1. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  2. US – update through September 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  3. North Dakota – update through August 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  4. US - update through June 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  5. Utah – update through January 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this...

  6. Trump has been the WORST president for oil prices and oil companies in a generation.  Just look at the results.  

  7. Voters are split on whether the federal gas tax should be increased to pay for infrastructure improvements, according to a Quinnipiac University poll. According to...

  8. Maybe then ALL in the U.S. will finally understand the Chinese Leadership for what it is. The gripe is not with the Chinese people.  They are...

  9. Yippee, just what the U.S. needs right now, thanks MbS !  We really need the oil ! !   Because our oil storage is empty !...

  10. Not often I share an article from Washington Post these days, since it went totally off the rails batsh&t crazy as a biased asset of...

  11. Is it normal that these events occur in a same time after another?  In my opinion there is a clear sign of Saudi activity...

  12. Now a whole aisle in a grocery store in Amsterdam is plastic-free. Trend or fad? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/28/war-on-waste-plastic-free-shopping-aisle-opens-in-amsterdam-supermarket.html

  13. Wall Street Journal yet again attempting to paint Trump into an awkward corner, into an "impossible to win" situation.   WSJ suggesting never-ending, global, military...

  14. For a long time, I was generally under the impression that the years long international conflict in Syria was actually all about competing international...

  15. Here is a good "point to ponder": "On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would allow the U.S. Justice Department to sue...

  16. Washington Post is at it again, with their frothing hatred of the U.S. Just unbelievable. Posting the article in full, for those lurkers who do not wish to...

  17. The "sponge" is made from used cooking oil sodium chloride and sulfur, and it can soak up crude and diesel. I like this sort...

  18. Please consider adding the link to my recently published paper entitled, “Water, Trump, and Israel’s National Security” to your web site. Here is the...

  19. Recently there have been those responding to comments in the posts 'Total Nonsense in Climate Debate' (Renewables) and 'Visualizing How Much Oil is in...

  20. We are witnesses to the end of the petroleum age. After more than 125 years, oil is now beginning to radically descend into the...

  21. I'm sure you are all aware of Alexander Novak, the destroyer of worlds, who is using Russia's sovereign wealth fund to subsidies oil at below break...

  22. Its not just better rigs. Better propants, reservoir mapping, well placement, etc, etc, etc  As one analyst said this morning, E & P (exploration and...

  23. BP just announced they're selling their Alaska assets to Hilcorp. I've dealt with both companies up there and have always been impressed with Hilcorp,...

  24. Look for World government's to apply huge economic packages to support economies . U.S. will focus on targeted Fiscal support as opposed to monetary support. ...

  25. So, while oil prices are dull on glut concerns and an uptick in US shale production, OPEC is saying the industry needs $10 trillion in...

  26. The two prime mover of transportation, the jet turbine and the diesel engine, provide the backbone of our prosperity – commerce and recreation.  The...

  27. Looking for some weekend hyperbolic reading to kerfluffle your feathers?  Here ya go.  Maybe try enjoying 4 cups of coffee before reading it if you want to...

  28. Supply Disruptions Drive Bullish Sentiment In Oil Markets By Tom Kool - Jul 01, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT Join Our Community Bullish sentiment is once again building...

  29. To counter the hyperbole about the U.S. being energy independent.  While the U.S. currently exports more crude oil than it imports, the U.S. is very...