hmm, did anyone see anything like this in the MSM? 2020 City of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Update September 9, 2020 Quote Sturgis SD -...

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  30. Then, unsurprisingly, Biden would win. Recent IPSOS poll: Here is how this compares to the 2016 figures. Eyeballing, it looks like foreign perceptions of Trump have actually improved...