1. Despite protests (of course), Lease sale goes on as planned in Utah. Contrary to those who thought companies wouldn't be interested, 51,000 acres were...

  2. If the Drillers can be profitable at $50.00 brl, then shouldn't the stock price stay steadier day to day as long as oil remains...

  3. So the oil industry seems to be getting a bit pissy with Trump, sounding the alarm bells over NAFTA and steel tariffs. Supposed to...

  4. "Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund is taking a $400 million stake in Endeavor, one of Hollywood’s biggest talent and event managers, as part of...

  5. https://radiotamazuj.org/en/news/article/west-kordofan-s-doctors-blame-oil-pollution-for-sharp-rise-in-diseases Anecdotal? Evidence? Is five cases sufficient data from which one can draw conclusions? Is the oil industry in Sudan known for pollution at the...

  6. Russia's top oil producer Rosneft reported a more than doubling of profit in the fourth quarter of 2017. Rosneft said the world's largest listed...

  7. India is diversifying its sources of crude. Why this should bother OPEC: it is diversifying away from the Middle East and into Mexico and...

  8. Amnesty came out today and slammed Eni and Shell for their failure to address spills in Nigeria (I think they used the word "negligence")....

  9. After shrinking consistently for months, global oil stocks began rising again at the start of this year. The IEA, OPEC and the U.S. Energy...

  10. As oil prices rise again and the country’s oil production rapidly expands, Ghana is on track to make a remarkable claim for a country...

  11. After plunging oil bulls into deeper gloom by forecasting a 131,000-bpd jump in shale oil production next month, the Energy Information Administration reported a 5-million-barrel increase in crude...

  12. Amnesty International has accused Shell and Eni of negligence in handling oil spills in the Niger Delta. They studied almost 2,000 spill reports and...

  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2018/03/15/oil-rigs-and-cowboys-interior-agency-gives-employees-new-cards-to-wear/?utm_term=.f29c0bd961ec Oh, it's just too good. Cowboys on one side and oil rigs on the other, as the DOI's way to remember the US push...

  14. Alberta oil producers have found a way around British Columbia to ship their heavy crude to Asia. They're transporting it to Portland, Oregon. There...

  15. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-15/bp-is-said-to-offer-egyptian-oil-assets-for-sale-as-focus-shifts  

  16. well, it unsurprisingly passed. https://www.ogj.com/articles/2017/12/france-enacts-ban-on-oil-gas-licensing.html I'm interested though, so.. that 15,000 bpd that they produce, although a super tiny amount, will they have to buy it...

  17. IEA just dubbed Venezuela, country with largest oil reserves, as the biggest risk to global markets. In the same breath, IEA claims Venezuela may...

  18. "U.S. crude oil exports went to 37 destinations in 2017, compared with 27 destinations in 2016. Similar to previous years, Canada remained the largest...

  19. A title I'm sure they're only too happy to shed. https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosgenerate&stream=top-stories "New Mexico surpassed California and Alaska to become the third-largest crude oil-producing state in the...

  20. Perhaps best moment of American Idol's latest season auditions (after a two-year pause), and perhaps a secret advertisement for the oil industry: Katy Perry: What do...

  21. Probably not a good thing for oil prices. Some highlights:  "Recoverable reserves from the Middle East, which holds the largest oil resources, could be increased...

  22. Brazil`s state-owned oil company Petrobras has reported a net loss of R$446m ($136m) for last year compared with a loss of R$14.8bn a year...

  23. By IEA, global oil demand is expected to pick up this year but supply is growing at a faster pace, leading to a rise...

  24. Well, I mean, it's all relative. In the court of public opinion, Exxon has apparently transitioned from Purposeful Killer of Our Beloved Earth, to the latest:...

  25. Soaring shale production is now the biggest problem for OPEC. Oil cut deal is now going to an end in coming months and still...

  26. So says a state-owned energy firm, Petoro. I'm beginning to be confused about Norway. It's the greenest of them all in Europe but it...

  27. South Korea's fuel oil imports are skyrocketing as it tries to phase out coal and nuclear plants enter maintenance season. But I was thinking,...

  28. What would they do without Japan? They'd have to stick to their banishment of Qatar, I guess.  https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/UAE-Qatar-Warily-Extend-Joint-Oilfield-Concession.html  

  29. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Indias-Oil-Imports-From-Venezuela-Plunge-To-Lowest-Since-2012.html And this is what happens, my friends, when you get so far into debt. You're beholden to your creditors. Venezuela pumps at the mercy...

  30. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Which-Oil-Major-Has-The-Best-Investment-Strategy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+oilpricecom+(Oil+Price.com+Daily+News+Update) Total's low-cost purchase in Libya, Exxon's aggressive capex when others are skimping, or Hess's buybacks?