1. So says Tom Kloza from the Oil Price Information Service. And if China slaps tariffs on U.S. oil imports... Okay, I'm rubbing my hands...

  2. entire strait shut down after tanker crash https://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=2707088&Language=en

  3. tools downed by protesters citing safety issues https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/breaking-workers-said-to-have-downed-tools-on-north-sea-oil-rig/

  4. not just El petro, but Iran and turkey too   http://iran-daily.com/News/212827.html

  5. "Tesla driver using the car's Autopilot retraces the route of a fatal Model X accident in California - and almost crashes in the exact...

  6. this whole ego feeding is producing a lot of unnecessary market volatility

  7. Just when you think you've heard it all, in comes an oil major, focusing on the positive side of oil spills (more jobs!). If...

  8. Saudi raises Arab Light prices. I think the general thought was that they were going to lower prices? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-05/saudi-arabia-unexpectedly-lifts-key-oil-price-for-asian-buyers

  9. So, the next question is definitely whether Trump will try to attack the Yuan as China makes its first serious moves to trade oil...

  10. Rumor has it that Russia may support Venezuela's Petro by using it in "international transactions". Russia has a huge interest here--but will they really start trading...

  11. An internal document from 1988 reveals Shell knew about climate change and about the effects of the oil industry on the environment. Okay, no...

  12. interesting report on China's influence in Venezuela by csis  https://www.csis.org/analysis/when-investment-hurts-chinese-influence-venezuela can Venezuela ever break free now? 

  13. Bahrain has discovered an oil field that they say will dwarf its current reserves. No details in numbers, though. Kind of ironic this find...

  14. PM Trudeau is heading to western Canada, where he will have to face opponents to the Trans Mountain project as well as the oil industry...

  15. I'm adding Conoco to Shell in my brand new list of Smart Oil Companies. Instead of boosting spending to grow production, Conoco is selling non-core...

  16. If UK had set up a SWF in the 80s as a tool for investing its North Sea oil revenues like Norway did in the...

  17. Environmentalists are unhappy about the UN Climate's support of Shell's plan for transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables. I'm confused: they're bad when they...

  18. Happy API day to all! Ever get frustrated by how far apart API and EIA inventory data is? Many people put more stock into EIA's...

  19. I haven't heard much news in the way of Venezuela's oil industry in the last few days, but this morning I saw that a...

  20. The shocks in the oil price have a great effect on energy consumed through the demand side. This penetrates through the increase in the...

  21. In this year’s first quarter, the company closed or entered definitive agreements for $250 million of proceeds from the sale of noncore assets. Several...

  22. Russian oil and gas companies are ready to splash $50 billion on oil and gas exploration in Iran. Makes sense, really. Wonder how Riyadh...

  23. The Iraqi cabinet on April 1 approved a plan to raise the nation's crude-oil production capacity to 6.5 million barrels per day (bpd) by...

  24. I'm not one for fear mongering, particularly for an industry like oil that already has a healthy dose of fear mongering spread daily. But...

  25. Total is the first oil company to trial autonomous robots on offshore platforms.  "The robot developed by taurob and TU Darmstadt is ATEX-certified, can perform...

  26. A civil suit playing out between five American oil companies and the municipalities of Oakland and San Francisco started off poorly for climate change activists. In...

  27. China's tariffs into effect today. World didn't stop turning as far as I can tell. Per Houston Chronicle, "Last year the United States exported 832,000...

  28. Yeah, I'm not really sure what to think about this. http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/02/jack-gerard-oil-lobbyist-mormon-church/

  29. It might not seem like big numbers, but Russia increased its oil production in March from 10.95 million bpd to 10.97 million bpd--the first...

  30. It might not seem like big numbers, but Russia increased its oil production in March from 10.95 million bpd to 10.97 million bpd--the first...