1. With California's fuel costs among the highest in the country, the public did NOT vote for the SB1 tax that was added in 2017. This...

  2. I recently subscribe to oilprice yearly subscription at 09 Apr 2020. I would like to unsubscribe but not able to find anywhere in the website...

  3. President Trump's newest sanctions attempting to curb some $11 billion of crude exports from Venezuelan state-oil company PDVSA  to the United States this year has many...

  4. MASSIVE SUBSIDY $6 barrel oil to produce electricity, fill the tanks of their Maserati , and cool their buildings and homes.   Still can't see...

  5. In response to the corona virus, the feds have cut interest rates from 1.75% to 0.25%: https://www.axios.com/fed-cuts-interest-rates-zero-coronavirus-6bc5c3f0-16a4-4c18-8496-0493990a930a.html I can speak in detail about many technologies, but...

  6. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  7. Economically, Trade , Tourism, 360,000 Chinese College Students in U.S. , etc ? Will Europe continue to be China's obediant lapdog ?

  8. Hello, The Oilprice.com app has the previous 30 day history of Gulf Coast HSFO. Is there a more complete price history of this index publicly...

  9. The left wing L.A. Times is complaining because the Port Authority has approved natural gas trucks to relieve local air pollution from diesel trucks...

  10. API reports crude oil inventory draw of 5.17 million barrels. Expected -1.497 million.

  11. Are discovering oil reserves in Pakistan's ocean really 6th largest in the world and how long would it take to maximize it's full potential?

  12. After plunging oil bulls into deeper gloom by forecasting a 131,000-bpd jump in shale oil production next month, the Energy Information Administration reported a 5-million-barrel increase in crude...

  13. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-06/billionaire-dangote-readies-refinery-for-2020-talks-with-vitol Pushed back multiple times, now into 2020. 

  14. Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih seems to be brushing up on his stand-up one liner jokes.  Not The Onion: Saudis to keep Aramco’s hold on...

  15. US Opens Up California Land for Oil, Gas Leasing   The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management has opened up 722,000 acres of...

  16.   The simulation, taken from a very reliable model for the next few hours, clearly shows that the US Gulf Coast refineries have been spared...

  17. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Hurricane-Outages-Provide-Temporary-Relief-For-Oil-Markets.html A) The hurricane wasn't in the oil producing region last week. B) It didn't pass over any real production   This is just incorrect

  18. Some oil, gas production halted as US Gulf Coast prepares for major storm   US offshore oil and gas drillers started shutting production Wednesday as a...

  19. Husky advances Superior refinery rebuild, revamp     Husky Energy Inc. has received required permit approvals to begin reconstruction of its 47,500-b/cd refinery in Superior, Wis., after...

  20. Husky seems bent on buying MEG Energy but some say others might smell the blood and join the party. Consolidation, mehr consolidation!

  21. I was searching about how to prevent damage in hydraulic fracturing. I have found this link: https://www.drillingmanual.com/hydraulic-fracturing-oil-gas-wells/ which suggests the following: All fluids pumped must be compatible....

  22. The meltdown panic by oil & gas haters is amusing to watch. What would be really amusing is for these haters to swear off using...

  23. Determination that Dicrateria Rotunda and related Dicrateria phytoplankton synthesize long chain hydrocarbons (C10 to C38). https://www.tut.ac.jp/english/introduction/docs/pr20210729_hirose.pdf  

  24. I used ChatGPT that made a buzz last year in the realm of AI to check whether it can make a better prediction when...

  25. i wanna Work With you in USA , iam so galde that contact with you, will you accept me For Working With you in...

  26. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7118901/Venezuelan-former-oil-workers-enter-second-week-hunger-strike.html How about helping them to get out of Venezuela and use them temporarily in our oil fields until Venezuela is free and stable again?...

  27. Exxon's name has been drug through the mud most of all, I think. 

  28. I joined Oil Price back in October 2018. My first post was:  USA to be dominate oil producers  (oct 29,2018) OPEC is collapsing (Nov 7, 2018) Quatar...

  29. < sigh > Talking till I'm blue in the face, to no avail, apparently. Brent reaches $74 and immediately Asian markets drop. Today's news: Asian markets slip as...

  30. Gonna be a fight between Icahn and Buffett Icahn was exiting his position but in the last week is fully back in Occidental. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/reuters-america-update-2-occidental-tries-to-head-off-investor-icahn-as-he-amasses-shares.html?&qsearchterm=icahn I read...