1. BP is expected a higher post-tax earnings in 2018 thanks to corporate tax changes for 2018, it said today. Lowering from 35% to 21%...

  2. Something for traders to keep an eye on: BP busy looking into BHP Billiton's US shale assets, per Bloomberg and Oilprice.com. Saw a lot...

  3. BP says that the growth of oil demand is over. Oil consumption may never return to pre-Covid-19 crisis They are the first to say that...

  4. BP launches biggest global campaign in a decade What campaign, you might wonder. Well, isn't it obvious? it's a campaign about a multifaceted approach to...

  5. BP predicts oil demand will peak by 2030 and EVs will shrink it further by 2040 rising 100-fold to 320 million. I wonder if...

  6. BP's Dudley said BP had a turning the corner year in 2017, as its first year post-settling its over $60 billion in fines and...

  7. Bob Dudley say US shale will have limited efect, and players like Saudi Arabia will have more juice when it comes to market swings....

  8. BP Says Some of Its Oil ‘Won’t See the Light of Day’   (Bloomberg) -- Oil companies are under increasing pressure to bring fuel to market...

  9. Seems I'm not the only one who thinks oil prices should be at around $65. For the last few years (2015 to 2017) I have...

  10. BP starts new Whiting coker to swap sweet crude for Canadian Quote HOUSTON/CALGARY (Reuters) - BP Plc (BP.L) has started up a major new coking unit...

  11. Next edition of BP Statistical Review of World Energy was published: https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html

  12. BP said Tuesday it will take an additional charge of $1.7 billion (1.4 billion euros) in the fourth quarter of 2017 linked to the...

  13. BP invests USD30m in breakthrough technology to produce animal feeds from natural gas   BP Ventures has made an investment of $30 million in Calysta, Inc.,...

  14. Bloomberg) -- BP Plc will make the biggest write down in a decade on the value of its business, as the British oil major...

  15. BP joined its competitors in posting a strong 2018 performance, with a doubling of profits driven by strong growth in oil and gas output...

  16. Does this have merit, or is this more Russia fear-mongering? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/04/29/bp-chief-poisoned-russia-plot-claims-former-colleague/  

  17. Probably not a good thing for oil prices. Some highlights:  "Recoverable reserves from the Middle East, which holds the largest oil resources, could be increased...

  18. BP new report "Advancing The Energy Transition" calls for lowered greenhouse gas emissions through 2025 from operations. Did BP go as far as anyone...

  19. Fantastic news for Brasil's slightly bewildered oil plays, Brasil has finally cottoned onto the fact that if they dont move and get this nasty...

  20. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Why-Brazil-Joining-OPEC-Would-Be-A-Massive-Mistake.html Umm not a good time to blurt this out. Repsol are not bidding next round due to the high royalty prices, but the royalties are...

  21. The Brazilian Federal Audit Court has given the go-ahead to an oil action that covers acreage in the notorious presalt zone offshore Brazil that...

  22. After years of corruption from the left wing PT Workers Party and the Illustrious work carried out in operation Lava Jato by the honourable...

  23. No takers for this preaalt oil now that they can't wheel and deal on prices. The implications for not finding a buyer are significant.  https://www.reuters.com/article/brazil-oil-auction/brazil-receives-no-bids-for-contracts-for-pre-salt-oil-cargo-idUSL2N1T1263?rpc=401&

  24. Lots of ground covered in this article.  As I tend to agree more than disagree with this author's views in general (this is one of...

  25. The wailing and gnashing of teeth from the anti-oil industry should be amusing. And time for a happy dance party to celebrate what looks to...

  26. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Brazilian-Oil-Giant-Braces-For-Strikes-Ahead-Of-50-Billion-Auction.html Labor unions in Brazil have been active this year, threatening to wage an all-out war that began in February against right-leaning President Jair Bolsonaro,...

  27. A year ago I considered $50 oil really low, approaching unprofitability. And now $50 is a milestone I see as the Canadian oil industry...

  28. Brent crude oil on Thursday topped $80 a barrel for the first time since November 2014, as the market grew concerned that the Trump...

  29. I don't remember ever reading a story that talks about what effect, if any, Brexit will have on crude prices. Is that because there...

  30. Brazil prosecutors alleged on Wednesday that trading giants Vitol, Trafigura and Glencore paid over $30 million in bribes to employees at state-owned oil company...