1. Would love to hear the experts' take on this Bloomberg piece citing sources who say OPEC and 'allied producers' "have already cleared surplus" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-27/opec-committee-is-said-to-see-oil-stockpiles-below-5-yr-average

  2. Here's 2 items which I would like to bring to your attention, in combination. It seems the increasingly loud calls by stampeding oil bulls for $100+...

  3. would hiring be effected recently based on the oil prices cause lately it dropped down, i also want to know what should i do...

  4. Mainstream Media is waking up to the over-hype of U.S. Shale Oil economics. It is a bit strange to me that the MSM has been paying...

  5. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  6. Well, it looks like the Courts have just handed a rebuke toboth the City of Vancouver and the Squamish First Nations,demolishing their lawsuit to...

  7. It was reported yesterday by CNN that Khalid al Falih, Oil minister of Saudi Arabia, said "Two years ago we pulled supply. I think in...

  8. When the weekly API inventory data comes out, I always read how it compares to analyst estimates.  How/where do I find those analyst estimates?

  9. So, um, anyone recall my earlier repeated comments here that I've been hoping for an average of $65 oil this year? That $80 was...

  10. its

    Nice to see the OILPRO.COM pundits/refugees have found a new home !

  11. crude price will go down by 65$

  12. With the holiday weekend getting underway, gas prices are climbing toward the three dollar mark for the first time in four years. Regular gas...

  13. "Saudi Arabia and Russia are discussing raising OPEC and non-OPEC oil output by around 1 million barrels per day (bpd), easing 17 months of...

  14. So how exactly is a military general with no experience in Oil & Gas supposed to significantly increase oil output, despite increased international sanctions? Maybe...

  15. https://lta.reuters.com/article/idLTAL2N1SV1LX?rpc=401& Maduro said that blaming him for Venezuela’s economic meltdown was a “stupid simplification.” And he pledged to boost oil production and open dialogue with business...

  16. Russia and Saudi Arabia’s energy ministers will discuss a relaxation of the global oil production cap agreed between Opec and Moscow, amid calls for...

  17. Here is my bigger picture analysis of what is going on and what might happen. Yes...I do believe that oil prices will come down.....the reasons?...

  18. U.S. Senate Democrats  urged President Trump to try to prod OPEC to take steps to lower oil prices and suggested that millions of Americans...

  19. Presented without comment. (I'm laughing like a hyena, but that's not really a comment). Elon Musk Goes Full Conspiracy Theorist, Blames Big Oil for Tesla's Negative...

  20. China and Russia don't seem too interested in playing along with US sanctions on Venezuela, despite Maduro's suspect win. And Venezuela gave two US...

  21. http://www.petronerds.com/hedging-haircuts-and-big-basis-moves/ Another fantastic article by the folks over at Petronerds. You would think with the price of WTI rising operators would now be turning a...

  22. The Norway sovereign wealth fund has voted against a shareholder proposal for Shell to set itself carbon emission targets. I'm confused -- this same...

  23. This article is a bit feisty.  More than a bit, actually.  Pretty sure quite a few readers here will disagree. And that's perfectly OK.  Give...

  24. How oils prices rotation and how find trend.

  25. Jim Cramer‏Verified account @jimcramer 2h2 hours ago More Nabors Industries stock is poised to break out: Kamich 1 reply2 retweets10 likes Reply  1   Retweet  2     Like  10   Direct message

  26. I've been seeing a lot of chit-chat about how much oil EVs could displace on various forums, but most of it is a collection...

  27. https://qz.com/1284239/70-of-saudi-arabias-electricity-is-used-for-air-conditioning/ 70% of Saudi electricity usage goes toward air conditioning, and 100% of electricity is generated from fossil fuels. 

  28. Santos board unanimously rejected Harbour unconditional offer of $5.25 USD/share; ends talks. https://www.santos.com/media-centre/announcements/santos-rejects-harbour-proposal-and-terminates-discussions/

  29. The U.S. Department of Defense reported to Congress that they really don't like the idea of offshore oil & gas in certain parts of...

  30. I'm very much pro oil & gas.  And currently I am very much knowingly biased in favor of oil & gas over "renewable" energy, which...