1. From Bloomberg article " This third boom will be driven by the international oil majors and will be characterized by a focus on better extraction, rather...

  2. OPEC as well as its allies will probably achieve their goal of draining oversupply coming from the oil market as well as boosting prices...

  3. Mike Shellman writes again.  No need for me to elaborate much on his persistent and very much needed gentle nudgings about debts coming due...

  4. Lots of ground covered in this article.  As I tend to agree more than disagree with this author's views in general (this is one of...

  5. It's widely known that the current Saudi Energy minister ABS (MBSs brother) has a very short temper and can be an antagonist.  This is...

  6.   Petroleum’s importance to humankind took a giant leap in the late 1800’s when it replaced coal as the primary fuel for the machines of...

  7. Without offering commentary on the rightness or wrongness of climate change, eco-friendly movements, renewables, and whatnot, I proffer this prognostication for your perusal.  A depressing...

  8. This is not accidental.  This is bad news. Saudi Arabia is apparently seeking an economic battle with the world and specifically against the U.S. The time era of...

  9. TEVA PHARMA RUSHING SHIPMENTS TO U.S. BAYER SENT U.S. 3 MILLION TABLETS.   U.S. Surgeon General said chloroquine won't be available until mid summer. WHAT ?  The...

  10. There is some great insight on this forum and I am curious about something. Trump keeps himself in the news just about every day. He's...

  11. OPEC has agreed today that there will be no production increases on the global market while Russia and Kazakhstan are raising output by small amounts.  Oil...

  12. Quickly, they're releasing the results of the independent audit later today. Last year "sources" had them at 270 billion barrels. Anyone willing to bet...

  13. Most of you would have see n this right? It goes with a whole slew of announcements about e-car makers cutting back on production...

  14. So, Nigeria is playing it guardedly and Saudi Arabia's Falih has found it necessary to say the kingdom won't cut alone. If he needs...

  15. I'm not buying this news.   But, this article is the musings of The Tylers on ZeroHedge, and The Tylers are generally well informed about the global oil industry,...

  16. Over the past few months there have been numerous articles predicting the impending decline of shale production mostly related to profitability. When I looked at...

  17. The Tylers weigh in.  Might be a good idea to consider their thoughts.  Full article in the link: "A Murderer's Row": Oil And Gas Bankruptcies...

  18. < *facepalm* > A $240 Per Gallon Gas Tax to Fight Global Warming? New UN Report Suggests Carbon Pricing A United Nations special climate report suggests...

  19. Its not just better rigs. Better propants, reservoir mapping, well placement, etc, etc, etc  As one analyst said this morning, E & P (exploration and...

  20. Electric vehicle market growth is a blessing for some metals — and not a big worry for oil   https://www.marketwatch.com/story/electric-vehicle-market-growth-is-a-blessing-for-some-metals-and-not-a-big-worry-for-oil-11620322546  

  21. Although articles posted in Oilprice.com have referenced, and discussions have focused, on all manner of technological innovation to try to coax some extra barrels...

  22. I think we talked about it somewhere but if I'm just imagining, here's the proof: Big Oil's the one who can pull off steady...

  23. Hello All! While the forum has so many intelligent and experienced contributors; I had this idea of why not organize the thoughts and comments and...

  24. A lot of people have asked about doing a breakdown on Iran and how the USA is draw them out to be. So today we...

  25. OPEC moved closer on Friday toward boosting oil output as its leader Saudi Arabia appeared to have persuaded arch-rival Iran to cooperate, after major...

  26. Title says it all, want to know what your thoughts are about recent price movements after EIA reported an 8 million barrel crude build. Yes...

  27. Rigs have been steady or lower in the past couple of weeks despite higher oil prices. And while the US can do more with...

  28. To scrub or not to scrub One way or another, ship owners are soon going to have to make big, and in some cases expensive,...

  29. .

  30. Unexpected news.  Posting article in full, because the Sputnik website seems to be having difficulties. Russia's Rosneft Oil Company Announces Termination of Its Activity in...