1. I have a well vetted US based seller/off-OPEC agent for 2 allocation holders of BLCO. We can deliver TTO, CIF or ex-tanks China, Las...

  2. ...The sub-section in question -- the so-called Principal Adverse Impact rule -- requires investment firms to state whether their actions might in any way...

  3. FROM BLOOMBERG ARTICLE: "  .  .  .  All those fine words aren’t just greenwash, but the sign of a company having genuine doubts about the...

  4. (Bloomberg) -- From Russia to Saudi Arabia, Iran to Venezuela, the list of crude oil supplies being curtailed or disrupted around the world is...

  5. The thought is Putin is pissed at the U.S. for (1) U.S. not cutting production (2) Sanctioned companies thwarting the Russian completion of Nordstream2...

  6. https://m.economictimes.com/markets/commodities/views/opec-deal-isnt-worth-the-paper-its-written-on/articleshow/72674088.cms " .   .  that appeared to indicate that OPEC+ output would be slashed by a very substantial 900,000 barrels a day .  ....

  7. (Bloomberg Opinion) --  "Here’s one underreported factor that may explain Russian and Saudi Arabian willingness to turn their backs on almost 18 months of Opec oil...

  8. by Julian Lee June 9, 2019(Bloomberg)  Saudi Arabia and Russia are on a collision course.On Friday the International Energy Agency will publish its first forecast...

  9. . (Bloomberg) -- Oil bulls thought 2020 would be their year_ After half a decade of lower spending on new projects, oil production growth was supposed...

  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-05/opec-sees-its-market-share-shrinking-for-years-as-shale-triumphs Looks like will get Brent price up for IPO. Looks downhill 2020 thru 2025. OPEC report names in addition to U.S. shale - Brazil, Kazakhstan,...

  11. As part of Aramco IPO they guaranteed a $75 Billion yearly dividend payments for 5 years.  

  12. From Bloomberg article " This third boom will be driven by the international oil majors and will be characterized by a focus on better extraction, rather...

  13. Presented for your amusement, from Bloomberg Markets.  Notice the glaring lack of any proposed "solution", or any proposed global alternative to hydrocarbons. The Hydrocarbon Era’s Spectacular End

  14.   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-big-oil-deal-won-025642130.html Trump never said that .  The author is deducting this reading into Trump's strategy of taking a market approach to reducing U.S. production. My theory...

  15. Just saw the official video released explaining the reason for this land rig blowout, its a shame five people lost their lives and there...

  16. Just some videos of blowouts for those interested. The commentary is not factually correct. The video showing the bit coming back to the surface...

  17. What is blue gas dear mates? Have you came across this word?

  18. The price of Brent crude oil will average $75 per barrel next year, according to the latest forecast from oil and gas analysts at...

  19. Oil demand to peak by 2030 due to EV adoption, says BofA. These forecasts are getting increasingly confusing. Just the other day a Mazda...

  20. BofA-ML sees Brent at $70 in 2019, but says global recession could result in $35 That's how you do price forecasts. Whatever happens, BofA will...

  21. Self-Sufficient Floating Islands May Soon Become Reality By Irina Slav - Apr 08, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Self-Sufficient-Floating-Islands-May-Soon-Become-Reality.html https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qVfXz3jg-DS4WSvcIoEkji5fjI_vNrZny9ZQjmFjdn8/edit#   Join Our Community      

  22. White House national security adviser John Bolton dismissed an EU plan for a special payments plan to circumvent U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil sales...

  23.       As we can see the boost of prices happening these days in the oil industry reaching 85$ for Brent Crude. This all comes related...

  24. UK consulting company IHS has lodged a bid in a public tender launched by Bosnia's Federation in search for a consultant to advise the...

  25. entire strait shut down after tanker crash https://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=2707088&Language=en

  26. BP PLC suffered a setback to its post-Deepwater Horizon recovery plans after the Australian government said it would block a $1 billion deal that would...

  27. BP's fields, including maturing ones, produced more last year than the year before, CEO Dudley says he's never seen a negative decline rate in...

  28. Animosity between oil companies and activists is growing increasingly hostile.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-21/bp-sees-legal-jeopardy-in-activists-push-for-climate-action Now BP is refusing to answer questions of activists or even divulge climate goals for...

  29. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-15/bp-is-said-to-offer-egyptian-oil-assets-for-sale-as-focus-shifts