1. He is one of the best https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2020-03-12/citi-oil-veteran-says-20s-likely-on-unique-demand-supply-shock-video

  2. "American exports of crude oil and petroleum products rose to a record 8.3 million barrels a day last week, according to U.S. government data on Wednesday....

  3. Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman's four lap dogs . . . J.P Morgan, Morgan Stanley. Citi and Bank of America will say anything for...

  4. Citi Sees Brent at $78 Within 3 Months   (Bloomberg) -- Forget the trade war and global growth pessimism. Citigroup Inc. is sticking to its target...

  5. Big money movers are circling over the Aramco IPO, even if it is slow to start. Reports say Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Deutsche Bank...

  6. Hundreds of billions of dollars continue flowing into fossil fuels every year, with no signs of the trend changing any time soon. Many investors say...

  7. This article is 2 months old but worth to read because many national governments are stealing the idea and temporary solution without giving any...

  8. As we swelter in the dog days of summer, even crotchety ol' Grandpa Silas is starting to wonder if there might be something to...

  9. Climate change will place disproportionate burden on women in the future, as women will shoulder the brunt of foraging for food and firewood, according...

  10. France and Canada Launch Climate Change Police Forcehttps://www.activistpost.com/2022/08/france-launches-climate-change-police-force.html EXCERPTS As reported by Breitbart, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is hiring 3,000 “green police” officers to go...

  11. Michael Bennet proposes $1 trillion climate change fund   DENVER (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bennet said Monday he wants to commit $1 trillion for...

  12. I have officially had it. I suggest ALL international oil companies stop what they're doing and sit back and relax as the world economy...

  13. Professor slams last year's study that concluded Exxon knew about effects of oil industry on environment and did nothing. Reasons cited include bias, lack...

  14. A civil suit playing out between five American oil companies and the municipalities of Oakland and San Francisco started off poorly for climate change activists. In...

  15. Climate Panic intensifies !! Hyperbole escalation increases !!! The sky is falling on our heads and will kill us all !!!!!! CLIMATE CRISIS KILLS !!  ELEVENTY !!! ...

  16. This is the technical analysis. I prefer fundamentals  Chart readers will tell you the charts reflect investor sentiment

  17. Schlumberger selects Google Cloud to develop cloud-native E&P applications   Schlumberger has renewed and significantly expanded its agreement with Google Cloud to develop cloud-native E&P applications...

  18. Yep, CNN.  Go ahead, major cities.  Try to cut out hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon investments from your cities.  This should be amusing.  Enjoy freezing your butts...

  19. Boulder County puts 9-month moratorium on oil and gas development https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/boulder-county-puts-9-month-moratorium-on-oil-and-gas-development

  20. Colorado regulators back 2,000-foot setback for new oil and gas drilling in “paradigm shift” In a session Wednesday to review proposed rule changes on setbacks,...

  21. BLM to Incorporate Oil, Natural Gas Climate Impacts in Western Colorado RMP   https://www.naturalgasintel.com/blm-to-incorporate-oil-natural-gas-climate-impacts-in-western-colorado-rmp/

  22. < *cough* > Guess I'll just wait here quietly for indignant wailing, gnashing of teeth, and implications that I am a neanderthal science denier... And just...

  23. Is anyone aware of what happened with USA coal over the years? I clicked on many a google hit but I never did find...

  24. Coal, nuclear will have 'almost disappeared' from US power mix by 2050 Opinions differ on validity of conclusions Clean Power Plan replacement 'not relevant'   Bloomberg's New Energy...

  25. After API Reports Big Crude Build, EIA Announces Official Data Won't Be Published by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022 - 03:38 PM Update (1700ET): Shortly after...

  26. Canada may hold the world’s third-largest crude reserves, but that’s little help to its largest refinery after a weekend attack disrupted production in Saudi...

  27. It seems the Colombian government is on the cusp of allowing fracking to occur in unconventional extraction. Are there any opinions out there that...

  28. Colombia again shutting in an oilfield for safety reasons as threats against it are made. Things are not looking so good for marriages between...

  29. "The OPEC founding member produced 740,000 barrels a day in March, while Colombia’s oil reserves are less than 1% of Venezuela’s, produced 884,815 barrels....

  30. or was it? Does anyone believe a multi billion dollar company doesn't have anyone who knows how to operate valves? Inquiring minds want to know.