1. Oil industry is cutting production around the world now.  They have to , the storage is filling up. Which company has more storage around the...

  2. Crude oil-to-chemicals (COTC), a new chemical process technology, could more than double the profitability derived from a barrel of crude oil, according to IHS...

  3. More wise words from Shell's Ben van Beurden: "This past quarter, he took that sentiment so far as to say that he doesn't intend to...

  4. Iran vs CIA oil intrigue is heating up.  Irina Slav on Oil Price main news site is also reporting about this.  But first, here is...

  5. California governor wants investigation of high gas prices     https://finance.yahoo.com/news/california-governor-wants-investigation-high-003909187.html

  6. https://www.reuters.com/article/saudi-asia-oil-prices/update-1-saudi-aramco-plans-to-change-asia-crude-oil-price-formula-adopt-dme-oman-sources-idUSL4N1U021C?rpc=401& can someone dumb this down for me?

  7. Just read a piece from fringe website that believes the sabotage was staged. MBS, Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi) MBZ, Mohammed bin Zayed (Emirates) JCK,  Jared Corey Kushner...

  8. Economically, Trade , Tourism, 360,000 Chinese College Students in U.S. , etc ? Will Europe continue to be China's obediant lapdog ?

  9. A bit of a reality check, amid the perpetual onslaught of fervent panic-mongering dished daily by the doomsday media.   Op-Ed: Oil and natural gas play...

  10. IMO, this is an obvious consequence of the post-2005 increase in global condensate production as a percentage of total global crude + condensate (C+C)...

  11. Going to be tough times for the industry.  We know this.  What about after the virus is a memory ?  What will U.S. shale industry ...

  12. Seeing that UCO (Proshares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil ETF) is hanging in the low numbers like 1.28 to 1.40, I wonder how long would...

  13. COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report A huge leak of documents seen by BBC News shows how countries are trying...

  14. India's IOC will lean on US, Saudi barrels to replace Iran's oil To also step up imports from Kuwait, UAE and Mexico IOC imports 9 million...

  15. .

  16. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  17. China's largest refiner is very upbeat about its 2018 performance, apparently, slowdown or no slowdown. 

  18. The OPEC+ joint ministerial monitoring committee (JMMC) meeting on Sunday should be uneventful, at least according to Jason Gammel, an equity analyst at Jefferies. “OPEC...

  19. Jungle drums are beating and it looks like a few of the Contractors are preempting the inevitable. https://seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4331180-valaris-prepare-for-bankruptcy-after-recent-events Pacific and Noble sited to be in same...

  20. According to EIA monthly drilling productivity report, U.S. oil output from seven major shale formations is expected to rise by about 70,000 bpd in...

  21. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  22. A sector in disarray’: Oil majors live beyond their means on investor payouts, study finds     A Chevron drilling operation in Texas. A think tank that...

  23. AOC and ilk can go pound sand.  Their contrived Climate Panic hysteria is utter nonsense.  Political drivel and disinformation. American Petroleum Institute: We can meet demand as...

  24. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  25. According to world's biggest oil traders, oil prices won’t rally and may fall further in 2019 as a slowing global economy and booming U.S....

  26. Philadelphia refinery fire extinguished; alkylation unit destroyed   The fire in the alkylation unit at Philadelphia Energy Solutions' refinery was extinguished Sunday, according to company spokeswoman...

  27. There's a really interesting article just published on CNBC, by Tom DiChristopher, casting OPEC's decision to cut production in a big way come the...

  28. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7118901/Venezuelan-former-oil-workers-enter-second-week-hunger-strike.html How about helping them to get out of Venezuela and use them temporarily in our oil fields until Venezuela is free and stable again?...

  29. Two Questions: #1 How long will it take to fill the spare storage capacity ? #2 When capacity fills and serious competition starts how much lower...