1. T. Boone Pickens Dies At Age 91   Oilman T. Boone Pickens died Sept 11. He was 91. Pickens' spokesman Jay Rosser confirmed the death to The...

  2. Oil Services Should Get Ready for a Recession, Rystad Warns   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-services-ready-recession-rystad-121652401.html

  3. It seems that Saudi Arabia is touting once more the imminent IPO of the state oil company. The announced great interest among investors puzzles me...

  4. Are we approaching the end game as far as petroleum engineering is concerned? Does petroleum engineering follow mining engineering pattern of (slowly) getting vanished? Will there...

  5. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  6. A bit of a different take on the China / Iran oil trade outlook, as it relates to US sanctions against Iranian oil and...

  7. Hoo boy.  This Saudi Aramco IPO zombie nighmare has turned into a vampire story.  With money being sucked out of bloated, fabulously wealthy Saudi families...

  8. And in totally unexpected news, Iran once again breaks a written agreement.  Its assurances are apparently meaningless.  I'm shocked.  Shocked I tell you!   The Tylers on...

  9. The production elements that manufacture the products and service in capitalist economy models are raw materials,land,labor and money.

  10.   Bloomberg article - Sept 8. A meeting of ministers from OPEC states and their oil-producing allies will take place in Abu Dhabi this week. It...

  11. The Tylers at ZeroHedge weigh in with their analysis of the Saudi Oil Soap Opera.  It ain't pretty. In Saudi Shocker, Al-Falih Ousted As Energy...

  12. - An Iranian tanker that sparked a diplomatic standoff between Tehran and western states has been spotted off the coast of Syria according to US officials...

  13. The clown circus just keeps getting more and more unhinged.  There are consequences to actions.  There is also the Law of Unintended Consequences.  I...

  14. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves and they land in your lap and you look around and go wut the heck? Biden Declares He’s ‘Committed to...

  15. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/07/joe-biden-promises-environmentalist-look-into-my-eyes-i-guarantee-you-we-are-going-to-end-fossil-fuel/ Joe Biden Promises Environmentalist: ‘Look into My Eyes; I Guarantee You, We Are Going to End Fossil Fuel’ 3,599

  16. I imagine if this happens and Iran cannot export oil The world will shaking Prices will rise a lot Inflation will be very high i am thinking  that...

  17. Aug. 28, 2019 : Google announces the Pixel Smart Phone will be moved to Vietnam and the Speaker mfg to Thailand.  There are at least...

  18. The United States has offered several million dollars to the captain of the Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya 1 to steer it to a...

  19. Hint: do not wear an "I Love Canadian Oil & Gas" t-shirt.  Because apparently that is "hate speech". Posted in full below for those who do not...

  20. Another one bites the dust  Another one bites the dust  And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust…  The "Keep Oil & Gas...

  21. China and Venezuela are both feeling the bite of U.S. trade sanctions.  Neither are happy campers. Will China start seizing Venezuelan oil & gas assets...

  22.             .

  23. This is addressed to the technical drilling types on the forum: A few days ago there was a post concerning a well drilled in Alaska...

  24. "Never interrupt your enemy when they are in the process of totally effing things up"  - famous saying by someone on the internet   Climate change, and how to...

  25. Observing the nighttime Dow futures and WTI oil price rising tonight made me wonder at first, but when I saw the article mentioning about Trump announcing...

  26.                                                      ...

  27. "Lower oil prices and ongoing financial stress in the U.S. shale industry are creating headwinds for drillers, and it appears increasingly likely that supply...

  28. What will be the future of Puerto Armuelles now that there is no more Alaska crude and Ecuador is sending less.

  29. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  30. Trump, oil & gas, methane emissions, U.S. federal deregulations, EPA, vested interests, and other fun stuff.   Change Management is generally a challenge to implement...