1. Environmentalists asked American judge to subpoena the U.S. government for all files related to the Trump administration’s approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline....

  2. The head of the U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency defended his agency’s expanded use of waivers exempting refineries from the nation’s biofuel law during a...

  3. EPA penalties were significantly less this last fiscal year, partially under Trump administration. To be fair, part of it was under Obama and part...

  4. Reuters Agency noted that the Trump Administration has temporarily frozen a program meant to exempt small oil refineries in financial distress from the U.S....

  5. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/379387-epa-proposes-tweaks-to-oil-refinery-pollution-rules so are these pollution rule changes being proposed actual policy changes, or merely clarifications and technical/administrative tweaks?  

  6. AOC and the "Keep Oil & Gas In The Ground Forever" brigade will be unhappy. Some states have been severely abusing the U.S. Clean Water...

  7. Sources at EPA say they are going to relax Obama-era mileage/emission standards. Media spinning this as a doom and gloom scenario that will end...

  8. The price of gas has been falling and the northern hemisphere is still at the peak of winter; this is not something that the...

  9. Norwegian companies bringing tech, social change to U.S. oil & gas industry Yes, I'm still mad at them for the stupid name change and horrible...

  10. The Norwegian oil-and-gas giant plans to pour money into an approximately $180 million investment fund focused on battery and related technologies. That tech is...

  11. http://www.ey.com/gl/en/newsroom/news-releases/news-ey-oil-and-gas-sector-must-adapt-now-to-rising-cybersecurity-threat 60% of organizations surveyed recently suffered a significant cyber incident, but only 17% feel confident they would detect a sophisticated cyber attack. A little...

  12. NNPC said that its Escravos-Lagos is back up and functioning again after explosion last week.  Still unclear whether the power plants are up yet.  

  13. https://www.yoursurvivalguy.com/financial-security/money-101/illegal-esg-is-strangling-oil-exploration-and-may-break-the-law/ ILLEGAL? ESG Is Strangling Oil Exploration, and May Break the Law MARCH 8, 2022 BY E.J. SMITH - YOUR SURVIVAL GUY Are Oil companies actually hurting for capital...

  14.       Yesterday's drone air attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities are threatening to disrupt the status quo of the world's oil markets and push the...

  15. Seeing that UCO (Proshares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil ETF) is hanging in the low numbers like 1.28 to 1.40, I wonder how long would...

  16. Does anyone here use EToro it’s a madhouse at the moment, now I know why DT had shares in RedBull 😂😂😂

  17. "EU brings industry together to tackle dollar dominance in energy trade" "The European Union has convened a wide-ranging industrial group to work on promoting...

  18. EU May Crack Down on Turkey for Drilling in Mediterranean   (Bloomberg) -- The European Union will examine retaliatory measures against Turkey over its drilling activities...

  19. The EU is scrambling to find alternate oil product suppliers in a tightly supplied market. The bloc even raised its imports of Russian diesel by...

  20. Crude in floating storage in Europe is at an 18-month high, almost 13 million barrels. How did this happen?

  21. Battling for Asian market share with OPEC and US, Russia is diverting higher-quality crude cargoes from Europe to China. Something's got to give. Europe's...

  22. Thanks to "progressive" energy policies that are more lip service than public service, a massive opportunity was missed to help Europe become less dependent...

  23. Europe's Oil Demand May Not Dip as Much as Some Claim   Europe today (per IEA definition, which notably includes Turkey) utilizes oil for 30 percent...

  24. With the winter just a few weeks away, European energy crisis can only get worse unless the root cause is addressed as soon as...

  25. Yes, this is about oil & gas.  Or more accurately, the Elite EU leader's persistent plans to dismantle the fossil fuel industry, while increasing their...

  26. The EU's gas grid is, however, certainly more resilient to gas supply shocks today than in 2009, when Russian gas supplies to the EU...

  27. MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas (Greens, LT), MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia – [MEP code=HR]) (NI, HR), MEP Virginie Joron (ID, FR), MEP Cristian Terhes (ECR,...

  28. ... because U.S. sanctions have cut flow of Venezuelan oil, apparently. Here. I tell ya, this whole sanction charade must have been Putin's personal idea. 

  29. Car sales in Europe hit a ten-year high last year, with SUVs dominating the market. No mention what the portion of EVs in the...