Rally on Hold, if 69.5 don't break, 62.5 could be next.
I may have one viewpoint, but the market action must support my view, if it does, but not enough, my view changes, if it...- Top Oil Trader Replied
- 41 replies
Iran's President Warns Over U.S. Push For Countries To Stop Buying Oil From Iran
Iran issued a new warning over Mideast oil supplies as the United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday it could increase its own production, the...- rainman Replied
- 13 replies
Energy Giants Opening Natural Gas Spigots, Fueling Profit Rise
The world’s largest oil companies are pumping more natural gas than ever before, helping to spur a rise in profits while sating rising global...- Pavel Replied
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Chart shows Crude to hit $60
There are good opinions for why Crude will hit $85, the current prevailing view among analysts, traders and talking heads. And we have people...- Top Oil Trader Replied
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Anyone Else Fed Up with Big Oil = Big Tobacco?
I have really had it with this "equation", especially in light of the lawsuits that try to play the Big Tobacco analogy card. How...- big oil
- big tobacco
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- Marina Schwarz Replied
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UPDATE 3-Oil prices fall on demand concerns as G20 warns of risks to growth
G20 Statement regarding oil "demand": UPDATE 3-Oil prices fall on demand concerns as G20 warns of risks to growth https://ca.investing.com/news/commodities-news/update-1oil-prices-fall-on-demand-concerns-as-g20-warns-of-risks-to-growth-1213020- Dan Warnick Replied
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Baltimore joins oil lawsuit
Baltimore has become the latest U.S. city to try and hold the world's biggest oil companies financially responsible for global warming.The city filed a...- baltimore oil
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- Ja’Nako Bezze Replied
- 10 replies
Russia & China bypassing Oil Sanctions to North Korea, U.S. Peeved
I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. Russia and China violating UN sanctions by secretly selling oil to North Korea. What's next? Iran defiantly selling oil...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 7 replies
Can We see another boom in oil prices soon?
Despite of recent corrections can we see another spike in oil prices soon? if we ignore the fundamental theories..facts and figures shows different stories...- Harsh vardhan singh Replied
- 1 reply
Dollar index now 95, will go below 91 starting next wk
If people understand Elliot, Gann, Get etc, they'll be able to see what I see. Now when the Dollar index goes down, normally the Oil...- Top Oil Trader Replied
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Does S Arabia Have 2 Mln Barrels in Spare Capacity?
Well, does it? From a recent Oilprice story: "More recent history shows Saudi has never produced more than 10.6mn b/d on average over a single...- Marina Schwarz Replied
- 37 replies
Oil Price In Saskatchewan Canada
My family owns mineral rights to a 7500bpd play in Saskatchewan, Canada. About 1.5 from Lloydminster. Our oil has an API gravity between 10...- Jullien Bagneris Replied
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Iran threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz
What are the consequences, if Iran blocks the Strait of Hormuz? and can iran do that? I mean, are they are so powerful to...- Bharath Replied
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What's wrong with SA oil consumption?
Hey y'all (yep living in the south)! I am taking a look at the domestic oil consumption of Saudi Arabia, and something doesn't seem right. Consumption...- Simon Hauser Replied
- 8 replies
WTI needs to stay above 70.x, for rally to continue.
Wti now 70. At 76 I said we go to 62.5 then 52, well it didnt hot those targets, but it did go down and...- Top Oil Trader Replied
- 7 replies
Will the trade war hurt US project builds? Not if the US does it right.
IN an article posted today on Oilprice.com, analyst TSVETANA PARASKOVA quoted some oil industry executives that stated pipeline costs would escalate with the steel tariffs...- pipeline construction
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- Jan van Eck Replied
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Since 70.x didn't hold, now down to 65
Also remember 69.5 had to hold too, and will soon be broken. Charts say it all. Fundamental news also that US is slapping China with...- Top Oil Trader Replied
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If WTI 69.5 holds, Rally back on. unless 67.5 breaks.
Oil prices where about to almost break 68, and move down, and the Sauds saved the day last minute with a statement,. To say Oil is...- Top Oil Trader Replied
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Yemen's Houthis claim 'drone attack' on Saudi Aramco facility
He said / she said situation - - no proof either way. Yemen's Houthis claim 'drone attack' on Saudi Aramco facility Yemen's Houthi rebels claimed that...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 3 replies
Getting OPEC Whiplash as Aug Exports Set to Drop
Their production increased in June from May, then they agreed... kinda... in late June that they would stick more closely to the original cut...- Rodent Replied
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The SPR should be downsized
The US once imported million of barrels of light oil into ports on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The US is now exporting...- Levid Replied
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Chartist predicting a $1 fall, after WTI drops $10
https://www.axitrader.com/au/market-news-blog/market-analysis/2018/07/crude-oil-today-collapsamundo, like I said good chartists are hard to find.- Top Oil Trader Replied
- 5 replies
Wood Mackenzie joined the naysayers club as they forecasted peak oil demand by 2036
Forecasted peak oil demand by 2036 is too early...and now we have to wait for next 20 years. https://www.ft.com/content/a12af4be-85cf-11e8-96dd-fa565ec55929?segmentid=acee4131-99c2-09d3-a635-873e61754ec6- Harsh vardhan singh Replied
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Libyan Oil Workers Abducted, Sharara Production to Fall
I missed the next potential drop in Libyan oil production after the abduction of oil workers from the Sharara oilfield over the weekend, following...- Seleskya Replied
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Trump mulling releasing 5 to 30 Mill Barrels
If trump wanted to just lower the prices of oil, he would just need release the SPRs, and from what I see, this will...- Top Oil Trader Replied
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Permian Land Rush Over, Consolidation Time?
A new report from Austin-based Drillinginfo analytics is forecasting a surge in M&A activity for oil and gas for the rest of this year...- acqusitions
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- TraderTate Replied
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Trouble in Basra
Is anybody outside of oilprice.com writers paying attention to what's going on in Iraq, and specifically in Basra. Honestly, I'm surprised it's taken this...- Royalblood Replied
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Kingdom is pumping more oil to tackle venezuelan oil crisis or for U.S. Shale
I think The Kingdom’s strategy is very simple: Less oil prices + Gain more clients + Happy clients = Tackle U.S. Shale- Harsh vardhan singh Replied
- 1 reply
Venezuela, the largest oil reserve in the world, faces deep shortages of motor oil
On a personal anecdote, i need to change my motor oil of my car, and Im nervous since i dont know if and when...- jose chalhoub Replied
- 22 replies
WTI @ 68.04. Good news will move it up to 70s range
Charts speak louder than words. What the fundamental news item will be, I have no clue, it can be anyone's guess. I am sure...- Top Oil Trader Replied
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