1. Why can't this web site display the up to date current price of oil? Specifically WTI. It says there is a, 15 minute delay...

  2.   Cushing inventory down to  37 million barrels. Lowest it's been since 2015 as I understand it. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=W_EPC0_SAX_YCUOK_MBBL&f=W (exclusing SPR)  

  3. The largest gasoline pipeline on the East Coast, and the US in general, was shut down on Friday after its operator struggled to contain...

  4. I am a Phd student in Iran. I want daily Brent crude oil prices for 10 recently years. please guide me. thanks

  5. Daily Open-Analysis, Free to share the information from other portals and sites and also your own prediction of the Price.

  6. Dakota Access Pipeline operator plans large capacity expansion The operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline is planning to nearly double its capacity, to a...

  7. "Scotland’s oil and gas sector stands at a “crossroads” with the North Sea in danger of losing its status as a major player in...

  8. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/map-daniel-yergins-sobering-smart-110105377.html Here is a man who can give an intelligent and honest forecast for the future of energy sources. RCW   'The New Map': Daniel Yergin's sobering...

  9. Data?? Where does the data come from to populate this app??? 

  10. When the global oil industry held its biggest annual gathering this week in the Swiss town of Davos, it invited banking bosses and fund...

  11. Argentina's Shale Trove Risks Staying Buried     (Bloomberg) -- Drillers in Argentina are scared that interventionist economic policies will foil the world’s next big shale hope. Investments...

  12. Is it me or is Argentina's energy policy a little bit hectic? They were all for foreign investments, tax incentives, the lot, now, apparently,...

  13. Argentina wants $5 bln investment to boost Vaca Muerta production   BUENOS AIRES, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Argentina wants energy firms to invest some $5 billion...

  14. YPF has to recover investments to keep Vaca Muerta equity story alive   YPF SA , Argentina's state-run oil company, needs to come up with more than...

  15. OPEC and Russia are working on a long-term deal to cooperate on oil supply curbs that could extend controls over world oil supplies by...

  16. @Tom Kirkman https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/guardian-style-guide-update-tells-reporters-to-drop-climate-change-for-climate-crisis-in-push-for-stronger-language-on-environment/ @Marina Schwarz

  17. 12 ridiculous factual problems in the latest oilsands smear by National Geographic I'm fully aware how the word "propaganda" has these days come to mean...

  18. US put a lot of pressure on KSA and OPEC to lower oil price in teh weeks prior to US mid-term election. Partly so...

  19. I am interested in the dynamics of Deep-water Drilling and related field infrastructure. The industry is now in its third year of the worst...

  20. Some deepwater projects can now break even at $30 a barrel and by some Rystad means 16. Good going for deepwater explorers.

  21. Deepwater GOM Project Claims Industry First       LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. reported Tuesday that it has ordered subsea trees from TechnipFMC for its Shenandoah Project in...

  22. Deepwater, tight oil share similar growth themes, Both tight oil and deepwater have vital roles to play, WoodMac says   Deepwater projects and tight oil plays...

  23. Worth reading. Deidra Garyk: Why I work in oil and gas Opinion: "When (environmentalists) attack the industry, they're not attacking some abstract corporate entity — they're...

  24. So in just one two days demand for Aramco's maiden bond has swollen from the $30 billion mentioned by Al-Falih to, wait for it,...

  25. Demand for Canadian heavy crude will increase as mexico and venezuela struggle to get oil to US refinery market, according to study from Deloitte. 

  26. I had raised this question with Tom Kirkman and he advised to start a thread on this to know views of experts on the...

  27. Simple question what will change if the Democratic Party got elected in 2020, would the US continue to eradicate its strategic oil reserves?

  28. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Democrats-Just-Accidentally-Sparked-A-Federal-Fracking-Boom.html How high do you guys think oil prices will go if Warren is elected? I'm certainly no expert here but it does directly affect my...

  29. Democrats push expansion of offshore wind, block offshore drilling with ocean energy bill     A new bill from House Democrats turns to the oceans as a...

  30. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has voted unanimously to ban contributions from fossil fuel companies, in a victory for activists and environmental advocates. It remains to...