US to overtake Russia as top oil producer
US set to take over as world's largest oil producer in 2018--and Russia just hit a 30-year production high in 2017.- Rodent Replied
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US To Remove Patriot Missile Protection From Saudi Arabia Amid Oilpocalypse - - ZeroHedge
The Tylers weigh in with their usual snark and fly-in-the-ointment viewpoint. US To Remove Patriot Missile Protection From Saudi Arabia Amid Oilpocalypse Petrodollar panic? As tensions between...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 67 replies
US unconventional oil production is pushing higher; both well completions and average initial well performance are on the rise
US – update through February 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...- shaleprofile Replied
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US-China Trade Balancing Struggle: China invests and buys US goods
Sempra, CTG sign first US-China LNG agreement since tariff implementation Parent company Sempra Energy also announced an agreement to sell an 83.6% stake in the...- ceo_energemsier Replied
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USA - New Oil King of the world in 2018?
Researching from Rystad Energy is showing how U.S, in 2018. can be world No1 as leading crude oil producer. Since 1975. the U.S. hasn't...- Petar Replied
- 2 replies
USA : Attack came from 'Iranian soil'. Pompeo to release 'evidence'.
by Tyler Durden, Mon, 09/16/2019 - 08:30 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/houthis-say-its-not-over-saudi-facilities-still-within-range-iraq-denies-its-territory FULL ARTICLE - Despite US officials repeatedly over the weekend claiming they were...- crude
- saudi arabia
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USA imposes Iran sanctions on China tankers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration imposed sanctions this week on Chinese tanker companies for alleged involvement in the transport of oil from Iran,... -
USA pulls troops from Syria
I am surprised that oil didn't go up due to Turkey's move into Syria, creating more global unrest. What I'd like to know is could/did...- BillKidd Replied
- 26 replies
USA to be dominate oil producers
I have a feeling that the wind blowing the sail of OPEC+ will suddenly fall flat. The ability for the nations of OPEC+ will find...- Brent Hamrick Replied
- 4 replies
USA Today: Natural gas and oil industry is a solid, long-term investment
Presented for your consideration, without my usual endless comments. Natural gas and oil industry is a solid, long-term investment There has never been a better time...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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USA Wants Iran War -- Shooty Shooty More
You sometimes see someone say some want war with Iran, or that the USA does. I can see why trump would. Gets to play...- BillKidd Replied
- 83 replies
USGC crude export facilities: The race to build offshore oil export terminals
The race to build offshore oil export terminals https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/The-race-to-build-offshere-oil-export-terminals-14307770.php#photo-15766225- ceo_energemsier Replied
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USGS Announces Largest Continuous Oil Assessment in Texas and New Mexico
How on earth did I miss this report from the U.S. Geological Survey / U.S. Department of the Interior? USGS Announces Largest Continuous Oil Assessment...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 41 replies
Using Oil as a Clean Energy
I don´t have to take oil as been used to make amounts of energy...this is my teory, let´s evoluate it from here...- cerqueirajoaoluiz Replied
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USMCA Solidifies The Best Oil And Natural Gas Alliance Ever
A bit of perspective during the current panic, when many seem to be losing their minds, and leaders are running around like chickens with acorns bombarding their...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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USOil price formed a bull
I saw a sudden rise in the price of US OIL, and wondering the likely bullish trend through the week despite US sanction on...- Ishaqmuyideen Replied
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UWT/DWT Crude 3x leverage ETN
Hi, new here. Does anyone know which index UWT/DWT actually tracks...for real? If you look at the Natural Gas ETNS UGAZ or DGAZ, they consistently hug...- JoeMo16 Replied
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V.P. Pence reveals reversal of our China Foreign Policy.
Vice President Trump announces what is a complete reversal of Obama's foreign policy toward China. They are now seen as our foremost world adversary...- ronwagn Replied
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Vaca Muerta
This has to be the shale play with the funniest name (unlike Bakken, which is possibly the dumbest name, meaning "The Hill" in Danish)...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Vaca Muerta Becoming YPF’s Main Growth Driver
According to industry analysts and the company’s own strategy Vaca Muerta shale oil is poised to become Argentine state-controlled NOC YPF’s main growth driver...- AdrianC Replied
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Vaca Muerta Bottlenecks
The next big thing in shale may not happen if costs don't fall below $40 per barrel. Which will be difficult because shortage of:...- argentina
- vaca muerta
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- Marina Schwarz Replied
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VAKT blockchain for OIL big companies
Hi, , I just read Chevron, Total and many others are starting to use VAKT's blockchain-enable platform. What opportunities for investment may be there?...- Sergio Augusto Reyes Replied
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venezuala oil crisis
Venezuala's oil crisis is worst crisis in second decade of 21st century.million's of people live under poverty and unemployment .can OPEC help venezuala?....- Nizza Replied
- 6 replies
Venezuela Buying Crude Again
After a seven-month stoppage, Venezuela once again buying crude (and when I say "buying", I mean swapping goods for) for its Isla refinery. It's...- Rodent Replied
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Venezuela can't meet promised June oil volumes.
platts: Venezuela's PDVSA has notified eight international customers it will not be able to meet its full crude supply commitments in June. PDVSA is contractually...- Rodent Replied
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Venezuela Cryptocurrency Days Away
Or so says Venezuela. It will supposedly be backed by 5.3 billion barrels of oil worth $267 billion.- venezuela
- cryptocurrency
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- Rodent Replied
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Venezuela Expects to Lose Another 200,000 bpd by end-2018
The odds are stacked in favor of the bulls, no doubt about it. Can this particular tailwind be reversed?- Marina Schwarz Replied
- 6 replies
Venezuela eyes Malaysia's cooperation in oil and gas
Venezuela eyes Malaysia's cooperation in oil and gas VENEZUELA is seeking opportunities to expand ties with Malaysia, and hopes to see cooperation in the energy,...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Venezuela Fails To Pay Debt To India
Venezuela stopped payments to India's ONGC Videsh Ltd, who owns jointly with PDVSA the San Cristobal energy project. PDVSA is into OVL for about...- Rodent Replied
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Venezuela gets a little bit of more chinese oxygen. But the amount is not considerable as before
https://in.reuters.com/article/venezuela-china/venezuela-to-receive-250-mln-from-china-to-boost-oil-production-idINL1N1TZ1J4. I have always said that the day China stops these types of aids to venezuelan government, the Maduro administration will definitely enter its...- jose chalhoub Replied
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