1. Self-explanatory. Nigeria dependence on oil revenue underlined by coronavirus The fast spreading coronavirus from China is threatening Nigeria’s primary source of revenue, oil. Demand for oil has...

  2. Once a distant dream .  .  . now Nuclear Fusion in our lifetime ? Maybe ? The last six months have seen announcements as to...

  3. He believes that oil will not return to the hoped for $60 to $65 range.   He stated production costs have dropped from $30 bbl...

  4. Devious little devils continue seeking to destroy the oil & gas industry.  It's like a neverending episode of Pinky and The Brain.   Beware of green...

  5. The ongoing pattern to observe here is that the Asian Markets drop the price of oil during their trading hours on virus fears, while...

  6. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  7. In my opinion, point #6 is valid.  The other points ... debatable   - and / or -   not so much, and also amusingly deceptive. Point #6: 6....

  8. i have a feeling that they will drop to $45 a barrell before beginning to rise again. It seemed there was a bounce today...

  9. <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart'>Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart</a>            Inflation adjusted https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart Does anyone think that this chart is correct. $20...

  10. Anybody else seeing the shale oil ‘house of cards’ collapsing as we speak? Many of us saw this coming, but were continually shouted down by...

  11. Let’s have some more fun as the last post did so well trying to inject some history or experience into this forum. >sarc< Question -...

  12. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Oil-Bankruptcies-Are-Reaching-Worrying-Levels.html What is this going to look like a year from now? Will price estimates be way off? Will the Oil Majors be able to buy up...

  13. As the impending "No - Deal Brexit" scares the piss out of EU Globalist unaccountable and unelected officials in Brussels, and Multinational companies and certain...

  14. For Climate Alarmists, both cows and oil are bad.  Since I grew up on a dairy farm with 50 cows and I strongly support...

  15. I had raised this question with Tom Kirkman and he advised to start a thread on this to know views of experts on the...

  16. https://www.offshore-mag.com/field-development/article/14074747/new-offshore-investment-cycle-emerging Encouraging news regarding the amount of CAPEX being allocated to shelf and Deepwater plays, as traction grows for offshore how will this affect the...

  17. https://summit.news/2020/01/22/historian-slams-greta-thunberg-i-dont-see-her-in-beijing-or-delhi/   CLIMATE CHANGE Historian Slams Greta Thunberg: “I Don’t See Her in Beijing or Delhi” Why are the biggest polluters being ignored?

  18. Quote from Trump last night in New Jersey.   https://twitter.com/RedWalrus1/status/1222322335849431040  

  19.   Moving the US shale revolution forward   Shales have transformed the US energy landscape, but opportunities exist to extract more value from this young resource and...

  20. The political topic of U.S. oil & gas and LNG will likely start heating up in the second half of this year, as Democrat...

  21. Some good news out of Oklahoma today. $20 million dollars awarded to two families of men killed in the 2018 Patterson 219 explosion, the worst...

  22. Oh dear, oil & gas companies in the USA and Canada are apparently the worst evildoers in the world for Climate Armageddon. (Ignore that Middle...

  23. Thoughtful article from the Oil Price main news site.  And the writer penned my new favorite label for climate panic screechers, "bloviator de jour". 5 Reasons Why...

  24. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  25. Free markets work and they help people.  If you treat customers like crap, don't be surprised if they dump you and go seek out a...

  26.   Welcome to the 2nd Annual Great Oil Price Prediction Challenge of 2019!   If you've been with us since our previous challenge, you know the drill....

  27. Has oil and gas directional and horozontal drilling increased or decreased since October 2019? Has drilling in the US increased or decreased since october2019?

  28. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  29. Don't put all your energy "eggs" in one basket.  Especially, when it's Russia you're depending on. 

  30. Bwahahahaha Peach Mints not working out so well to get rid of Bad Orange Man, and now this.   Judges Explain Why They Are Knocking Down Enviro...