1. This is beyond whatever Saudis or Russia are doing.  It's about the virus demand destruction.  Some will try to reorganize, try to sell, etc. Bottom line...

  2. Biden administration announces first steps to undo Trump Endangered Species Act changes   Two proposed rules would rescind Trump administration efforts to limit the critical habitat...

  3. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-11-26/biden-sets-out-oil-gas-leasing-reform-stops-short-of-ban  Public outrage over high fuel prices and inflation has caused Democrats to modify their crazy green dream. Reality bites too hard. RCW

  4. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves and they land in your lap and you look around and go wut the heck? Biden Declares He’s ‘Committed to...

  5. The presidential candidate debate tonight had one very clear outcome. Biden pretended he never said he'd ban fracking. We'll soon have multiple links to...

  6. Hard to believe but true.   Biden killed 11,000 high paying pipeline jobs.  That would have created another 15,000 to 20,000 supporting jobs. 15 State Attorney...

  7. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/07/joe-biden-promises-environmentalist-look-into-my-eyes-i-guarantee-you-we-are-going-to-end-fossil-fuel/ Joe Biden Promises Environmentalist: ‘Look into My Eyes; I Guarantee You, We Are Going to End Fossil Fuel’ 3,599

  8. Biden is definitely NOT getting my vote.  This Climate Apocalypse scaremongering is getting more Kool Aid punch drunk by the day.  Rubbish. Biden Says He’s Willing...

  9. If you think it's just going to be 60 days guess again . Article: "The Biden administration has suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling...

  10. Statements like this increase the likelihood Putin goes in to Ukraine.  Putin does not want to look weak by cowering to a Joe Biden...

  11. As he said, from the very fist day Biden Administration will work on climate to achive economy net zero emissions. Its obvious that they are...

  12. It looks like with all the legal battles by Trump being tossed, Biden will be the next President of the United States.  So, now...

  13. This report could disrupt the relative calm in the Mideast.  Saudi Arabia has had to deal with descent on several fronts as human rights,...

  14. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/31/delingpole-bidens-green-new-deal-is-an-impossible-cluster/   Delingpole: Biden’s Green New Deal Is an ‘Impossible Cluster****’ 17,307

  15. Just saw this 3 week old article.  It covers several notable points.  The U.S. oil & gas industry is still in for a world of...

  16.  Statoil, the Norwegian state oil giant will invest $6 billions in development of Arctic oil projects. Name of oil field is Castberg and it's...

  17. The meat industry is, apparently, a bigger producer of harmful emissions than Big Oil. Something for Big Oil to boast about.

  18. From the FT: "Some of the world’s biggest energy companies say a backlash against plastics will not derail the industry’s big bet on petrochemicals, as...

  19. As electric cars begin eating into profit growth at oil companies, the war for electric-car drivers' pocketbooks has begun. Oil majors, who've sold fossil...

  20. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2019-05-17/conoco-s-cto-we-are-drilling-more-wells-spending-less-video The naysayers say efficiency has plateaued.  Well yes if you only look at (1) drilling cost per ft , (2) amount of sand used...

  21. BP and Shell to face fresh shareholder challenge over climate goals I'm impressed with the stated goal of Follow This, honestly. Buying into a company to...

  22. The latest fall in oil prices has some analysts wondering if the world has passed peak demand.  https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/big-oil-confronts-possibility-of-terminal-demand-decline-1.5011438  

  23. The space for cost reduction among the supermajors is dwindling. What now?

  24. Big oil has gotten bigger. A lot bigger. That’s what Simon Flowers, chairman and chief analyst at Wood Mackenzie, stated in his latest version of...

  25. We've already seen Big Oil getting into renewables in a Big Way. Here's another example: Italy's Eni is looking to diversify into plastics, reportedly...

  26. Big Oil Investors Bracing for Bad News as Headwinds Gather     (Bloomberg) -- Slumping energy prices, sluggish global demand and shrinking chemical margins are weighing on...

  27. "Oil majors led by Exxon Mobil and Chevron will need to bulk up their Permian Basin spending to meet their growth goals, triggering more...

  28. Big Oil is still reluctant to venture into the Arctic, even if it's Norway's Arctic. besides Eni and its Goliath project, apparently only Shell...

  29. Big Oil is in the rink with Big Utility. The fight is for power supply for EVs. From Bloomberg.