1. Here is a refreshing scientific opinion...https://clashdaily.com/2019/07/scientists-call-for-an-end-to-climate-change-alarmism/

  2. Sechin: in the next ten years we are waiting for a structural shortage of oil   0   June 21. FINMARKET.RU - the Level of demand for hydrocarbons...

  3. Not normally one to be reading anything on Seeking Alpha but try this one. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4225153-evs-oil-ice-impact-2023-beyond Explains far better some of the points I've been trying to...

  4. What would you do if you were me? I will be at retirement age (65) later this year. Having been involved with exploration for 40...

  5. The clown circus just keeps getting more and more unhinged.  There are consequences to actions.  There is also the Law of Unintended Consequences.  I...

  6. Can you help this website with their spam problem?  Perhaps an India IT service provider? Or maybe just tell them what your ransom price is?

  7. Something "fresh" from my country. NIS, state oil firm, which was mostly under Russia's Gazprom Neft is planing to invest $2.2 billion in new...

  8. SF to shut down 82 oil wells on Kern County property ‘Keep It in the Ground’ legislation prohibits the extraction of oil, gas and minerals...

  9. San Francisco and Oakland have gone to an appeals judge to seek reinstatement of their lawsuits against Shell, Conoco, BP, Exxon, and Chevron, which...

  10. This guy says the situation in the shale patch is very dramatic. While he does make, I think, some valid points about shale well...

  11. Shale boom saved economy from recession: Energy secretary   https://www.foxbusiness.com/energy/shale-boom-saved-economy-from-recession-energy-secretary-perry

  12. technology Surge of New Permian Basin Oil to Feed Global Supply By Sheela Tobben May 14, 2019, 8:43 AM MDTUpdated on May 14, 2019, 10:01 PM MDT   U.S....

  13. Story: recently I've been watching a small Canadian shale company that's had questionable earnings. They had questionable earnings because wells under produced due to...

  14. As per Oil Price- Are we finally hearing and seeing a Peak in the Rhetoric. Years of that kind of spin are starting to wear...

  15. "Long-cycle oil production remains on "life support," while shale output's future climb will likely be more moderate than many analysts expect, John Hess, CEO...

  16. So I keep reading in the headlines how the USA will become an unstoppable force in terms of production growth: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-oil-eia-outlook/u-s-crude-output-to-surpass-12-million-barrels-per-day-by-mid-2019-eia-idUSKCN1NB2F5 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/IEA-Chief-US-Oil-Output-To-Near-SaudiRussian-Production-By-2025.html And at the same time...

  17. US to lead oil output growth through 2030: ConocoPhillips chief economist   Global oil demand expected to rise modestly to 2030 Refining capacity will adapt to lighter...

  18. SABIC, ExxonMobil break ground on US Gulf Coast petrochemical project     A joint venture of Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corp. and ExxonMobil Corp. has started construction...

  19.           The Shale Industry I believe is on a slippery slope It has not been able to generate much profitability for...

  20. Anybody else seeing the shale oil ‘house of cards’ collapsing as we speak? Many of us saw this coming, but were continually shouted down by...

  21. US Shale set to top 14 million Bbls/day 2020 and set to continue increasing. OPEC has the reserves and is undoubtedly sustainable and is...

  22. This is one of many ratios bankers look at when considering loans or investors analyze that buy bonds of shale producers is EBIDTA ÷...

  23. Bankruptcy in my opinion if oil prices settle lower at around $50. Even at current levels they would violate their bond or creditline convenants. Leverage...

  24. “They want OPEC to make a cut, and they kind of want Donald Trump to stop tweeting about oil.” Hypochracy and shows how protectionism is destroying...

  25. Parsley said it would only take two weeks to get wells back to pre cutback volume. This speaks to the shale industry resiliency . The $30...

  26. Over the past few months there have been numerous articles predicting the impending decline of shale production mostly related to profitability. When I looked at...

  27. Strong gas production in Shale Crescent region led to $1.1 trillion in savings     American gas end-users have realized $1.1 trillion in savings since 2008 as...

  28. Scratching The Subsurface The oil and gas industry has come far in its understanding of the unconventional subsurface, but there is still much to learn about shale’s...

  29. Well that's a surprise. Percontation mark.

  30. Shale industry to be profitable in 2019: IEA: The shale industry worldwide is expected to achieve positive free cash flow this year, according to...