1. An Iraqi delegation will travel to Washington to ask the Trump administration to allow it to ignore some sanctions against Iran, its neighbor and close...

  2. In my opinion, point #6 is valid.  The other points ... debatable   - and / or -   not so much, and also amusingly deceptive. Point #6: 6....

  3. Unexpected news.  I've previously done work on Murphy's West Patricia (shallow water) and Murphy's Kikeh (deep water) offshore oil platforms.  And also on Talisman...

  4. What Icahn knows that we don't Some interesting speculating going on in this article. Yes the author is long Oxy. I'm curious what others here...

  5. .

  6. As the world is gradually reducing its reliance on oil and gas for transportation and energy, how will this affect petrochemical industry growth and...

  7. A gallon of gasoline has an energy equivalent to 32Kwh. For the purposes of this discussion 'gasoline' means n-heptane - C7H16. Diesel fuel has...

  8. VW is going all in.  Moving from diesel to electric.   Elon is screwed. Transition Time: Volkswagen Announces "Electric for All" Campaign Volkswagen is transitioning away from diesel....

  9. Four of the top ten are in the telecommunications sector which has always been fueled by massive debt bubbles.  It's funny how people want...

  10. What's the deal with the Permian? Is it overrated and soon to die or will it continue to drive U.S. oil production growth? I...

  11. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jobless-claims-rise-over-2-million-again-but-data-offer-glimmer-of-hope-2020-05-28?mod=economic-report In my area, yesterday's shopping spree showed businesses desperate for workers, with signs out at the windows of all restaurants and stores I passed...

  12. Iranian oil productions continue unabated despite the severe US-led sanctions. In spite of the rhetoric to the contrary, it’s a sign that the Iranians...

  13. Excerpt from an article about the current chaos in France: Incoherent Energy Policies And the tax announced by the government – an additional 6.6 cents per...

  14. Saudi Arabia Looks To Fill The Gap In Iran’s Condensate Sales  -  a peculiar move that's clearly directed at capturing market share from Iran...

  15. 24-7 clean energy from thin air Guess we can all just pack it in, life's good.  

  16. Lukoil, Russia’s second largest oil producer, said net profit in the first quarter of 2018 jumped an annual 75 per cent, as higher crude...

  17. Yippee, just what the U.S. needs right now, thanks MbS !  We really need the oil ! !   Because our oil storage is empty !...

  18. .

  19.     .

  20. So, um, anyone recall my earlier repeated comments here that I've been hoping for an average of $65 oil this year? That $80 was...

  21. "Thousands of schoolchildren across the UK have walked out of class as part of a coordinated strike to protest about the global lack of...

  22. Where oil rigs go to die @Rasmus Jorgensen, @Douglas Buckland, some others whose names I've regrettably misplaced. Nice read for the weekend

  23. ESG Underperformance Will Be Its Undoing by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jul 19, 2022 - 10:40 AM Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, ESG underperformance will be the strategy’s...

  24. The Saudis completely exit their $1.2 billion share in Canadian Suncor. Instead, they're piling into video games for the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4866o-Abck    

  25. Demand for Canadian heavy crude will increase as mexico and venezuela struggle to get oil to US refinery market, according to study from Deloitte. 

  26. "Canada’s top climate change official on Thursday said she would make no apologies for the nation’s support for its oil producers, saying environmental and...

  27. OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia will likely continue to apply greater pressure on others in OPEC+ who fail to abide by the alliance’s production curbs....

  28. What we need to watch out for tomorrow is the OPEC wording. Neither OPEC nor Russia wants to disappoint the market, but so far...

  29. I debated whether to put the "over pipeline" in the title, it seeming entirely superfluous. but I decided to do it anyway.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-transcanada-headquarters-wet-suwet-en-arrests-1.4970441?cmp=rss "Dozens of opposing...

  30. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...