1. BP PLC suffered a setback to its post-Deepwater Horizon recovery plans after the Australian government said it would block a $1 billion deal that would...

  2. and China as well https://seekingalpha.com/article/4131801-venezuela-moves-oust-dollar-oil-trade-russia-next

  3. PDVSA is asking to buy 4.2 million barrels of crude from US and Russia. They can't even unload what's sitting in their ports now....

  4. http://www.ey.com/gl/en/newsroom/news-releases/news-ey-oil-and-gas-sector-must-adapt-now-to-rising-cybersecurity-threat 60% of organizations surveyed recently suffered a significant cyber incident, but only 17% feel confident they would detect a sophisticated cyber attack. A little...

  5. By the end of 2017, oil export from U.S. to all parts of world will achieve record number. Beside Canada, China, ... U.S. oil has...

  6. Ineos declared, in a not so surprising development, a force majeure on ioil from its Forties pipeline 

  7. In less than a month after being fired as head of Angola’s state-owned oil company, Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of former Angolan President...

  8. So I went to download OPEC's new Monthly report for November, only to discover I need to "register" by entering my name and email...

  9. ...you hold the world's biggest oil reserves and can't cut a check to Sinopec for $21 million to settle a five-year-old lawsuit. In other bad...

  10. OPEC"s MMOR for November shows production lowest in six months. While Nigeria really upped its production by 95,800 barrels per day, Saudi, UAE, Angola,...

  11. Seems to be a flurry of accusers that EIA's data is wrong--to the ire of this writer for Seeking Alpha. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4131270-crude-oil-eia-bashers-check-numbers "Disappointingly, the outbreak of the...

  12. Now, this has to be political, right? https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/158423/russian-firm-sistema-sue-rosneft-330-5billion-roubles/

  13. Not sure if anyone's keeping an eye on Angola since the change in regime there, but high hopes for this massive venue seem to...

  14. In Britain, Europe’s biggest gas market, gas for immediate delivery rose 35% to 92p per therm, its highest level for four years. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-12/u-k-gas-surges-after-explosion-in-austria-tightens-supply

  15. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-11/trump-is-said-to-open-door-for-oil-drilling-off-u-s-east-coast

  16. nothing to worry about here, right? I guess the country has frequent cabinet reshuffles http://www.publicfinanceinternational.org/news/2017/12/kuwait-appoints-new-ministers-cabinet-changes  

  17. http://www.nasdaq.com/article/britains-biggest-oil-pipeline-shut-for-weeks-for-repairs-20171211-00833

  18. Oilsand ginat Suncor has big issues with alcohol and drug abuse among its employees. Even 73 incidents of employees testing positive for controlled substances since...

  19. Russian expansion on Arctic, in last few years, is showing increase line. With three oil fields which has on cold Arctic, Russia is producing...

  20. Are U.A.E. and Kuwait negotiating to cut production by june 2018, if oil market improves?! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-11/u-a-e-kuwait-target-june-for-talks-on-halting-oil-output-cuts?utm_content=energy&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-energy    

  21. How serious is this?  https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/oilcoin-the-worlds-first-legally-compliant-cryptocurrency-backed-by-oil-300569307.html

  22. https://www.ft.com/content/bd8187d8-db64-11e7-a039-c64b1c09b482

  23. We've already seen Big Oil getting into renewables in a Big Way. Here's another example: Italy's Eni is looking to diversify into plastics, reportedly...

  24. Because of the oil sector digitization main oil producing countries have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber risks. This could force the shutdown of major...

  25. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  26. The announcement about oil workers strike in Nigeria and China's demand (crude oil imports rose to 9.01 million bpd) are the main reasons for...

  27. Union threatens national strike after workers dismissed...facing possible shutdowns if strike carried out.     

  28. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  29. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  30. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E