1. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Demand-Destruction-Is-Delaying-An-Oil-Supply-Crisis.html Demand Destruction Is Delaying An Oil Supply Crisis By Josh Owens - Apr 29, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT Join Our Community Oil prices are on course for...

  2. So, no need for me to launch into my ad nauseum comments about how I expect oil prices to recover shortly, that $80 oil [Brent]...

  3. He said he had trouble finding enough supply of Hydroxychloroquine for the trial.  He asks that people not hoard the drug. There are sick people...

  4. I'm at a loss to explain this interactive infographic.      From here: https://littlesis.org/maps/4070-americans-for-carbon-dividends?Americans_for_Carbon_Dividends Hover your mouse over the various arrows to see the interconnections. Extracted from here: Big Oil...

  5. Five of the world’s biggest energy producers will be questioned by a federal judge  about climate change science, part of a lawsuit that accuses...

  6. Anyone else notice in a recent interview Harold Hamm, often outspoken CEO of Continental resources blaming Canada for US heavy oil refining capacity issues?...

  7. Well, as you see, charts can predict future prices quite accurately. They can't predict the event though. But this is not saying you can...

  8. Story#1 - UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’ (but exclude China) Story#2 - UK “Nudge Unit” Recommends Banks Track...

  9. In this article by Robert Rapier, he says ExxonMobil does not own any gas stations in the USA. So, what is the working relationship...

  10. What does it take to invest in Oil & Gas and which way to go?

  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5880609/Tesla-electric-cars-not-greener-petrol-ones-according-UK-data.html not that anyone cares about studies or data these days.....

  12. https://www.axitrader.com/au/market-news-blog/market-analysis/2018/07/crude-oil-today-collapsamundo, like I said good chartists are hard to find.

  13. Having worked part time for a Canadian pipeline services company, I was driving back from a project in Michigan enroute to the airport to catch...

  14. Every year, the Fraser Institute puts out a survey of oil industry execs, ranking the best place in the world for investment in E&P....

  15. Oil exploration project between Exxon Mobil and a Russian government-owned oil company Rosneft will be abandoned by Exxon after United States government sanctions prevented the venture...

  16. OPEC oil supply sank to a four-year low in March, a Reuters survey found, as top exporter Saudi Arabia over-delivered on the group’s supply...

  17. This article today on Oil Price main news site could probably use a few more eyeball views.  Good distinctions made, which were glossed over...

  18. U.S. Oil Producers Begin Storing Crude in Strategic Reserve     U.S. oil producers running out of space for storage amid an unprecedented slump in demand have...


  20. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/us-rebrands-fossil-fuels-as-molecules-of-freedom It's not an Onion story, there's a link to the press release. Ingenious! Statoil ain't got nothing on the DoE when it comes to...

  21. Oil demand to peak by 2030 due to EV adoption, says BofA. These forecasts are getting increasingly confusing. Just the other day a Mazda...

  22. “There is a readiness to continue cooperation beyond 2018...The mechanism hasn’t been determined yet, but there is a consensus to continue,” Saudi Arabia’s Energy...

  23. China has a big plans with Brunei. Brunei’s oil and gas reserves are expected to run out within two decades. When completed, the first...

  24. Today energy market analyst and fiction writer Irina Slav join us to discuss her recent article, “Burn, Hollywood, Burn!” We discuss the shady, well-funded...

  25. Engineers convert old oil rigs into wave energy sites I applaud everything that reduces waste of any sort.  Well done, Eni.

  26. Still a lot of people talking about whether American oil companies should join OPEC ... and new topic of interest is whether Russia is...

  27. All end-use sectors will see energy consumption growing through 2050, according to the IEO2019. The industrial sector—including refining, manufacturing, mining, construction, and agriculture—will account...

  28.   Oilfield Proverb (for those at the cutting edge): Listen, all ye miserable sinners who have entered into the land of the tall derricks through the V-door....

  29. Hello,  I just read a lot about capex cuts in the Oil & Gas upstream industry and how capex developed since 2014  https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-oil-and-gas-upstream-capital-spending-2014-2019 I was wondering whether...