1. OPEC+ deal will halt price decline temporarily as shorts will cover and take a nice profit. Decline resumes after short-lived reprieve post OPEC meeting. OPEC...

  2. Yep, dead on accurate assessment.  Obama pretty much did everything in his power to impede the oil & gas industry in the U.S. while...

  3. Hoping warm weather brings relief. BUT NOBODY HONESTLY KNOWS. XI JINPING MUST END VIRUS DATA SECRECY. After the Spanish Flu mutated it became extremely virulent.  It subsided...

  4. Not saying once the virus scare is over that oil doesn't go back to $60's maybe even $70 short term . . . ....

  5. It seems we have now entered into the perfect storm scenario.   An over zealous segment of the oil industry hyped up by the government and...

  6. Hoo boy.  The loons have gone waaaay past 11, and want to make it criminal to even question Climate Panic Armageddon. Asking questions is part...

  7. The Oil & Gas Industry responds to Democrat presidential candidate attacks with a full-page ad in New York Times. Oil and gas producers fire back...

  8.   Libya and Algeria have even bigger Tight Natural Gas , Ethane , Natural Gas Liquids and OIL opportunity. If they could just settle down.  UAE...

  9. https://www.rigzone.com/news/us_oil_export_story_has_really_just_started-19-feb-2020-161131-article/ 

  10. From the Corona virus to tensions between the U.S. and Iran so far, the year 2020 has been filled with uncertainties for the global...

  11. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  12. Nicely balanced observations about the fracking industry. Much more even-handed than most articles on fracking, with pretty level-headed analysis of the pros and cons and the in-betweens. Well...

  13. On January 24th the Brent contract price for March delivery settled at $58.29. The virus concern was just starting to build.  The spot price continued...

  14. More of the same.  Doesn't look like anyone cares.  Business as usual.  A significant portion of the ARAMCO IPO buyers were individual retail buyers using money...

  15. One of my normal daily news searches is for "Trump Oil" as well as just for "oil". The amount of negative bias in news articles found with the...

  16. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  17. Looks like the RRC wants OPEC to stop flaring first.  They say that reducing flaring by 200,000mcf/day would cost 750kbd in oil production. Wonder...

  18. Just some videos of blowouts for those interested. The commentary is not factually correct. The video showing the bit coming back to the surface...

  19. Nobody knows.   There are signs Japan might become a virus hotspot.   Financial analyst are now projecting Chinese Q1 GDP of 4%.  They assume China bounces back...

  20. 24-7 clean energy from thin air Guess we can all just pack it in, life's good.  

  21. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  22. Who controls or comes to a decision on Oil costs?

  23. Some of my usual morning news searches are for "oil" and "Trump oil" to see what the media are saying today.  I would estimate that on DuckDuckGo...

  24. 70 million Chinese still quarantined. Is the virus ending or just starting ? Worst case it's another Spanish Flu 1918 (originated in China) where over 500...

  25. We are soon going to enter a period where oil and gas companies with clearly delineated force majeure clauses in their contractual terms &...

  26. If you listen to experts like Art Berman or Anas Alhajji, they say that in the case of shale oil, not only the quantity...

  27. Hydrocarbons to the rescue, as "renewable" energy conks out as unstable yet again.  Hydrocarbon energy is once again going to be used to help...

  28. Hello Everyone! Yes... It has been a while. I hope you still remember me.  I wrote this recently and would love to have a discussion...

  29. Regardless of however serious you may think the Coronavirus may or may not be, it *is* affecting oil prices seriously. Significantly, the IEA is alarmed...

  30. To counter the hyperbole about the U.S. being energy independent.  While the U.S. currently exports more crude oil than it imports, the U.S. is very...