1. "U.S. lawmakers have resurrected the so-called “No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act,” or NOPEC, which proposes making the cartel subject to the Sherman...

  2. Marcellus (PA) – update through April 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed...

  3. The judge presiding over the case of San Francisco and Oakland vs Chevron, Exxon, BP, Shell, and Conoco has given everyone homework: evaluate the...

  4. Cartels gonna cartel. I've mentioned before, purpose of a cartel is to restrict supply in order to increase prices. And in the last year, OPEC has...

  5. Hello Any small vertical producers having issues with "frac hits" to their older wells by other companies? I'm in Oklahoma and several friends of mine...

  6. Anyone else notice in a recent interview Harold Hamm, often outspoken CEO of Continental resources blaming Canada for US heavy oil refining capacity issues?...

  7. With Over 100 billion dollars of investment going into EVs and supporting infrastructure, over 20 gigafactories, the ICE based vehicles are counting their last few...

  8. What would you do if you were me? I will be at retirement age (65) later this year. Having been involved with exploration for 40...

  9. Kenya has set a target of drilling over 200 more oil production wells that will pour forth up to 80,000 barrels of crude per...

  10. East Libyan forces took full control of Ras Lanuf oil terminal and the surrounding area on Thursday as they rapidly advanced against rivals who...

  11. Today report was so bearish And price dropped dramatically. But statted to recover? Seems uptrend despite the bearish report. Any comments? 

  12. The upcoming OPEC meeting should be lively.  Pretty much expecting a virtual food fight between Saudi Arabia + Russia vs. the rest of OPEC...

  13. A jewel for conspiracy theorists and factists among us -  James Corbett on NOPEC https://steemit.com/news/@corbettreport/india-and-china-announce-the-oil-buyers-club   and since we are on a subject of petroyuan, nice...

  14. How do you calculate the Dubai Oman Average? Which indexes and codes are used? 

  15. Why is Permian oil considered locked in when refineries and pipelines abound around the Permian fields? Is it because exporting is preferred so companies...

  16. The head of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is worried Trump might decide to start hating oil sands. Q: With the Canadian-U.S. trade relationship so...

  17. It has begun: independent Chinese refiners are cutting their U.S. crude oil imports in anticipation of the tariffs Beijing threatened in response to the...

  18. Sechin: in the next ten years we are waiting for a structural shortage of oil   0   June 21. FINMARKET.RU - the Level of demand for hydrocarbons...

  19. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-21/saudi-oil-minister-says-timing-of-aramco-ipo-isn-t-critical The timing of the Aramco IPO isn't critical, says oil minister, and will be delayed past 2019. Please post your best shocked faces here.

  20. BP’s annual Statistical Review of World Energy 2018 was released this week.  It’s a massive, exceedingly detailed report.  Links to download all of the...

  21. Let's play an amusing game of Irony. OPEC Meeting Could End Without Decision "The latest remarks from Iran’s Oil Minister are not really encouraging. Bijan Zanganeh...

  22. I'll skip my usual long-winded commentary and simply direct your attention to this excellent analysis article from The Tylers over on ZeroHedge: Why OPEC Isn't...

  23. West Virginia business and energy industry leaders are hopeful an $83.7 billion petrochemical investment deal between China Energy and West Virginia is still on...

  24. At present what direction will crude oil price follow? Of recent, we are witnessing gradually fall in price of crude oil, but within some minutes...

  25. Interesting times. U.S. or rather and more correctly Trump seems adamant to disruot the international law based trade system in building which U.S. played...

  26.  Russia and Saudi Arabia are pushing OPEC and its allies to raise oil output steeply from July to meet growing demand and cover supply...

  27. What got me to looking was Murphy Oil had a new presentation come out today and I noted that they said something about LLS...

  28. North Dakota – update through April 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed...

  29. now, that may be interesting... India and China are working together to seek better bargains from the cartel of oil exporting countries The two sides kicked...