1. No more Aramco IPO, and the Saudis still need to develop more oil and gas fields to offset mature-field production decline, so they are...

  2. "U.S. lawmakers have resurrected the so-called “No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act,” or NOPEC, which proposes making the cartel subject to the Sherman...

  3. I'm shocked.  Shocked I tell you.  Russia and China violating UN sanctions by secretly selling oil to North Korea. What's next?  Iran defiantly selling oil...

  4. Oil and gas producer Occidental Petroleum Corp sought to scuttle Chevron Corp’s $50 billion takeover of Anadarko Petroleum Corp with a $57 billion bid....

  5. Hey y'all (yep living in the south)! I am taking a look at the domestic oil consumption of Saudi Arabia, and something doesn't seem right. Consumption...

  6. Some meaty reading to sink your teeth into. Yes, I think all of these topics in the title to this thread are related.  As well...

  7. China appears to have managed its coal shortage with strong-arm tactics. The past energy shortages, however, have taken their toll on other industries with...

  8. The astonishing developments around the world resulting from the release from China of that nasty virus, and the resulting economic collapses, also has a...

  9. While not exactly a huge spill, this does not paint the petroleum industry in good light. https://apnews.com/article/environment-and-nature-california-wildlife-wetlands-oil-spills-05cbeb962f42ae50590715fb3546d56c You think by now we would have figured out...

  10. The U.S. currently holds the title of global leader in recoverable oil resources, according to the latest annual report of world recoverable oil resources...

  11. Current news regarding Saudi Arabia and the oil production attack…   This is a good read.   September 19, 2019 – Zero Hedge Pepe Escobar: “How The...

  12. crude price will go down by 65$

  13. Guys, is it me or does the WTI-Brent spread remain exceptionally big: https://oilprice.com/oil-price-charts   Would've thought that a couple of months of crude exports would narrow the...

  14. EVs produce more CO2 than say diesel – it’s just they emit via the power plant not the exhaust pipe. The brutal truth that no-one wants to listen...

  15. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/05/01/biden-sides-trump-bolton-and-pompeo-backing-coup-effort-venezuela?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2bwDdQI3BQQyPvMSefQbTKftIEdNOSXUyzIoVvu14SWyncgGq1_whkMsE It's a one-party duopoly that pretend to be opposites! Both parties are a majority "white" and racist! Will Biden, instead of being like the...

  16. Presidential Advisor Jared Kushner (Trump son-in-law) paid record high price for 666 Fifth Ave building in NYC while his father was in jail for...

  17. The oil price started falling again on Friday as the bullish sentiment seems to be as far away as ever, especially when the much-anticipated...

  18. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy/michael-bloomberg-gives-500m-to-campaign-to-kill-coal-and-wound-natural-gas

  19. As expected, as oil prices soar, and the oil price bulls stampede with joyful abandon, the IEA dumps its cold water harbinger of the coming...

  20. Putin posturing in Venezuela promise of 6 Billion USD of Oil and Gold, Russia slowly positioning itself to take over where the USA have...

  21. Washington Post is at it again, with their frothing hatred of the U.S. Just unbelievable. Posting the article in full, for those lurkers who do not wish to...


  23. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said U.S.-imposed oil sanctions are putting pressure on the embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who the U.S. is trying to...

  24. A federal judge temporarily blocked oil and gas drilling on thousands of acres of public land in Wyoming, ruling that the Trump administration failed...

  25. Oil Rigs dropped 2 1/2 % (20 Rigs) from this time last year. Oil Production increased 20% (to 12.2 mbd) from this time last year. I...

  26. In an ideal new regime, how long would it take to get Venezuela's oil industry humming? What would it do to the world oil...

  27. The IEA has forecast that growth in non-OPEC supply--the US. Canada, Brazil and Norway--will be enough to cover the growth in global oil demand. If...

  28. What does everyone think of Oil prices when the world enters K Shape recovery this year?

  29. Though I am not an expert in predicting oil prices I believe that roller coaster ride of oil price may culminate in oil price...