1. The meat industry is, apparently, a bigger producer of harmful emissions than Big Oil. Something for Big Oil to boast about.

  2. Nigeria is now saying it has achieved 98% automation when it comes to tracking its oil. It now says it can track every single...

  3. Former executives from oil Royal Dutch Shell and Eni are to be tried on charges of aggravated international  corruption for their role in a...

  4. Supplies about 40% of all UK's daily oil and gas consumption, but still down, and will be down, according to Ineos, until "early January"....

  5. Speaking of corruption.... Kazakhstan's oil fund to the tune of $22 billion has just been frozen on grounds of corruption as a Moldovan investor...

  6. US again is set to ask for a resolution to stop oil products flowing into North Korea. And again, many think China will not...

  7. So, there are plant to make Saudi Arabia a top tourist destination; a new renewables hub; now they're announcing nuclear power plans. What's next...

  8. WSJ reporting that Saudi Aramco is looking to buy stakes in us shale.... hey, if you can't beat 'em... join 'em!

  9. France has passed a law banning oil and gas exploration. Wow. The country produces just 1% of what it consumes in oil. But they're...

  10. BP's Dudley said BP had a turning the corner year in 2017, as its first year post-settling its over $60 billion in fines and...

  11. "Russian oil firm Tatneft ran Crimea fuel station, despite sanctions risk" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-crisis-crimea-tatneft-exclusi/exclusive-russian-oil-firm-tatneft-ran-crimea-fuel-station-despite-sanctions-risk-idUSKBN1EE0SK?rpc=401&  

  12. Rosneft is now saying that it isn't ruling out the possibility that OPEC may be extended beyond 2018... Merry Christmas oil bulls!

  13. France passed an much expected law that bans oil and gas exploration by the year 2040--round about when oil is expected to reach peak...

  14. Hip, hip, horray for the bulls as API reports a bigger than expected crude draw. Gasoline inventories up for weeks on end, but smaller...

  15. With the "fall of Men" going on over sexual harassment in nearly every segment of industry, policy, entertainment, etc. does anyone know if it's...

  16. Woodside and ABB will replace one of the gas turbines on Woodside's Goodwyn platform with a battery pack. "Woodside said the battery installation would reduce...

  17. Venezuela has pulled out of a partnership with Cuba in its Cienfuegos oil refinery and the Caribbean island has taken full ownership of the...

  18. Economy over environment? The new tax bill includes a provision to allow oil development in the massive Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ... which Big...

  19. Cuban President Raul Castro and the head of Russian oil company Rosneft met in Havana this weekend. Is it a latest sign of the two...

  20. The Saudis are now stepping up their refining experiment in Egypt, with data for November and December showing they've sent 1 billion barrels of...

  21. Strike talks stall in Nigeria again after talks about workers who were layed off stall

  22. The Azadegan Oilfield, owned jointly by Iran and Iraq is going to be tendered in summer 2018 ... This is huge: an estimated 33...

  23. yep, that's right, folks. It's RIG COUNT DAY--only the single biggest, bestest day of the whole darn oil trading week. Some might say EIA...

  24. The EU's gas grid is, however, certainly more resilient to gas supply shocks today than in 2009, when Russian gas supplies to the EU...

  25.  If you look Cheniere Energy in 2017 you probably won't be too impressed. But that's not where the real action is for this liquified natural...

  26. OPEC and Russia have started talking about exit strategy, quietly for now, but I expect we'll be hearing more about it next year. I...

  27. Something "fresh" from my country. NIS, state oil firm, which was mostly under Russia's Gazprom Neft is planing to invest $2.2 billion in new...

  28. Russia’s top gas producer Gazprom has signed a roadmap on implementation of projects in Iran and a memorandum of understanding and cooperation on an...

  29. Goldman sachs says 2018 will be one of the best years for Big Oil in decades, calling an end to the Big Oil's slump.

  30. Another one bites the dust... Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, a Norwegian $70 Billion pension fund,  announced today that it will exclude companies that derive revenue from oil sands.