1. Yes, I'm biased ... but really, any believers? Canadian media are propping up Canada's Montney and Duvernay shale plays as ready to rival the...

  2. Well, they do it for milk (weren't we just talking about that on another forum? ""One of the large Canadian oil producers, Cenovus Energy, is...

  3. It looks like there is nothing but more bad news for the export of Canadian heavy oil, which historically has been priced at about...

  4. Canada's Oil Industry Needs More Outlets   Per BP, Canada produced over 5.2 million b/d in 2018 and was the fourth largest oil producer in the...

  5. Canada's [Fish] Oil Industry Will Be Indispensable For Decades To Come. As far as the petroleum industry goes, anyone that would say something like this...

  6. Once again, Canada shoots itself in the foot regarding its oil & gas natural resources. Canada's federal elections later this year may change things a...

  7. Canada's Oil-Rich Alberta Introduces Bill To Repeal Carbon Tax   CALGARY, Alberta--Canada's main crude-producing province Alberta introduced a bill to repeal the provincial carbon tax on...

  8. Pay attention to the levels of extreme voter dissatisfaction which resulted in Trump getting elected in the U.S. a couple years ago, and the...

  9. To be sure, the $40 discount is only for some contracts for lower-grade crude but even the higher grades sell $32 cheaper than WTI....

  10. Canadian crude Gulf Coast exports rise as Venezuelan gap is filled     Heavy crudes have poured into the United States this spring, offsetting the loss...

  11. Some of Canada's sludge-like heavy oil will move in an even thicker form on railways in an effort to avoid pipeline bottlenecks and reduce...

  12. Canadian Oil & Gas refuse to politely say "sorry" any more to Trudeau and dunderheaded dolt politicians.  Some amazing spunk from the Great White North O&G: Canada’s...

  13. Is the Canadian Oil Patch Nightmare Over? Last year, the lack of adequate pipeline and rail export capacity to handle growing oil output drove the...

  14. Presented without comment, as I'm a bit cranky this morning about #Resist and #Disrupt by "environmental" activists who seem to view oil pipelines as...

  15. Canadian company ships solid oil sands bitumen to Chinese refinery   A Canadian company has loaded a test cargo of solid bitumen onto a vessel destined...

  16. After years of battle the approvals have come through. Trans Mountain is full speed ahead, pipe going in ground Enbridge line 3 also has go...

  17. Run Climate Panic Lemmings Run! Cliffs Ahoy! Run Run Run Run Run !   Elizabeth May Says Humanity Must “Transition Off Fossil Fuels” Before The October Election https://www.spencerfernando.com/2019/08/09/wut-elizabeth-may-says-humanity-must-transition-off-fossil-fuels-before-the-october-election/ Under 3 months...

  18. So this is what happens to conventional production.  It eeks along losing money on a regular basis, worse than shale but pretending it does...

  19. Prince George due grassroots petrochemical complex West Coast Olefins Ltd., Calgary, has taken the first steps toward development of a $5.6-billion (Can.) grassroots petrochemical complex...

  20. Does CAP 437 Circle H landing lighting create the safest landing environment for Helicopters?  

  21. Let's see how popular this Carbon Tax financial scam gets when it seriously hits people's pocketbooks. The oil haters are really getting out of control,...

  22. Capital for small independents has been an issue since the downturn and doesn't appear to be abating even with $65-70 oil.  Banks have been...

  23. The business model surrounding Volumetric Production Payments, (VPPs), invariably revolves around forward payment on oil and gas to the producer who uses this capital...

  24. The production elements that manufacture the products and service in capitalist economy models are raw materials,land,labor and money.

  25. Does anybody know of auction sites where I can buy stuff from failing US shale?   Post the links here!

  26. Tesla Unplugged: In Singapore, It’s Just Another Unwelcome Car     Around the world, Tesla Inc. is a welcome symbol of what can happen when high-tech meets...

  27. http://carbon.ycombinator.com/ Practically unlimited money for good reasonable ideas! Other alternatives! kind of like trying out the costs to operationalize stuff here: https://arpa-e.energy.gov/ Send ideas, not idealogies! Stuff is...

  28. Carbon tax best way to cut greenhouse gas emissions: IMF   At $70 per ton of carbon dioxide, a carbon tax would be the most efficient...

  29. Here is a fascinating article that describes how a hedge fund has purchased a shuttered refinery in the US Virgin Islands and will re-start...