1. The future is now: How oil and gas companies can decarbonize     https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/oil-and-gas/our-insights/the-future-is-now-how-oil-and-gas-companies-can-decarbonize

  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-16/selling-aramco-the-wall-street-a-listers-on-oil-giant-s-ipo For all the hatred against Saudi in these forums, every US bank/er is bending over backwards to sell their IPO. Nice 😉

  3. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  4. Utah – update through January 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this...

  5. North Dakota – update through September 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  6. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  7. Saudi Crude Exports to US Plummet     (Bloomberg) -- After flooding the U.S. with crude earlier this year, Saudi Arabia has all but cut off the...

  8. https://archive.ph/fT2IF Oil from U.S. reserves head overseas as gasoline prices stay high By Arathy Somasekhar HOUSTON (Reuters) - More than 5 million barrels of oil that were...

  9. Prince George due grassroots petrochemical complex West Coast Olefins Ltd., Calgary, has taken the first steps toward development of a $5.6-billion (Can.) grassroots petrochemical complex...

  10. New Hunter Biden revelations  Seems Hunter and his business partners set up accounts for Ukraine gas company Burisma at Morgan Stanely.  Reportedly the accounts  opened had deposited over $150 Million. There is...

  11. Here is a fascinating article that describes how a hedge fund has purchased a shuttered refinery in the US Virgin Islands and will re-start...

  12. How much does US spend every year to assure Mideast oil flows to China, Asia, India, Europe ?  * Have we forgotten how OPEC (Saudi,...

  13. G20 Statement regarding oil "demand": UPDATE 3-Oil prices fall on demand concerns as G20 warns of risks to growth https://ca.investing.com/news/commodities-news/update-1oil-prices-fall-on-demand-concerns-as-g20-warns-of-risks-to-growth-1213020  

  14. Looks like the RRC wants OPEC to stop flaring first.  They say that reducing flaring by 200,000mcf/day would cost 750kbd in oil production. Wonder...

  15. Eagle Ford - update through March 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  16. .

  17. (Bloomberg) -- Marathon Petroleum Corp., the U.S. oil refiner under pressure from activist investor Elliott Management Corp. to break itself up, is weighing the...

  18. Exxon Mobil Corp Chairman and Chief Executive Darren Woods’s compensation package rose about 4 percent last year to $17.5 million, his first year running the...

  19. A hit happened in the North Sea (pun intended) How large of impact to EU oil will this be?  https://www.news.ro/externe/opt-raniti-in-fiordul-norvegian-hjeltefjord-in-urma-unei-coliziuni-intre-petrolierul-maltez-sola-ts-si-fregata-norvegiana-knm-helge-ingstad-care-se-intorcea-de-la-exercitiul-nato-trident-juncture-1922400508002018111518653529 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/365000-Bpd-Shut-In-After-Tanker-Collides-With-Norwegian-Warship.html  Interesting to see how much of...

  20. Russia has earned at least $120 billion of additional revenue over the two years after signing an agreement with OPEC+ countries due to oil...

  21. I'm *not* Oil Price staff. I *don't* get paid to be a moderator here. It's just that I happen to like commenting about oil & gas. ...

  22. EU May Crack Down on Turkey for Drilling in Mediterranean   (Bloomberg) -- The European Union will examine retaliatory measures against Turkey over its drilling activities...

  23. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  24. Don't let the Eco-extremists hijack the energy narrative.  Oil & Gas are still vital energy resources.  Wind and Solar are simply UNABLE to replace oil...

  25. Free markets work and they help people.  If you treat customers like crap, don't be surprised if they dump you and go seek out a...

  26. This is a good article regarding the Venezuelan oil production fallout.  Molecule Mismatches America Is Producing the Wrong Kind of Oil Geopolitics impact America's oil prices far...

  27. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  28. Malware named "Operation Sharpshooter" AKA "Rising Sun". Information: https://www.securityweek.com/operation-sharpshooter-hits-global-defense-critical-infrastructure-firms At least 87 organizations worldwide were infected with the same malware as part of a newly discovered campaign targeting...

  29. World wide demand is increasing faster than supply.  For the U.S. the cure is to change the tax laws eliminating transfer pricing thru offshore closely...

  30. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves and they land in your lap and you look around and go wut the heck? Biden Declares He’s ‘Committed to...