1. I would simply like to advise some caution during this exuberant bull run. Remember 2014 and 2015. What goes up eventually goes down. And I'm still waiting...

  2. Heating oil jumped .10 overnight, and I normally wait to fill my 2 tanks until mid-summer (last July 1.89/gal).  Do I buy now or...

  3. https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-oil-attack-this-is-the-big-one-11568480576


  5. Not trying to be William Delbert Gann from 1800s early 1900s, but it been clear now since last week, just wanted to put a target and...

  6. This week a proposal by a constituent at the National Constituent Assembly created a polemic in the public opinion in Venezuela: create a National...

  7. Nick Cunningham has written some very good articles in the past, but he reached rock bottom with this one. None of it is factually...

  8. The FII 2019 starts October 29th.  MBS will push his vision of Saudi Arabia including his $500 Billion City of the Future with flying...

  9. SoCalGas and Calgren Announce Completion of Dairy Renewable Natural Gas Facility, Expected to be Largest in U.S.   https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/socalgas-and-calgren-announce-completion-of-dairy-renewable-natural-gas-facility-expected-to-be-largest-in-us-300892656.html  

  10. You ain't seen nothing yet ! California just the tip of the iceburg.  Most want stricter mandate then 50% by 2030. I think 50% by...

  11. I know we talked about it but could someone please explain how the oil refiners end up the culprit for high prices at the...

  12. A climate problem even California can't fix: tailpipe pollution How does this happen? You can't just say "urban planning" and leave it at that. Electric...

  13. Chevron is the biggest taxpayer and employer in Richmond, California. The city is suing it (again) on allegations that it is destroying its future...

  14. California congressional Dems protest BLM’s leasing plans   California congressional Dems protest BLM’s leasing plans Thirty-four Democrats on California’s congressional delegation, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala...

  15. What got me to looking was Murphy Oil had a new presentation come out today and I noted that they said something about LLS...

  16. With California apparently attempting to copy the successful model of the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela, the California government is now pleading with its citizens...

  17. A title I'm sure they're only too happy to shed. https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosgenerate&stream=top-stories "New Mexico surpassed California and Alaska to become the third-largest crude oil-producing state in the...

  18. So why does California apparently hate the oil & gas industry so much?  NIMBY ... ?   From Oil Consumption Statistics and from The Slow Death Of Californian Oil...

  19. California looking at cutting O&G production   California is beginning a new, serious look at curbing oil and natural gas drilling and production in an effort to...

  20. "A musician who claimed he could use sound waves to improve oil and gas exploration and transportation was actually running "sham enterprises" that defrauded...

  21. This article speaks of California's (and other states') hypocrisy as pertains to their anti-oil stance.  "Local development bans are unfair, illogical, and hypocritical: those states...

  22. Um, wasn't California supposed to be very anti-oil and stuff?  California 2018 crude-by-rail imports reach highest level since 2013-14: state

  23.   California Politicians Hiked Gas Tax, Now Demand Investigation Into State's $4 Per Gallon Gas Prices As lieutenant governor, Gavin Newsom supported a 2017 bill increasing the state's...

  24. Written by Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris. Good luck with your scaremongering politics, California. Offshore oil drilling threatens our health and economy. We need a permanent ban. Americans...

  25. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-09/california-moves-toward-ban-on-gas-lawnmowers-and-leaf-blos He should be more concerned about sprinklers right now! How popular will this be? RCW

  26. California's Oil Industry Collapses Despite Shale Boom Not that long ago, California was the second most vital U.S. oil producing state. Since peaking in...

  27. Mirth.  California is the gift that just keeps giving giggles about Correct Thinkingness absurdity. ‘GREEN’ CALIFORNIA IS MORE RELIANT ON FOREIGN OIL THAN EVER BEFORE California’s...

  28. Alaskan oil developers face technical challenges to exploit new plays, as output declines Are there no other options but oil in Alaska? I realise the...

  29. Federal judge reinstates ban So, in the twilight hours of the Obama administration, he writes an executive order permanently banning Arctic drilling. Trump wrote...

  30. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-aramco-sumitomo-chem-petrochemi-idUSKBN26M5T0 My experiences suggest not. The more they invest and diversity, the worse off they probably are from a profitability perspective. When they were privately...