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  4. permian

    Permian Basin Overtakes Saudi’s Ghawar as World’s Top Producing Oilfield Friday, April 05, 2019   Texans for Natural Gas New data released by Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s national...

  5. TRRC head Ryan Sitton wanted to take a vote today .  The other two commissioners want to wait till May 5th.  So May 5th...

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  7. Ok, this is just plain weird.  I'm sharing an Oil Price article here on the Oil Price community forum.  I'm a long time reader...

  8. Hey y'all (yep living in the south)! I am taking a look at the domestic oil consumption of Saudi Arabia, and something doesn't seem right. Consumption...

  9. What level of WTI crude price is typically thought of a "break even" for a driller/developer of a new crude oil source in the...

  10. I have a thought question for the readership. Responses are requested. The headline from CNBC reads "Saudi Arabia cuts oil production in July". Does that...

  11. OPEC and Russia are working on a long-term deal to cooperate on oil supply curbs that could extend controls over world oil supplies by...

  12. Recent production revival and potential for further development makes Eagle Ford shale a promising prospect During 2018 Eagle Ford re-emerged as one of the lucrative...

  13. Washington Post is at it again, with their frothing hatred of the U.S. Just unbelievable. Posting the article in full, for those lurkers who do not wish to...

  14. In recent weeks I have seen several cases where the EIA has reported 'surprise' draws an builds on the oil supply. Generally, if there are...

  15. Iran will continue to export oil despite U.S. pressure aimed at reducing the country’s crude shipments to zero, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on...

  16. Chevron Corp. reported third-quarter profit doubled from a year earlier as production increases met rising oil prices. The company reported earnings of $4 billion...

  17. After reading  several analyses on crude oil price in near future I am leaning toward crude price touching down to $62.50. Unless any interruption in supply.

  18. What is most important factor for oil rate???

  19. Some meaty reading to sink your teeth into. Yes, I think all of these topics in the title to this thread are related.  As well...

  20. Hi guys.  Hanging in and hanging on still in West Texas...The roads are dead and the nights are pitch black.  Our company has had 3...

  21. The top five countries with the most miles of paved roads (per Gemini AI). China: 5,350,000 miles of paved roads (all paved) United States: 5,124,000 miles...

  22. Unexpected news.  I've previously done work on Murphy's West Patricia (shallow water) and Murphy's Kikeh (deep water) offshore oil platforms.  And also on Talisman...

  23. It is impossible to eliminate Iranian oil from the global market, OPEC Secretary-General Mohammad Barkindo was quoted as saying by Iranian oil ministry’s news...

  24. Kemp and Raffensperger will lose their 2022 Primary.  It's Republicans like Georgia's Raffensperger that will lead to a successful third political  party candidates.  Trump is not...

  25. The decision by the OPEC+ that took the markets by surprise on Sunday, coincided with the data on the Chinese manufacturing activity in March,...

  26. Intriguing news.  And great to see new Exploration & Production going on. Hurricane Energy produces first oil from new type of field A UK energy...

  27. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  28. By the end of 2017, oil export from U.S. to all parts of world will achieve record number. Beside Canada, China, ... U.S. oil has...

  29. Biting my nails here on midterm day!  Watching: Colorado ballot initiative 97 California ballot proposition 6 Washington State Carbon tax Initiative 1631 North Dakota Senator Heitkamp v Cramer Florida Senator...

  30. Ok, ye smart guys. The oil biz in the USA is now mostly shale oil/gas. Vertical drilling by independents (or anyone) seems to have...