1. Concerned that fuel costs would spike, US is considering delaying the IMO sulfur cap transition that was scheduled to go into effect in Jan...

  2. The main methods used to help forecast oil prices include futures prices, fundamentals, the cost of production, the exchange rates of commodity-exporting countries, technical...

  3. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  4. Where does this site get its data from?

  5. (Bloomberg) -- From Russia to Saudi Arabia, Iran to Venezuela, the list of crude oil supplies being curtailed or disrupted around the world is...

  6. Can Africa Offer An Alternative To Russian Gas? by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022 - 01:45 AM Europe is turning to Africa for help with weaning them off...

  7. Once again, Canada shoots itself in the foot regarding its oil & gas natural resources. Canada's federal elections later this year may change things a...

  8.   Big Oil is moving aggressively into petrochemicals, unleashing huge amounts of capital for new projects worldwide. A natural extension would be the acquisition of...

  9. Goldman has been terrible at predicting oil! Which big name advisory has been good at predicting price trend ?

  10. Today's article on delivery drones:      https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Dirty-Truth-About-Delivery-Drones.html makes is clear that electric quadcopter drones are a truly dumb idea.  However, there are alternatives. Warehouse in the sky tilt...

  11. Canada first needs to figure out how to curb Trudeau's obstinate insistence on virtue signalling his support for the Climate Armageddon agenda. Don't shut in...

  12. https://www.theepochtimes.com/study-opposition-to-pipelines-costs-jobs-needed-infrastructure_3494286.html Study: Opposition to Pipelines Costs Jobs, Needed Infrastructure

  13. Trump's base will dump him, like yesterday's newspaper,  if he supports oil quotas , thus increased gasoline prices.  In addition higher gasoline prices will...

  14. A benefit of having cash in your pocket is the ability to buy when investors are fleeing. It's not just J. Paul Getty and...

  15. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  16. Halliburton Cuts 650 Jobs in US  

  17. California looking at cutting O&G production   California is beginning a new, serious look at curbing oil and natural gas drilling and production in an effort to...

  18. China's One Belt, One Road bribe diplomacy in action.  Will wait to see if Duterte can successfully be bribed by Xi, or if Hotheaded Duterte will...

  19. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  20. Q1 production growth only 300,000 bbls.  IEA sticking with  1.2 mm bbls/day avg for 2019 based on 2nd half 1.6 mm bbls avg ?...

  21. EXCERPT  The groups, called Responsible Investment and the European Sustainable Investment Forum (sigh), are urging that the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive require companies to...

  22. Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman's four lap dogs . . . J.P Morgan, Morgan Stanley. Citi and Bank of America will say anything for...

  23. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil-exploration/mexico-must-double-oil-exploration-spending-to-halt-output-fall-pemex-idUSKCN1M82VN?rpc=401& I guess it's better than nothing, but Mexico's decade+ oil production decline is unlikely to be saved anytime soon by upping spending now. Also saw...

  24. Note: I am not a fan of either Goldman Sachs or Huffington Post. That said, will have to wait and see if this newfound "woke"...

  25. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  26. This was unexpected.  Perhaps China is finally throwing in the towel and cutting its losses on the steaming pile of Socialist government that is...

  27. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  28. For info.  Details in the link.  Unlike the OPEC cartel, the U.S. federal government will not mandate country-wide production cuts. Factbox: What U.S. states are...

  29. A proposal to modify U.S. oil sanctions on Venezuela to allow crude exports to be bartered for food has divided the country's opposition between...