1. The U.S. currently holds the title of global leader in recoverable oil resources, according to the latest annual report of world recoverable oil resources...

  2. And what do you know about him?  Might matter for oil prices more then the president.

  3. Some meaty reading to sink your teeth into. Yes, I think all of these topics in the title to this thread are related.  As well...

  4. This is about U.S. Shale Oil.  Penned by @Mike Shellman  I recommend reading it, kicking the tires a bit, and mulling over the points made. ...

  5. This has to be one of the more stupid ideas they have floated.  It's not going to fly because operators can only sell oil...

  6. This was expected again it was just a 150 basis point move up, and with oil volatile as it is, it's no big deal....

  7. canada

    EDIT: There is the data file for the netbacks calculations https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT1FI0yiG1z9c65wNIcA5t7RAjRvNQNvnw-TU4H3HQj7sbWo8OKxJYVRZ1rftVG4VLOrn6JHtNt2fmT/pub?output=xlsx ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I wrote a technical paper on topic how to get crude oil and LNG barrels...

  8. Washington Post is at it again, with their frothing hatred of the U.S. Just unbelievable. Posting the article in full, for those lurkers who do not wish to...

  9.   2 parts to this story.  Part 1:  old article from 2015, for some context.  Long, detailed article.  Excerpt below, full article in the link: How...

  10. Brazil prosecutors alleged on Wednesday that trading giants Vitol, Trafigura and Glencore paid over $30 million in bribes to employees at state-owned oil company...

  11. OPEC chief says he has Putin's word that Russia won't flood the oil market.  Ever? Or... just during the agreement?

  12. Recent production revival and potential for further development makes Eagle Ford shale a promising prospect During 2018 Eagle Ford re-emerged as one of the lucrative...

  13. China appears to have managed its coal shortage with strong-arm tactics. The past energy shortages, however, have taken their toll on other industries with...

  14. Putin posturing in Venezuela promise of 6 Billion USD of Oil and Gold, Russia slowly positioning itself to take over where the USA have...

  15. Stocks to watch for as Colorado's ballot initiative 97, which would expand setback requirements for oil and gas operators, is decided. If passed, initiative will...

  16. Alberta’s output-cut mandate may be driving oil prices too high There's just no way to make some people happy, is there? it's like there's all...

  17. Union threatens national strike after workers dismissed...facing possible shutdowns if strike carried out.     

  18. Hey y'all (yep living in the south)! I am taking a look at the domestic oil consumption of Saudi Arabia, and something doesn't seem right. Consumption...

  19.   Moving the US shale revolution forward   Shales have transformed the US energy landscape, but opportunities exist to extract more value from this young resource and...

  20. a) Shell/Blackstone Eye $10B BHP Billiton Shale Purchase b) Sempra Gets Regulator Nod for $10B Oncor   

  21. Brazilian oil workers began a 72-hour strike on Wednesday in a new blow to President Michel Temer following a nationwide trucker protest that has...

  22. A new coalition in support of offshore energy exploration and development was launched Wednesday by a national oil and natural gas industry trade association. Explore...

  23. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Oil-Bankruptcies-Are-Reaching-Worrying-Levels.html What is this going to look like a year from now? Will price estimates be way off? Will the Oil Majors be able to buy up...

  24. Oil up nearly 3% as OPEC+ agrees to output cut Oil prices rose about 3% at one point on Monday, as OPEC+ members agreed to...

  25. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. How about accepting a little responsibility and not blame everybody else aka "the trump way" ?....

  26. Hot spots in the Middle East with oil tankers being sabotoged are apparently coinciding with Turkey now causing oil & gas trouble for Cyprus and...

  27. For lurkers, if you do a quick check of my comments, you will see I have been commenting repeatedly that I've been hoping for...

  28. Offshore OFS Could Get Major Boost in SE Asia     Offshore project sanctions in Southeast Asia could lift greenfield investments in the oilfield services market by...

  29. Guys, is it me or does the WTI-Brent spread remain exceptionally big: https://oilprice.com/oil-price-charts   Would've thought that a couple of months of crude exports would narrow the...